Chapter 38

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I said good bye to all the Orlando's and started heading back home. My mind filled with many thoughts on the way home. I mean I clearly like Johnny there was no denying that but were we meant to be? I shook my head. No y/n you have to focus on something else John is completely off limits and there is no way you can ever be with him. Lauren is wayyy more important to you than Johnny can ever be. With a more organized mind, I entered my house. After spending the whole day with my family, I went to sleep.
I woke up 6 days later on New years morning. I woke up, showered and then got dressed. Then I headed downstairs for breakfast. "Morning mum Morning Dad Morning y/b/n" I said to my family, hugging my mom and then sitting down next to her. "Someone's feeling good" My brother commented as I sat down. I raised my eyebrow and looked at him. "you know this is the first day you said good morning to me by my name" My brother said smirking. "Yeah I know I plan to make it my new year resolution what do you think?" I said smiling at him mischievously. "How about you also keep a few more resolutions like have to be respectful to my brother and have to listen to my brother and maybe even never disagree with my brother" My brother said the smirk still plastered on his face. I just stuck my tongue out at him.
"So what are you're plans for today?" my mother asked me. "Probably going to go to Angies New year party" I shrugged. "Hmm" My mom just said. "Why what's wrong?" I asked her suspiciously "Nothing" she just shrugged. "Are you hiding something from me?" I asked her. "Why would I hide something from you?" She smiled at me. I looked towards my father who was suddenly really interested in his food and m brother who was looking at my mom as if she had told a secret to me that she had to hide. "What is going on?" I asked my family. "Nothing" they all replied together. I huffed and started gobbling down my breakfast to leave the tense room I guess I had created.
As soon as I finished breakfast I ran upstairs to my room. I flopped on my bed and started scrolling through Instagram. Just then I received a text from Lauren. I opened it and read it:
L: My mom and dad are acting weirdly today.
L: what do you mean yours too?
Y: Mine are acting differently too
L: Weird...

L: Anyways my mom told me to invite you and your family to my house for dinner
Y: Huh?
L: I know its weird but just go with it
Y: Hmm Ok
I closed my phone and sat up. What was going on with my family and also Lauren's family? I decided to call John and ask him if he knew anything. Even thought he never knew anything going on in his house it was worth a try. So I opened my phone and called John. After three rings he picked up. "What's up?" He asked me groggily. "Do not tell me you were asleep" I said partially guilty for waking him up but partially also thinking it was too late for someone to sleep now. "I was but now I'm not" He replied. "It's 12:30 pm no one should sleep when its pm" I protested. "Don't you sleep at 10:oo PM?" He teased me emphasizing on the pm. "Ughhh you know what I mean?" I said not in the slight irritated but still acted like I was. "Ok well why did you call me?" He said chuckling. "Did you know my family is coming to your house tonight?" I asked him. "Yeah I knew. Why?" He asked me confused. "Don't you find it weird?" I asked him. "Yeah a bit but I mean maybe mom just wants to meet your mom, their good friends you know" He said. I know that but still I thought maybe you knew something I didn't" I said. After a few seconds of silence I said " Well then I guess I'll see you in the evening" "Yeah" he said. Then after a short goodbye we ended the call. I flopped on my bed again.
My mom, dad and my brother were rushing here and there they always did when we were going out somewhere. Some people will say we were unorganized but I think it was more that they just liked to rush here and there at last minute. I smoothed out the dress I was wearing and took a deep breath wondering what will happen at the Orlando's. Because I for one knew this wasn't a normal day.

sorry for the slow update I'll try to update every weekend now :):)


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