Chapter 31

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 Today was the day of the party. The party started at 8:00 pm and ended I don't know when cuz it wasn't written on the invitation. Wait talking bout the invitation where is it? OMG I lost the invitation. Why am I that stupid?? I called over all my school friends and they all came over. I love my friends. "What's wrong?" Liam said as soon as he came. "I lost today's party invitation" I said wringing my hands. "Did I not say you need to behave more maturely now look you lost the invitation you received a week ago" Payton said crossing his arms over his chest. "Ok now that we know it is lost can we find it rather than scolding her" Angie said putting an arm around my shoulder. "Thank you Angie" I smiled at my best friend. Then we all started the massive hunt for the invitation card. After 30 minutes of searching we finally found it under my bed. "Why didn't we look there before?" Rachel said looking at us. "I don't know" I shrugged. "More importantly why didn't Y/n look their in the first place?" Liam asked me. "Who looks for an invitation under a bed" I protested. "Everyone" Payton simply said while I glared at him. We then just sat in my room talked about our plans for the night. "I am thinking you girl want to get ready together so we both pick you up and then we all head to the party. How about that?" Liam said looking at Payton who nodded with approval. "I think that would work" Rachel said looking at the girls. Angie and I also nodded in approval. So now the plan was also made. All my friends went back home and promised to come in the evening to get ready.
After a few hours I got a call from Lauren who showed me what she was wearing for the party. I admired it and then showed her what I was wearing. "Omg I can picture you would look absolutely gorgeous in this outfit" She squealed once I showed her everything. Just then Maddie entered Lauren's room. "Ooooo is that you're outfit for the party?" She asked me. "Yup" I nodded. "You'll look gorgeous" She smiled and went back. Lauren and I talked a little more and then we both decided to end the call as she reckoned she should start getting ready. "You know there are 3 hours till the party?" I told her when she said she needed to get ready. "Well don't they say the early bird gets the worm" She smiled and I burst into laughter. Then we both hung up and I started waiting for my friends to turn up.
Angie and Rachel arrived after an hour. Meaning we just had 2 hours to get ready. "Actually less than 2 hours cuz we have to reach there too" Rachel said taking out her outfit. "Rachel we don't have to reach on spot at 8:00 pm" I looked at her in surprise. "Yeah we're going to be fashionably late" Angie said flipping her hair. We all burst into laughter. Then we started getting ready. "Wow Y/n you look beautiful" Rachel said as soon as I ready. "I am not wearing the dress yet" I smiled. "Yeah but you still look pretty even in what you're wearing now" Angie complimented. "Thanks you guys are going to look beautiful too just you see" I smiled and grabbed my dress to go change in it. After we were all done we all agreed that we looked absolutely gorgeous. "You know who's going to be surprised today?" Angie said a smirk on her face. "Don't even say it" I said packing up my make up. "Johnnnnnnyyyyyyy" They both said and started giggling. "Instead of thinking about me how about you both focus on the fact that your boyfriends will be here any minute" I smirked at them knowing they'd start freaking out once they remember that. And I was right. First they freaked out then they looked in the mirror a thousand times. While I texted the guys cuz it was 8:00 already:
Y: Guys where are you?
L: Umm coming....
Y: Is something wrong??
P: No of course not just someone fell asleep and just woke up.
Y: Well be quick Liam!!!
L: Ok Ok we're coming
After I sat on my bed scrolling through fan edits and liking some while my other best friends were still talking about how excited they are for John to see me. I occasionally rolled my eyes at what they were saying. Finally the boys came. I sighed with relief and after complimenting their girlfriends they turned to me. "Looking nice L/n" Payton said high fiving me. "You don't look to shabby yourself Grant" I replied using his last name. He laughed. Then Liam came over to me. "Hey look at that my little sister is all grown up" He said pulling me in for a hug and then ruffling my hair. "You know you're just 3 months older than me" I said squinting at him. "3 months and 12 days to be exact" He said playfully winking at me. I groaned.
After that we all headed to the party laughing and chattering but there was only one thing on my mind. Were my friends right and will Johnny think I look as gorgeous as the rest of them had called. A smile formed on my face as we reached the gate of Town Hall.
Patting down my dress I looked over to my friends and we all entered together.....

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