Chapter 49

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We were finally back home and boy was I tired. We reached home in the afternoon and my mom made me unpack straight away. She hates it when any of us procrastinate. After unpacking I decided to call Rachel and Angie to Titbits to tell them about my vacation. So after I had told them to meet me there I headed there my self.

"Hey" I said standing up as soon as I saw my two best friends. "Welcome back Y/n/n" Angela said and she came to hug me. After we had our greetings we all sat down and ordered some milkshakes. "Soo Anything you have to tell us?" Rachel asked me excitedly. "What do you think?" I asked them both. "Oh just tell us already" They both said. "Well we might have kissed a few times" I said and that's when they started squealing like crazy. "OMG" They both said. "Tell us every detail" Angie said looking at me excitedly. Then I launched into the whole story it wasn't that long but they were too excited so they didn't say much.

As I ended the story I heard the front door of the diner open. Ignoring it as I kept my attention to my friends who were smiling widely. "You both are just too cute." Rachel said smiling. "You know we miss you too Y/n" I heard Liam and quickly turned around. "Oh hii guys" I said awkwardly. "So what's the reason we weren't invited?" Payton asked me and grabbed a few of my fries too. "Umm you know we were just talking about girl stuff." Angie answered for me knowing I wouldn't be able to answer properly. "Hey we can hear you gushing about your new boyfriend" Liam said also sitting down. "How did you know?" I stuttered. "Hey we have minds so tell us how did it happen?" They asked me. So I briefly very briefly told them everything. "So Pay when are we having the talk with him?" Liam asked Payton. "Never" I said. "Not doing lil sis." Payton said. I groaned while Angie and Rachel just burst into laughter.

I was sitting on my bed and scrolling on my phone when I received a text from John:

J: You free? <3<3

God, why did he always have to send two hearts after every text? I won't deny it though I really liked it.

Y: Yeah why? <3

J: Just wondered if you want to go on our first official date <3<3

Y: Sure where do I meet you??

J: Outside your house <3<3

Y: Okie JJ

He was soo...words can't explain how perfect he is. I got up and started getting ready for our first date. Smiling I opened my wardrobe and started picking the perfect outfit. I went for a floral dress with a black jacket on top. For shoes I decided to wear white converse. Then I sat down and started waiting for John to come.

Very short chapter I know but I wanted to give the first date a whole separate chapter.

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