Chapter 19

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 Its been 7 months in L.A and a lot has happened. My first E.P came out it is called 'Personal' and its getting a lot of love from my fans only the haters hate it but who cares about the haters. Also as you know I have been filming for Coop and Cami: Ask the World and trust me I love acting. Acting is like lets say a part of me because whenever I am acting I feel like myself. My current director loves my skills and is always appreciating me. This always gives me a boost to perform better. Ruby Rose Turner, who plays Cami in the show, is my best friend here. The amount of time we spend together is too much. When I'm not with Ruby I'm usually with Charli and Chase. Chase is like an older brother to me and he sometimes acts like I walk with my eyes closed. No boy can talk to me when he's around unless the guy wants to have broken teeth. Charli and I are also really close and I spend a lot of time with her. We've been friends ever since I decided to go in this field and she gives a lot of good advice in this area. And when I have days off I spend time with my family. We have family dinners and bonding times. My school is also going great. Trust me all those kids out there who want to be home schooled don't think being home schooled is some kind of bliss its the exact opposite. The fun thing about school is friends and without that schools just a bore. But now I'm done with Junior year and can't wait to go back to my real school and do Senior year with my friends. I have also been spending time with my other friends like Jules and Hayden. Hayden and I are the closest. We tell each other everything and spend a ton of time together. I think Hayden is the only one who knows that I miss Johnny a lot alongside Lauren the rest see it as me just missing Lauren and not really missing her family a lot. Hayden even asked me once if I had a crush on John. But no way was I telling John's best friend that I had a crush on John. Nope so I just laughed the idea off saying that that was the most ridiculous thing Hayden could ever say or even think. My birthday also came and the Orlando's surprised me by coming to L.A. Nothing important happened other than that. Oh yeah during my birthday John and I were acting really weird because the memory of the airport was fresh in both of our minds then but after that we both reached on an unsaid agreement to forget about it and act normal. So after that we were normal again. So in short it has been a very exciting few months.
Today was the last day on set for the whole cast. So in the morning I woke up and dressed up. Then I asked my brother to drop me off at the set. If there was one thing I hated it was probably getting to work late. As soon as I reached there I started looking for Ruby. I couldn't find her anywhere. While I was looking I noticed Dakota (who plays Coop) and Paxton (who plays Ollie) sitting on some chairs nearby. "Hey guys what's up?" I asked them sharing a high five with Dakota while side hugging Paxton and sitting next to him on another chair. "We're fine how are you?" Dakota asked me. "Fine do you know where Ruby is?" I asked them. "I think she didn't come yet" Paxton told me. "Hmm isn't like her to be late" I murmured. "Soo its the last day today" Dakota said looking at me. "Hmm I'm kind of sad I mean you guys have become almost like my family" I said pouting. "It's always sad to say goodbye but who knows maybe we get picked up for another season you're almost a main character now" Dakota said to me. "wait she's not a main character?" Paxton asked me confused causing me and Dakota both to burst into laughter. Basically I was playing a girl called Isabella who was close friends with Cami and Coop also seemed to have a crush on her. (Again this is a made up part there is no Isabella in the real series). As we were laughing I spotted Ruby putting her bag down. "RUBS!!" I shouted running towards her. "Y/N/N!!" She shouted as she came running towards me. Ok that was our everyday greeting don't think its weird. After sitting with Ruby and the others a little more we were called by the dressing manager to start getting ready. The last few scenes we had to shoot had to do with a school dance we all go to so I was wearing a turquoise dress with sequins on the upper half . After dressing up my hair and makeup artist called me to get my hair and makeup done.
After we were all wrapped up the kids of the cast decided to go get milkshakes to celebrate. The place we went to was quite near by our set so once we were done we could easily go there. After we all had our milkshakes we all went back to the set to say goodbye to the cast and crew. Ruby and I were having a sleepover at my house so we both said goodbye to everyone and headed o my house. After having dinner with my family we both went upstairs to my room and I have no idea why but suddenly Ruby had this idea of talking about boys. Trust me this was a topic I had trying to avoid for a long time. "Sooo do you have a crush on anyone??" Ruby started the dreaded conversation. "what do you think?" I asked her. "Well a little birdie told me that there might be someone you like who's name starts with J annnnnd ends with N" She smirked. "Hmm who could that be?" I played along. "I'm serious Y/n/n Do you have a crush on John or not? you know you can tell me everything" Ruby said sitting straight. "Well that's ridiculous whoever gave you the idea just doesn't know us well because the person who knows us well would never think there was something going on between John and I" I said. "hmm well if you have a crush on him I'll find out" she said grabbing a pillow and hugging it while I just had a fake smile plastered all over my face wishing she would change the topic but that didn't seem to be happening. "So tell me when was the last time you kissed a boy and who was it?" She asked me. "ummm I haven't had my first kiss yet" I said clearly embarrassed. "Ok when was the last time you had an almost kiss and who was it?" Ruby asked me again. When I heard this the airport memory came flashing back causing me to turn red. "Oooo there's something spill girl" ruby said getting excited. "Oh its nothing trust me what about you when was your last kiss?" I asked her trying to change the topic. Weirdly, she didn't enquire me further maybe it was because she got a hint that I didn't want to or maybe because she just had to talk about her last kiss either way I sighed with relief.....  

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