Chapter 35

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The next day I woke up and looked at the time. It was late for me but not for other people. I quickly got up and went to take a shower and get dressed. After I was ready I headed downstairs. I had promised Lauren I would spend the whole day with her and also have a sleep over at her house. I also packed the things I needed for the night. When I reached downstairs I noticed no one was awake. So I made myself a peanut and butter sandwich with a strawberry Frappuccino. Once I had finished my breakfast I received a text from Lauren:
Y: It's barely 10:00 am
L: Yes and we were supposed to spend the whole day together!!!!!!
Y: Ok I'm on my way
I quickly shut my phone and after grabbing my night bag plus the bag in which I had gifts for the Orlando's I ran towards my front door. Exiting it I started heading towards Laurens house. I reached her house in record time and rang the bell. The door opened almost at once it was almost like Lauren was standing behind the door and as soon as I rang the bell she opened it. "Were you standing behind the door? Because the way you opened the door it did seem like that" I said entering the house. "Psshh of course not that's sooo stupid" she said causing me to laugh. "Well anyways Merry late Christmas" Is aid handing her her gift. "Aww thank you let's go upstairs and I'll give you my gift plus I'll open yours to" She said and we both headed to her room. We reached the room and sat on the bed. "Here you go Merry late Christmas to you too" She said handing me her gift. I opened it to find a beautiful bracelet. "WHAT!!" I said. "What's wrong?" Lauren asked me and stopped unwrapping her gift. "Just open your gift" I squealed excitedly. "Why what's in it?" She asked. "Open it and see" I said bouncing up and down. When she finally opened it she burst into laughter. We had gotten each other the exact same bracelet but in different colors. Mine was pink while her bracelet was light blue. "This is the best coincidence in the whole year." Lauren squealed. "That cannot be denied" I said putting on my bracelet. "Let's go show it to mom" She said and got up. I followed her. We reached the kitchen and saw that Aunt Meredith, Darian and Maddie were all in the kitchen and the joint living room. "Hi" I said to all of them with a smile. "Hi Y/n how was your charity event yesterday?" Aunt Meredith asked me. "Oh it was awesome by the way did all of you know about it?" I asked them remembering John coming to it. "Oh no I think Lauren only told me" Aunt Meredith said to me. "Yeah I did only tell you but right now Y/n and I have to show you something." Lauren said and showed the bracelet to her mom. "Wow it's beautiful Lauren" Aunt Meredith said. "Why do I think I have seen it somewhere" Darian said she had come closer to see what Lauren had to show them. "Of course you have Y/n show them" Lauren said to me. So I showed them my bracelet. "We got each other the same Christmas gift" Lauren said and we all burst into laughter this time. I guess this just shows great minds think alike" I said to Lauren.
Lauren and I had decided to go have something warm to warm us up and something sweet because obviously we both had a sweet tooth. I was sitting, scrolling through my phone, waiting for Lauren when I heard some movement around me. I looked up to see a John looking for something in the fridge. Knowing he would probably be half asleep, I had the idea of scaring him. So I crept towards the fridge and hid beside it. As soon as John closed the fridge I yelled 'boo' in his ear causing him to leap up in fright. "Y/N!! God I could have had a heart attack" he said clutching his heart. "OH my god that was hilarious I needed to film that" I said laughing. "I think that was mean" he said going towards the stove to start making breakfast for himself. "No no John you need to see the funny side to it" I said still laughing softly. "Ok maybe it was a bit funny" he said looking at me. "Well you need to admit I got you good" I said sitting on the counter next to where he was breaking eggs in bowl. After that we talked while he his breakfast which all know....eggs. "Then you add a little bit of salt on the eggs once there done for good taste" John said. "You do know I know how to make eggs so you don't need to teach me" i asked him my eyebrows raised. "Yeah I know but have you ever learnt from the master of making eggs" He said and grabbed a spoon from a drawer. I smiled. "Now for the taste test" he said and after filling the spoon with eggs he raised it towards my mouth. "I do the taste test?" I asked surprised. "Of course" He smiled bringing the spoon closer to me. I opened my mouth and engulfed it all. I noticed him looking at me while I chewed trying to determine the taste. They were really good but I wasn't the person who boosted up his ego. "Hmm I'll give it a 3 out of 10" I said after swallowing the whole. "A 3 out of 10 come on Y/n it has to be better than that" he whined making me burst into laughter. "What's so funny?" I heard Lauren from the doorway. "Oh nothing" I said quickly getting off the the counter I was sitting on. "Hmm you ready Y/n?" She asked me. "Yeah of course" I said and after saying a good bye to John we both headed out side.
"So where to first?" Lauren asked me....  

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