Chapter 23

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  We both ran downstairs to see the whole Orlando family inside the living room. "Hi Aunt Meredith Mr Orlando" I said waving my hand towards them. "I still don't know why you call mom Aunt but you call dad Mr" Maddie said looking at me. "Umm" I said blushing. "Its okay you can call me Uncle Dale Y/n" Uncle Dale said smiling at me. "Thank you" I said looking at the ground. "So how was your trip?" He asked me. "Oh brilliant" i smiled before turning to Darian and Maddie. "Hi to you guys too" I said smiling at them. "Hey" Darian said. Then lastly I turned to Lauren she didn't even acknowledge my presence "Umm hi Lauren" I said looking at her. In response she just nodded. "Look can we go to your room and talk?" I asked her looking at her. "Hmm" She said and silently headed to her room. I sighed with relief and was about to head after her when John stopped me. "Best of luck" He whispered in my ear and went forward. A cage of butterflies was unlocked in my stomach and when I looked back he smiled at me and nodded towards Lauren. Feeling a bit giddy I followed Lauren to the room with a huge smile on my face.
"So I need to talk to you" I said as soon as we were in her room. "Go ahead" She said looking out of her window. "Why are you angry at me?" I asked her. "I'm not" She said still not looking at me. "Is this about Hayden?" I asked tentatively. When she didn't answer my worst suspicion had been confirmed. "You know I don't like him that way" I said. "How do you know?" She asked squinting at me. "Because I like someone else" I said and then gulped. "WHAT!!!" Lauren shouted al coldness melted away. I mentally face palmed myself. I couldn't tell Lauren that I had a crush on her brother I literally just made her talk to me again. "Oh look it looks like your mom is calling us" I said and ran out of the room. "Y/N M/N L/N!!" she shouted after me. Ignoring her I ran downstairs and went to sit in the living room.
I sat next to Maddison. "Is everything alright?" She asked me when she saw me. I just nodded. Just then Lauren came in with a smirk on her face. Oh no what if she mentions it in front of everyone here meaning in front of Johnny. THIS IS A DISASTER. So I looked at her pleading with looks not to say anything. But well what are best friends for if they don't expose their other best friends. "Y/n has a crush on someone Y/n has a crush on someone" She sang as she came inside. I felt the whole room turn to look at me surprised. I turned red and shyly smiled at them. I looked around to see everyone with either a surprised face or an inquisitive face but one face showed anger. John's face? I looked at him questioning what was wrong and he just shook his head and turned his face into an inquisitive face too. That's weird John shouldn't be angry..."So who is it?" I heard Lauren which stopped my train of thought. "Ummm what who?" I asked trying to buy time to think of some excuse. "I'm thinking its someone from L.A cuz that's where you were" Lauren said thoughtfully. "It's not a big deal I have to stop thinking about him because well we just wouldn't work" I stammered. "Oooo so it's someone from L.A and you think long distance won't work" She went on. "Ummm uhh aghh" I wanted to say something but all that came out was incoherent words. "But it's ok you go to a high school you'll find someone you have to find someone cuz it's senior year which means senior prom" Lauren went on. "Ok ok Lauren enough I'll think about it soon but not now" I said to her finally. "Yeah and when you do I'll be there" She smiled hugging me. "Thank you" I said hugging her back.
"Dad can I go on a drive?" John asked Uncle Dale just then. Huh drive now what???"Yeah sure you can" uncle Dale also said confused. John left the room. "What's wrong with him?" Lauren asked her family. "He was fine just a second ago" Darian said shrugging. I slumped on the sofa I was sitting on. I really didn't believe he was upset about me. But I wanted to. I wanted him to feel really upset about the fact that I had a crush on someone but I mean.... "Earth to Y/n" I heard Lauren. "Huh?" I snapped into reality. "I think she left the room mentally as soon as John left the room physically" Maddison said and the whole room burst into laughter.
Two hours had passed and John still wasn't back. "Umm Aunt Meredith John still isn't back do you think he's fine?" I asked her like it wasn't a big deal but it was a huge deal. "He's probably with his friends or he's still blowing of his steam" Aunt Meredith told me. "Or he's at that secret place he has" Darian said as everyone started laughing. "Secret place?" I asked them. "Well he sometimes brags about how he has this secret place to goes to when he's upset but none of us really believe him" Lauren told me. "Oh" I just said but my mind was working really fast. He has taken me to his secret place maybe he's there right now. I need to know if he is or not.
Suddenly I stood up. "I think it's late I should go home" I said looking at Lauren. "Oh ok we'll hangout again later" she smiled. Don't find that odd we always say bye like that. I waved to everyone else and ran outside grabbing my white jacket. Now all I had to do is find the directions to the secret place. But I suck at directions. Ok Y/n concentrate we started from my house so that's where I should go first. So I started following a route I thought was correct. In the middle I also rode on uber too and miraculously when I explained where I had to go he said he knew only one place like that. Taking a chance I asked him if he could take me there. He did and guess what I saw John sitting exactly where we sat almost a year ago. I thanked the uber driver and he even requested to wait for me. So I gladly accepted it. I slowly walked over to John and said "Hey"
Now all I have to do is wait for the response..........

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