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Senior prom...

The day every high school girl dreams about...

Fancy dresses...

Handsome dates...

A fun night...

I won't say I wasn't excited for senior prom. But I would say that part of me was NOT looking forward to it. John and I had discussed my senior prom a million times and every time when we imagined it, it was always John and I together dancing the night away. Not me dancing alone like some kind of loner. Don't worry that didn't happen yet. But right now lying on my bed that was all I could think about.

Just a few hours ago John called me. Excited as always I picked up the phone with a smile on my face.

"Hey" I said the smile still steady on my face.

"Hi y/n/n could you meet me at our spot?" Johns voice came in my ear.

Weird. First of all John would never abruptly say that to me. He always asks me how I am or what I was doing or even always tried to add a little "I miss my girlfriend" So then what happened today?

"John is everything alright?"

I asked fearfully.

"I hope so" I heard him whisper on the other end.

"Just please come quickly" He said clearly and the cut the phone.

Ok now I was officially freaking out. Why was john acting this way? Did something happen? Did I do something wrong?

All these thoughts were swarming around my head but ignoring them I made meeting John my priority. I quickly looked at myself in the mirror I looked fine so I didn't make any changes. Then at the speed of light I ran downstairs shouted out to specifically no one that I was leaving and then dashed out of my house. John and I had a special spot where we usually hanged out aka the spot where he took me on our first date. I loved it so much that John took me there a lot resulting in it being our spot.

As I reached there I spotted John already standing. How did the boy always look so good? Ignore that Y/n, important things first.

"John" I said tentatively as he had his back towards me.

"Y/n" John breathed out as soon as he saw me and took a few steps towards me and engulfed me in a tight hug.

"I am so sorry y/n/n," He said between the hug.

Scared, curious and overall worried I broke the hug.

"John what is wrong? Please tell me." I said and even without knowing anything I started dreading the worst.

"Nothings wrong actually things might be great but then they're also bad and Y/n I am so confused I really don't know what to do." He said and I knew he was frustrated.

"Lets sit down and talk" I said calmly knowing it wouldn't be best with two people completely losing their minds.

Turns out John had to go to L.A the same week as my prom as something really important came up. Darian tried her best to reschedule the meetings but it just didn't work. So basically either John had to let the label mess with his album the way they wanted or he had to be there to accept the changes. Stuff that I tried to understand but couldn't seeing I was more on the acting side of this industry. But basically what I did get was the John couldn't come with me to senior prom. As soon as that thing settled in my mind I wanted to cry, but seeing how upset John was about it I let it go. And at that time all I did was reassure him that I was fine and its okay there's always more dates we could go to and have more fun.

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