Chapter 45

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I sat on my bed and stared at the wooden wall in front of me. "Ugggh ok Y/n now snap out of it" I said shaking my head and standing up then heading to the mirror. I looked at myself and smiled. "Nah that looks too fake" I said to myself. My shoulders slumped and I feel back on my bed. "How will I ever face that boy again" I said annoyed at myself. "UGGGGGHHHHH" I said still annoyed with myself. "Why are you so handsome and good looking" I whined to myself. Just then I heard the door creak open. I looked up to see Lauren coming in. "Oh Hi Lauren" I said sitting up and wishing that she hadn't head anything. She came and sat down next to me. "Soooo you think my brother's 'so handsome and good looking'" She said with a small smile on her face. Shoot she heard me. "Are you crazy? I was talking about...Tom Holland" I lied. "Hmm so you just kissed Tom Holland too?" She said sarcastically. "WHAT!! Kissed what do you mean?" I asked her I tried to play it off cool but inside I was freaking out. How had she found out had John went and told everyone why would he do that we said that we were going to forget about it. "John didn't tell me" I heard Lauren. God this girl knows me to well. "Every one saw it" she said simply. "Huh?" I said still playing dumb maybe just for more information. "We all saw you and 'Tom Holland' kiss you guys weren't that silent about it" Lauren said looking at me. My eyes widened clearly not understanding what she meant by that. "You guys were arguing we all wanted to hear it so we went to the window to listen to the argument and then boom one second fighters the other second lovers" She said rolling her eyes. "I'm sorry Lauren it just happened and I told him to forget about it and..." I was saying but got cut off. "Yeah I heard" Lauren said. I know I am her best friend but right now I couldn't really understand what she was feeling I mean she was talking in a monotonous voice and it was really creepy because Lauren was the kind of girl who always expressed her emotions.
"I understand" she suddenly said. "What do you understand?" I asked her. "The fact that you like John and weirdly...(she took a deep breath) I am ok with it" She said. "You what?" I asked confused now more than ever. "You heard me first I...Don't...Mind you liking John" She repeated slowly. "Lauren I have put all that in the past don't do this for me and anyways you said you would never want that should I repeat never?" I said to her. "Y/n Plz I can take anything. BY the way it would be really mean of me if two people I love can't get something they want because of me" She said. I looked at her uncertainly. "Are you sure Lauren?" I asked. "Yes and now I want you to go to him and well tell him that you...well whatever you feel for him" she said playfully punching my shoulder.
I smiled at my blonde best friend. Was I ready? That's the question. "Y/n just one thing" I heard Lauren snapping me out of my thoughts. "Umm yeah Lauren" I asked her. "If something happens. Something wrong between you and my brother...I don't want to be in the middle of it" She said. "Of course not" I said. "Well why aren't you going?" Lauren asked me. "I'm not sure if I want to" I said to Lauren. "You clearly like him" Lauren said. "Well I don't want to ruin our friendship I mean its one of the best thing that's happened to me" I said. "Sometimes taking a chance can lead to something magical" Lauren said to me smiling. "What will I say to him?" I said. "Hey that's you're call" Lauren said. I looked at her and smiled. "Thanks Lauren" I said giving her a hug. I started heading to the bathroom to get ready for bed when I heard Lauren. "If you tell him how he really feels he'd like that. He likes girls that are sincere about their feelings" I turned around and smiled at her. I repeat are you sure" I asked her again. "Never been more" She smiled and went to get her pajamas.
I decided to tell him everything after a long good night sleep...

I am sorry for the short chapter just wanted to have a separate chapter for Lauren talking to you...

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