Chapter 5

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 So its been a long time since I found out that i got the role. Right now i was walking home from school. I was lightly skipping and humming a song. When i reached home i was about to go upstairs to my room to freshen up when i hear my brother "Y/n you here" He shouted. "Yeah Why??" I shouted back. "Could you come here a minute?" He shouted. I sighed and shoulders slumped headed towards his room. I was standing outside his door when he shouted again "Are you even coming?" I frowned and hit his door. "Oh you're here" He said. "Yes what is so important that you had to call me when i am tired out and..." I was saying when i got interrupted by him
"Listen, I have to talk to you about something important" He said and patted his bed indicating me to sit. Reluctantly i went and sat on his bed. I think you can tell that i was not in a too good mood. "So as you know mom and dad haven't had a vacation in ages so i reckoned to send them on a little trip somewhere where they could rest and be relaxed for sometime as their anniversary is coming up it could be a present from us what do you think?" He said in one breath. Suddenly all by grouchiness disappeared and my eyes started shining i love it when we do something for my mom and dad. "What are you waiting for?" I said. "Your approval?" He said "Well then you are allowed my kind knight" I said and then burst out laughing knowing that that did not make any sense.
After that my brother and I looked for the tickets and started arranging the whole trip. We planned on telling our parents tonight so we had to be ready accordingly.
Once all the plans were made we both were ready to tell our mom and dad about it. So at dinner my brother started talking about trips. "Y/b/n you know we are not going anywhere Y/n's school is on we can't just go on a trip somewhere" My dad said thinking Y/b/n wanted to go on a trip. "But you both don't have school" I said. "Yes but we can't just go" My mom laughed. "But you can" My brother said and showed my mom and dad everything we had done. "Oh when did you guys do this?" My mom said her hands on her mouth. "Its a gift for your anniversary" I said hugging her. "But who is going to take care of you you have never lived without me or dad" My mom said. "I will take care of her" My brother said. Well we did have to persuade her but it didn't take too much time.
So the next few weeks we were packing and stuff for mom and dad. Trust me i would be lying if I said that i wasn't upset I was very upset but i knew that i need to keep a happy front otherwise mom would cancel the trip and I did not want that.
We just dropped our parents off at the airport. Ok now i could be upset right so i ran upstairs to my room and was near to tears when i thought to myself that i am no cry baby and i will not cry. So to distract myself I took out my homework. But here's a piece of advice never do homework when you are sad or angry it just makes you more frustrated. So i was about to give up when my phone rang. I smiled when i saw the ID. "Hey how did you call" I said smiling. "I was bored so i reckoned i could talk to you" John said from the other side. "Hmmm" I just said. "So how are you?" He asked. "Ok" I said. "Liar somethings wrong" John said. "Ok fine my parents just left and I already miss them and I do not like writing about Canadian history and culture like who does that" I rambled. "Hey looks like someone's upset" He said i could hear the smile in his voice. "Hmm maybe yes maybe no" I sang. "How about i cheer you up?" He said. "And how would you do that" I asked. "I'll meet you outside your house in 15 then I'll tell you ok?" He said. "But i have homework" I whined. "We'll do that together later ok?" He said. "Okkk " I said. Come on don't blame me but every sophomore dreams about a senior to do their there homework so i was getting that no was was i going to give up that chance. He then ended the call and i went to change into something more presentable. "Hmm too casual too preppy what is wrong with you Y/n? Why are you acting like its a date or something you know Johns completely off limits. So i just grabbed a skirt and blouse and got ready.
Then i started waiting for John to come................  

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