Chapter 14

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Next morning let's just say was a total chaos. Lauren and I woke up really late and barely had time to take a shower. We sat in the car and had a hurried breakfast then with a small goodbye we dropped Lauren off to her school and then I got dropped. I quickly ran to my locker scared that I might be too late. When I reached my locker I noticed all 4 of my friends standing looking really excited about something. "Hey guys what up?" I asked as I got near them. "You won't believe what Coach Borax (this name just came up from the top of my head) just told us" Liam said excitedly. "What?" I asked taking out stuff from my locker. Liam was part of our schools ice hockey team he was pretty passionate about it and wanted to become a professional ice hockey player when he grew up. "So you know the match that we were playing the last match of this school year?" Liam asked me. "Uhuh" I acknowledged. "A real life ice hockey player is coming to that match" Liam told me excitedly. "Wow that's awesome news will you get to meet him?" I asked Liam happily. "I don't know I hope so" just as he said this, the bell rang and I headed to my first class of the day with Payton.

"So are you excited? " I asked Payton as we walked to class. "I am not as much as Liam is but yeah" Payton was also on the team but he more did it as a hobby rather than thinking of it as a career. "You're gonna come to support us right?" Payton asked me as we headed to our seats in class. "Don't I always?" I asked laughing. Then we both sat down and I thought I should concentrate on the lecture.

The match was next week but everyone was buzzing about it because it was against a school that has never lost any match they have played. It was also the last match of the year so mostly everyone will try to come. At lunch everyone could be heard talking about it. Ashley, the schools mean girl could be heard saying "I don't care if we win or lose I just know they're going to be a lot of cute boys there" while twirling her hair. When I heard this I visibly rolled my eyes. "Hey someone's angry" Angie said to me when she saw my eye roll and lightly punched me on the arm. "Not angry just annoyed I mean are you serious all that girl cares about are boys boys boys" I said rubbing my arm. Our table exploded with laughter.

When I went home I asked my mom if I could go to the match I know it was next week but I like to stay prepared. She allowed as usual but told me to also ask my dad. So when he came home I asked my dad he also allowed. After that I just roamed around the house bored and did an Instagram live. You can imagine how bored I was because I also went to y/b/n and sat with him telling him about the match. He told me to wish Liam and Payton good luck form him too. Then I just headed to my room after dinner and started watching y/f/m. I loved that movie. During the movie I fell asleep dreaming beautiful dreams......

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