Chapter 61

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Today was the day of the play. Let me give you a little information first on how everyone reacted to me quitting my role.

The drama teacher was absolutely furious. It had only been a week into our rehersals but she still felt like I had learned everything and it would be hard for another student to fill in. Plus the entire time during the remaining rehersals she kept murmuring how the new Belle didn't even look like Belle. I was so used to her murmurs that after the first 10 times I was completely immune to them.

My friends were shocked.

"Did music boy not allow you?"

They all asked together. Weirdly every single one also called him music boy. I mean my friends can be annoying but I still love them with my whole heart.

"Nope I just decided to let go you know"

I shrugged.

"There has to be a good reason"

Rachel asked me wanting me to elaborate more.

"I don't know I just felt like it was the best thing to do"

I shrugged again.

"Does he know you quit because of him?

Liam asked me.


I said amused as all my friends mouths flew open.

"Would you tell him?"

Angie asked me.

"I'll see"

I said and looked at them as they looked at each silently conversing.

I sighed loudly causing all of them to turn to me

"Lets not talk about it anymore. I have made my decision let me atleast feel like it was the right decision"

I said as I started feeling like I made a huge mistake.

After that my friends threw away the doubtful gazes and started acting naturally again. I do believe I made the right decision. At night Angie and Rachel called me and talked to me about it again.

"So how would he react when you have to kiss someone for a movie or tv series?"

Angie asked me concern peeking out of her eyes.

"Lets just say we'll overcome that obstacle when it comes"

I said smiling at my phone screen.

"I trust him. I know he would never be that possesive and over protective. I'm sure he'll take it brilliantly."

Rachel said comfortingly making me smile widely.

Next reaction I would like to write about is Lawrence's reaction. He just stared at me while Ashley was announcing the new Belle. And after we were all taking our places for the dance rehersal he approached me.

"Oh hey Lawrence"

I said while tying my shoe laces. He just stared at me. After making me feel like I was fully x-rayed through his gaze he finally spoke up:

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Why would you do something wrong?"

I asked genuinely clueless.

"Did you drop the role of Belle because of me?"

He asked me still looking in my eyes.

"No why would I do that?"

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