Chapter 4

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As soon as i reached home my brother dragged me to his room. 'What the heck y/b/n???" I protested while being dragged. "You wouldn't be whining once you know what has happened y/n/n" He said and opened his laptop. Did I mention before that my older brother is kind of my manager whenever it comes new roles or record deals or interviews he arranges them for me. So right now i also reckoned that this was something about my career. I was still thinking about what it would be when he showed me an email from Disney saying I had gotten the role I had auditioned for. Two months earlier I had auditioned for a role in a show Coop and Cami: Ask the World(it would be a made up role I would not be replacing anyone if you know about the show) and now they were emailing me to say I had gotten the role. I quickly started jumping up and down and started rambling "OMG I AM GOING TO BE IN A DISNEY SHOW THATS A BIG THING... that's a big thing right? I mean i think it is the biggest thing that could happen......"I was continuously rambling when my brother placed his hands on my shoulder and told me to calm down. After i had calmed down a bit we both ran to tell the news to our parents. They were super excited for me too and congratulated me.

After i had told my whole family, I ran upstairs to call Lauren. "GUESS WHAT I GOT THE ROLE"I said as soon as Lauren picked up the phone. She also started celebrating with me. Well after we both discussed this for an hour she finally had to go. As i ended the call i noticed a text message from John.

J: You left without saying goodbye :(:(

Y: Hey i wasn't the one who took an hour to shower.

J: Annnnnnd why was i taking a shower???

Y: Because you resembled a ketchup packet.

J: Annnnnd why was that?

Y: Because you had ketchup all over you

J: Oh god you are not going to admit you did it will you??

Y: Depends.....

J: I hate you

Y: Love you too

J: Ughhhhh

Y: Well i have good news that might cheer you up

J: Hmmm??



Y: Hmmm

J: So on a scale of 1 to 10 how excited are you?

Y: 1000000000000

J: Hahahahahaha very funny

After that we chatted for a long time then i had to go as mom wanted me for lunch.

After lunch i went to tell my best friends about the role i got, My school friends. I had two best friends: Angie short for Angela and Liam. There was also Rachel but we met her after she started dating Liam. Angie and Liam were my friends since kindergarten and they knew me better than anyone in the world. We had a meeting spot at a diner called "Titbits". So after texting them to come there i started heading there myself. I reached there after 5 minutes. I opened the door and headed to the table we usually sit on. I waited for a few minutes and even ordered myself a strawberry milkshake. As soon as i took the first sip from my milkshake i saw my friends entering

"Angie, Liam Over here" I waved to them. "Hii y/n what is the important news you had to give us" Angie said sitting down. "Welll you know the role i auditioned for. I GOT THE PART" I said happily. "EEEEEEEKKK" Angie squealed and hugged me. "Way to go y/n/n" Liam shouted high fiving me. " Plz be quiet you are disturbing other people" a waitress came and said to us. " But there is one thing couldn't you tell this to us over text" Liam said frowning. "Are you stupid Liam she did right to call us this is big news" Angie protested. "Thank you Angie" I smiled. "Okay okay fine but still you owe me one Y/n" Liam said shaking his head. "Yeah of course I do in your dreams" I said and laughed with Angie.

After talking for some time i reckoned it was time i went home so after saying good bye i headed home......

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