Chapter 44

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The next morning I got up with a weird feeling in my stomach. You know the feeling when you know something is wrong but you don't remember. Exactly that feeling. I lay in bed pondering on what had gone wrong yesterday. Suddenly the light dawned upon me. John and I fought yesterday!! I was scared I'd start crying again but weirdly the lump in my throat just...was there. And even if there were tears threatening to fall they weren't. With a sigh of relief I got out of bed and after a quick shower I got dressed. I headed back to our room to notice Lauren was already up and sitting on our bed with a serious expression on her face. "So until you tell me what's wrong with you we are not leaving the room" Lauren frowned at me. "Nothings wrong Lauren" I tried to convince her but she wasn't me best friend for no reason. "Don't lie to me Y/n" She said still frowning. "I just got into a small argument with John and well he also didn't except my apology.....that's it but I'm ok today" I smiled at her. "Don't take anything John says or does to heart he's a jerk" She said coming over to me. "And remember anytime you're sad remember I am always there for you" She said hugging me. "I know" I said returning the hug. After that Lauren went to freshen up and I headed outside.
I started heading towards the café near our house. It was really cold so I made sure to wrap up warm. I entered the warmth of the café and found a table after ordering a hot chocolate. I was sitting at the table closest to the window and observing the snow falling outside. "Hey I thought I'd meet you here" I heard Sam and turned to face him with a small smile. "Everything alright? You don't seem fine?" He asked me as he sat in front of me. "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked the smile still plastered on my face. "Well I won't act like I didn't notice you and John acting coldly towards each other" Sam said. "Uggh not you too it's nothing he just...doesn't deserve....uggh forget it can we talk about something else I want to be distracted" I sighed looking at Sam pleadingly. " about the bet we had you clearly won so that means I owe you something form the café" Sam said. "Hmm that is true lets see what I about a (favorite flavor) donut" I said after thinking a bit. "Hmm ok wait" He said and got up to order the donut. Till then the hot chocolate also arrived. So when the donut arrived I had an almost full meal. "You also order something...I don't want to be the only one eating" I said after swallowing the first bite of my donut. "Ok but only because you said otherwise I wasn't really hungry" He said and got up leaving a little red dusting my cheeks.
When he came back with a muffin of his own we both sat together and ate our food talking about random stuff. "That's how I got my first detention ever" I ended a story. "Hmm was that your last too?" He asked me with a smirk. "Yess but how did you know?" I asked him. "You don't seem like a girl who would you know get lots pf detentions" he shrugged. "Well you're right...somehow I get out of every detentiony thing I do" I said thoughtfully. "Well with your charming looks and attitude I'm sure the teachers would find it hard to hand you a detention slip" He said smiling at me. Again I felt my cheeks heating up and this only used to happen around John so does that mean I might seriously be over John? I mean in a way it was a good thing I mean clearly we weren't on speaking terms but oh well we'll think about this later. "So do you wanna go snowshoeing?" He asked me once we were both done with our food. "Hmm wait let me ask my mom" I said and took out my phone.
Y: Mom can go snowshoeing with a friend?

M: What is snowshoeing?

Y: Oh you know its like hiking but in special shoes for snow

M: Hmm didn't you have plans with Lauren and John?

Shoot I forgot about the ice-skating plans I had with them. I mean obviously John wouldn't care but Lauren would. I at the end decided I would just text and ask her I hope I'm sure she'd understand.

Y: I can talk to her what do you think can I go or not?

M: Sure if its alright with Lauren and John.

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