Chapter 54

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John drove me to the Orlando's house even though I protested a lot he was reluctuant to drive me back home claiming Lauren will murder him if he even thought about such a thought. So I slumped in my seat with a pout on my face an started ignoring John

"Hey I'm just following your best friends orders why are you upset with me?"

I glared at him and continued looking out of the window.

"I will repeat myself what did i find attracting in you?"

I smiled at him and started listing all my qualities for him.

"You know the real reason why I like you?"

I looked at him with interest, he had finally said something that had piqued my interest.

It wasn't just your looks, even though i love them too, but it was rather your entire personality. Remember when you told me that you couldn't do 'this' after our second kiss?"

I nodded shyly recalling the moment when I said that.

"Well at that point when you said that I knew I couldn't move on. I'd try it for you but I knew I couldn't you are just sooo....perfect."

I blushed crimson red. Why dod he have to say such sweet things.

"What would you have done then? You know if I hadn't come to you the next night?"

I asked him wanting to know what he was going through at that time.

"Probably would have talked to Lauren and begged her to allow me to be able to call you mine without you feeling guilty"

I smiled again.

"What if she still didn't agree?"

I asked wanting him to tell me more about what he felt for me.

"What do you want me to say? That I'd run away with you...some place where Lauren couldn't say or do anything?"

I playfully glared at him the butterflies that had started flapping around in my stomach started settling down.

He laughed at my reaction and grabbed my hand interlocking our fingers and kissing my knuckles.

"I won't deny I did think that as an option. I like you Y/n. I like you a lot if I haven't stressed on that fact enough. I would have done anything to be able to call you mine...except maybe something illegal"

I smacked his shoulder at the last comment. He just chuckled. I think based on the way I was blishing he probably knew he had already had the affect on me that he wanted to.

He is such a flirt I thought as we pulled up to the Orlando's

Lauren met me with a squeal and hug as soon as I entered the house.

"Y/n L/n you are sooo hard to contact"

She said to me as soon as she broke the hug.

"It hasn't been that long since I last saw you"

I said as she started dragging me to her room.

"Welll i know but still I missed you"

I looked back at John and waved him goodbye as I was getting dragged by Lauren. His eyes brightened at this little action causing me to giggle.

Lauren and I spent the whole time discussing different things. Then the topic came to my audition and Lauren repeatedly tried to make me audition for Belle but i told her I wan fine with being just a villager and working behind the stage.

Well after the I felt like it was really late I decided to go home. When I texted my mom asking her where she was she said she was out and could be there to pick me up after a few minutes. So Lauren and I headed downstairs to wait for her.

Aunt Meredith, Maddison and Darian were also sitting downstairs along with John. We went and sat down with them. I had barely time to take a single breath when Aunt Meredith asked me a question:

"So Y/n how is our little boy treating you?"

By the way she had a smirk on her smile I guessed she wanted to annoy John in a friendly way. I smiled.

"Awful Aunt Meredith, he doesn't listen to me and only does what he thinks is right"

I said playing along.

I saw John gape at me. His look clearly said 'what in the wide world are you saying?'.

"Aaahhh John, Y/n is very precious to me and is like my own daughter don't yoy dare disrespect her"

Aunt Meredith said looking at John feigning sterness. John finally caught on once Maddie and Darian started giggling. I looked at Lauren who looked like she wanted to puke and laugh at the same time.

I smiled at her and she acting as if she was throwing up causing me to laugh. Then we all sat and talked till my mom came to pick me up. Aunt Meredith, Maddie and Darian kept adding in jokes about our relationship. But they were really happy and never showed that they were uncomfortable talking about it. I was pleased that they weren't dissapointed in our relationship rather they supported it fully.

Finally my mom came to pick me up. So i stood up and hugged Lauren saying goodbye. I turned to the rest of the Orlando's and then started heading outside with my mom who had came in to say a quick hello to Aunt Meredith.

I was aboit to sit in the car when I heard John call my name. I turned around to see him running towards me. As soon as he reached me his face fell in a sad grimance.

"No goodbye kiss"

I looked at him and tilted my head to where my mom was sitting indicating that I couldn't do it infront of her.

He ignored me and crashed his lips onto mine. After a quick kiss he pulled apart. A smile streching on his face.

I won't deny I enjoyed the feelings of his lips on mine but I was embarrassed that he had done it infront of my mom.

He suddenly then pulled me in a hug and rested his head on my head. I hid my face in the crook of his neck.

"I already told you nothing would stop me from calling you mine"

He said causing a shiver run through my spine. I looked up at him with questioning eyes.

"Anyways she's already seen us do it once and it was wayy more longer than this"

He said shrugging and pulling out of the hug.

I playfully smacked his shoulder.

"You should stop hitting me you know?

He said rubbing his shoulder as if I had left a bruise.

I just rolled my eyes and after a quick peck on the cheek(yes I might have felt a little guilty after being so harsh with him) and sat down in my car.

After we had driven away to the extent that we couldn't see the Orlando's house my mom started a conversation.

"Well you're all cosy with John, care to tell your mom something"

I sighed. This was going to be a long ride.

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