Chapter 56

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After the auditions were done. Ashley told us that she would put the cast list up by tomorrow and that we all did a good job but only one can be chosen for each role. Angie rolled her eyes at this and mumbled in my ear "like she wasn't criticising everyone who auditioned. It would be a wonder if she chose anyone". I muffled a laugh.

Ashley then told everyone that I had already gotten the role of Belle. Thankfully everyone accepted and thought it was a good choice. While everyone was congratulating me I looked towards Ashley who had a smile so fake that even a blind man could see through it. That was when I knew that this girl would make this a living hell for me.

As everyone dispersed fron the crowd that had formed around Ashley, my friends and I headed towards the place where we had thrown our backpacks. As I turned back after picking up my bag I noticed a guy standing in the doorway. He was leaning against the wall and smiled when he saw me.

I smiled back. I know I have a boyfriend but I still won't deny he was good Iooking. His brown hair was neatly brushed back and his hazel eyes seemed to glitter as the sun fell upon him. I shook my head and started walking out when he stopped me and came infront of me.

"Do you know who I am?"

He asked causing me to get flustered. I mean why didn't I recognize him.

"Don't worry many people forget who I am"

I looked at him as he spoke again. I raised my eyebrows silently asking for more information.

"Don't you remember the boy in middle school who used to go early practically everyday cuz he missed his mom?"

Suddenly it clicked in my brain.

"You're Mommy Boy Laurence"

We used to call this boy Mommy Boy Laurence because everytime something happened to him he used to say that he wanted his mom to come to him. For example once his crayon broke in 6th grade he started crying and cleed for his mother to fix it. Everyone used to amek fun of him. The only time I had bumped into him was when i had left my jacket on my desk and he had came to return it to me. We all stayed away from him.

I still remember when Angie told me that he was extremely rich and even owned his own car at the age of 12. Even then i thought that that was completely absurd but it was famous that he was filthy rich thats why he was such a crybaby.

"Yup, I look different right?"

He said smiling at me.

"Hmmm I can't belive you're still with us. Where were you all this time?"

I asked him wanting to know why i don't remember him after middle school.

"Well once I entered Freshman year i realized how stupid I was. So I started hiding myself in embarrasment. When in sophomore year people didn't recognize me and called me a new student I played along and well here I am."

He said in one flow. I smiled at him and said:

"Well it was great meeting you again we'll see each other around ok? I have to go someones waiting for me outside...probably"

I started walking away when he came infront of me again.

"We'll probably be seeing each other more than you expect. I auditioned for the role of Beast and i am kind of confident that i'll get it"

He said. I didn't fully register at that time what he meant so I congratulated him and headed outside hoping John was waiting for me.

What i did not expect was the fact that all four of my friends were standing with him and talking to him.

Scared for John, I rushed forward and grabbed John's hand from the back and glared at my friends.

"Why are you talking to my boyfriend?"

I said still looking at them suspiciously.

"Wow possesive much. You do know that we all are in relationships and are pleased with them so we won't steal him from you." Payton said.

I glared at him and tried to push John behind me in order to save him from my crazy friends.

"Come on Y/n you do know Payton and I had to habe the talk with him" Liam said pulling me towards him so that he could see john clearly.

"Angie, Rachel plzzz help me"

I turned to my other friends who just shrugged. They were obviously enjoying all this. Well as they say only those friends are real who laugh at you when you are in a sticky situation...note the sarcasm.

I turned to John who had an amused look on his face.

"So you call yourself our little sisters boyfriend huh?" Payton asked glaring at him.

John simply nodded. I could see he was very amused. He might even be internally laughing inside but didn't laugh out loud just so I wouldn't be embarrased. I smacked my forehead.

"Let me tell you one little thing. If you break our sisters heart, we will break every bone in your body. And take this threat very seriously as you have no idea to what ectebt we can go for our little Y/n here"

Liam said patting me on the back at the end.

"First of all I am literally 2 months younger than you guys and second of all don't you dare talk to john again unless I give you permission"

I said glaring at all of them.

"I feared you would change after a relationship. Aww our little Y/n is all growing up"

Liam said wiping off non existent tears. I went forward to reach to him to do...i have no idea what but it wouldn't have been good...when i felt a hand grab my wrist. Before i could see who it was, the hand pulled me into its embrace.

Now i was sure it was John. I looked up to see him smiling at me. Then he turned to my friends.

"We'll be leaving now. Plus Liam you owe me one now. I just saved you from my extremely aggressive girlfriend"

John said. Causing all my friends to burst into laughter. I pulled out of his warm embrace and started walking off.

I heard John shouting goodbye to all my friends and then I heard footsteps running after me.

I started walking faster knowing if I looked him in the eye I would lose all this anger i had and forgive him. I mean who can stay angry while looking at thoes gorgeous green eyes.

I felt him grab my wrist again and pull me towards his chest (pardon me I am watching too many kdramas😋). He then wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Why are you angry at me?"

He asked as he swung us back and forth.

"You called me an aggressive girlfriend. I was saving you from my friends weurd comments after all"

I said pouting.

"I know I just wanted to stay in thee good books of your friends"

He said as he kissed my forehead.

"You don't have to stay in my friends good books as long as you are in mine you're automatically in theirs too. Plus I know i might have over reacted a bit but stilll"

I said looking up at him. And there it was my weakness. Those green eyes of his. He leaned forward gently placing his lips on mine.

I kissed him back enjoying the short moment of bliss. He pulled away only to pull me in a tight hug.

"Y/n never leave me okay?"

John said as he tightened the hug. I had no idea where this suddenly came from but i tightened the hug too and said "of course".

We stayed in that position for some time. Once we broke the hug John interlocked our hands together and started walking.

"So tell me what happened at the auditions?"

He said and we both started walking.

I wasn't angry at anyone honestly even before but I can do say that I felt at ease right now more than ever before

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