Chapter 12

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"WOW" was all that came out of his mouth then. "Pretty right?" I asked. "Yeah now I get what we're doing here" He said. "Well glad you do it would save me from explaining everything in you thick skull cuz we don't have enough time---- JOHN" I shouted at the end as he started to tickle me. "John......plzzz.....stop" I said out of breath as he continued to tickle me. "Say sorry" He said. "ok ok sorry sorry" I gasped. "There I left you it was that easy" he said stopping and then just standing and smirking. "I hate you" I grumbled. "Aww I love you too" He smiled.

After that I set down the food and other stuff that I had. Once we sat down John asked me "So what are we doing here? like I mean why did you arrange this picnic?" "Well when you talked to me in the morning I kind of agreed with you I mean you get it right? So i wanted to do something special that I could remember while I'm in L.A and you can remember while in Canada." I said. We talked about random stuff after that eating the sandwiches and berries mom packed for us. While eating I suddenly remembered something. "John why did you tell me not to tell Lauren about you coming to me?" I asked him. "Well because she thinks we're ummmm we're....." He wanted to say. "We're what?" I asked taking a sip of my juice. "Umm dating" He said quickly. "Whaaaaat" I said almost spitting out my juice. "Yeah ever since you left after Halloween she thinks there's something going on between us" He shrugged. "Huh ohhh yeah I remember she asked me on the next day of Halloween if I had a crush on you or not and I thought I had assured her that there was nothing going on between us but she didn't understand I guess" I said in a flow. "Hmm remember the fight we had on her birthday that was about this too" He said looking at me. "I'm soo sorry I've been coming in between you guys like that" I said looking at him too. "Hey its not your fault she just overthinks and she needs to stop that" He said . "Hmm maybe you're right" i said clearly still worried. "Hey I'm always right' He said leaning back and taking a bite from his sandwich. "Always right?" I said and burst into laughter. After sometime Johnny also joined in so lets jus say we laughed for a while.
After that we talked random stuff for sometime when I looked at the time. "Oh no John can you believe it 3:30 already?" I asked him. "Why do you have homework again?" He asked me. "No my mom said that I need to be home by 5:00 otherwise she'll ground me" I said. "Wow since when did your mom start giving you threat like these?" He asked me surprised. "I was surprised myself" is aid getting up and dusting my dress. We packed everything up and threw the trash in a nearby dustbin.
Johnny and I started heading over back to the bus stop when for fun I reckoned we could have a race there. The pathway mostly was covered with grass and when the pavement came the bus stop also came. So after taking a few steps forward I shouted "Race you to the bus stop" and started running quickly towards it. Hallway there I stopped because suddenly from all sides water started springing out. I turned to see John still running towards me despite the fact the sprinklers were on. So me being my usual competitive self started running again. I ran for a few seconds when I felt two arms wrap around my waist and picking me up. "AAAAAAAA" I screamed as John twirled me round and round "John this is cheating let me down" i shouted. He let me down but I had to still endure the after effects of twirling so fast. After I had gained my sense of direction again I raced towards him. the sprinklers were still on and hella annoying . I reached John and to slow him down I jumped up on his back. At first he jumped a little too but then boom he started twirling again. "Ok ok I'll get down" I said tired of twirling soo much. He stopped and then when I got down he started running again. The sprinklers had finally stopped. So with a boost i ran up to John and was running neck to neck with him. He looked at me smiled and waved and then ran ahead with his on boost. Damn it looks like he won and by the time I reached the bus stop he was standing and looking around for the bus. "Oh good race" he said when he spotted me. And I just looked at him with half my eyes closed. that made him laugh.

Well the bus arrived at that second at we went inside and plopped ourselves on two empty seats together. As we were sitting I noticed John looking at me with this weird kind of intensity you know the way his green eyes were boring into my y/e/c ones. He kept on looking at me like that till I raised my eyebrows. "Nothing" he said and started looking in front of us. "Are you sure cuz you were looking at me weirdly?" I said. "Meaning?" he asked looking at me again (normally). "You know like this" i said and tried to look at him like that but failed. "trust me that's creepy and there's no way I look like that" he said. "Ok maybe not like that but you were still looking at me weirdly" i said crossing my arms. "God Y/n you're such a pain" he said. "PAIN?? I gave you the best day of your life and you call me a pain" I said almost shouting. "Ok OK calm down" he said putting his hand on mine.
We reached Titbits soon but John persuaded me to let him walk me home. Once we reached home we turned to each other to say good bye. We both hugged. Johns hugs are.......I can't explain them but the word perfect would summarize them. They always make one feel really comfortable if you know what I mean. And its always sad to finally let go. "Thanks for this magical day" John said breaking the hug. "thanks for making it magical" I smiled goofily. Well then after one short hug he left.
I waved to him till he was gone......................

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