Chapter 6

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I was sitting on the window seat waiting for john when i felt a pebble hit the window. I looked over to see John standing and waving to me. "Are you serious?" I shouted down to him. "You know I'm lazy" He shouted and I laughed. I quickly ran outside to see him standing. To be honest I never saw actually how good looking he is like how perfectly his hair falls and how his eyes shine when the sun reflects on then and.......... wait wait y/n are you crazy what is wrong with you? I quickly shook my head and walked to him. "Are you alright?" He asked me. "Ummm yeah just a fly was buzzing around my head i shook it off nothing much you know how annoying flies are they just buzz......." I started rambling what is wrong with me i never ramble in front of John. "You serious you alright?" he asked again. Ok so he noticed i was rambling i quickly nodded my head and smiled. "Well you look nice" He said. My instincts told me to say the same but that would be weird because i never would say that to John normally. "Well thank you but when do i not" I said flipping my hair. He laughed. "Ok Y/n's here" He said. Thank God i did not say you too. I silently breathed out with relief. "So shall we?" He asked me. I smiled and nodded my head.
We both sat in the car and John started driving. "So where are you taking me?" I asked as soon as he started driving. "You'll know when we reach there" He said eyes on the road. "I hate you" I said playfully punching him in the arm. "I love you too" He said and I laughed remembering that I said the same to him on text.
Well after laughing, talking and driving for half an hour John stopped the car. "We're here" He said. Curious to see where we were I got out quickly and in front of me was a cliff overlooking the most breathtaking view i had ever seen. "Nice huh?" I heard John behind me. "Its beautiful" I said looking at him. "I come here when I'm upset or to write songs even sometimes this is my first time coming here with someone" He said. "Wow" Was all that came out of my mouth. "So wanna go forward i usually sit on the edge of the cliff" He said. I smiled widely and went forward and went to sit my feet dangling down the cliff.

"Tell me John if i jump from here would i live?" I asked John looking down. "Yeah and you'll be ready to do it again" he said sarcastically making me burst into laughter. We both sat there for hours and just talked about random stuff and told jokes to each other. When i remembered he also promised to do my homework and as i said before i was not passing up this chance. "Umm John my homework" I said innocently. "Don't act so innocent i know you've been wanting to do it since that i would do it for you" He said laughing. "Welllll sooo" I said again. "You know i hate you right" Johnny said all serious-like. "Yes and you know that i love you too right?" I also said seriously. Causing us both to start laughing.
Well after sometime we got up and headed home. While in the car I said "Thank you I feel better now" I said. "Yeah I know I'm awesome no need to remind me again" he said arrogantly and I just laughed. John does make me really happy. I mean even the lamest jokes that he cracks makes me laugh cuz he says them so hilariously. Maybe i might be having a teeny crush on a specific green-eyed boy who also happens to be my best friends brother. URGHHH
When we reached home, I dragged John up to my bedroom to do homework. We both laid on my bed and started doing my homework. Actually John was lying down and i was sitting up writing whatever he told me too. "So how much words is that?" He said. "Ummm 498" I said. "Well just add an 'i love Canada' phrase" He said getting up and closing the book. "Again Thank you" I said smiling "No problem" He said getting up and stretching. "So am I allowed to go home now." He said. "Yes sir you are" I smiled.
Well then he went outside i followed him and after a goodbye which consisted of a looong hug(ok maybe I am exaggerating) he left me waving till he was out of sight

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