Chapter 15

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Today was the day of the match and we all were very excited. Angie, Rachel and I were all getting ready together. "So guys how do I look" I said twirling around. "You look gorgeous as usual" Rachel said looking at me from her make up while Angie nodded. "Thanks you look beautiful too" I smiled at Rachel. I was wearing a plaid skirt with a white sweater on top and I had slightly curled my hair and on it wore a black hairband. "So lets get going we don't wanna be late" I said picking up my bag and slinging it on my shoulder. We reached the other school just in time. "Thank God you guys made it" Liam said nervously. "He's really nervous" Payton said hugging me in greeting. Liam handed Rachel his jacket he always did that this was a sign that Rachel has a boyfriend. Did I mention that Liam is overprotective of Rachel?
Well after wishing the boys good luck all the girls headed to the rink looking for a good place to sit. "Hey those are nice seats" I said pointing to some seats further down. "Sure lets go girls!!" Rachel said excitedly and Angie playfully rolled her eyes at her. "The match will begin in 5 minutes" a loud voice came from he speakers. "EEK I am soo excited" I squealed. "Y/n?" I heard a familiar voice from behind. "Lauren?? What are you doing here?" I asked surprised. (bet you didn't expect that) "Umm this is our school" she said indicating towards John who was impatiently looking at the rink. "John and your school?" I asked still surprised. I mean what kind of friend doesn't even remember her best friends school name. Lauren nodded. Angie and Rachel had been quiet for a while but now they spoke "Oh we're from the opposing team" Angie said. "Nice well is it okay if we sit here" Lauren asked. "Of course its a pleasure" Rachel smiled. "Yeah we could take then hostages and then blackmail the other team to make them win" Angie joked. We all laughed. I think our laughter brought John back to the real world. "What are you doing here?" He asked me specifically. "I am here to support my team" I smiled at him. "Oh so you're the opposing team" He asked scratching the back of his neck. "My school is the opposing team yes they are" I corrected him. "John were sitting here ok?" Lauren said and came and sat next to me while John shrugged and came and sat next to Lauren. After we were seated I introduced all my friends to my other friends me being the only common one among both. After a few minutes the match started and we all started focusing on that.
The intermission of the match came. "I need to check on Liam" Rachel said getting up and heading towards the place where we met Liam before. "Umm you guys know somewhere we could get snacks?" Angie asked Lauren and John. "Yup, I'll take you there" Lauren volunteered. They both got up and left leaving only me and John. I took out a pack of gummy bears from my bag and offered John some. He took some smiling at me. "So looks like our teams winning?" I smiled eating a gummy bear. "Yeah for now" He chuckled softly. "You just wait we'll knock you guys down" I said playfully nudging him. "We'll see" he said in an annoying sing song voice. "Now you're making me angry" I said pouting. "Oh am I?" He said looking at me with the same intensity I hated but right now I was not backing down and looked at him the same way he did. Slowly I started feeling a pull like someone was dragging me closer to John. It was like two magnets drawing closer. I was really confused in what to do but I just had a feeling like this was the right thing like this was what I was meant to do you know what I mean. When our faces were 2 inches close to each other we heard someone loudly say something which brought me back into my senses and as quick as a flash I turned my head back to the front I noticed John had also done the same. I was blushing I knew I was. Awkwardly I offered him more gummy bears but he refused running a hand through his hair.
Thank goodness after that Rachel, Angie and Lauren came back and sat down in their places. "How are Liam and Payton?" I asked. "Liam's really nervous so I calmed him down a bit Payton is fine he told me to tell you to meet him the place where you greeted him after the match" Rachel told me a smirk on her face when she told me about Payton. "umm did he mention why he wanted to see me?" I asked nervously. "You know quite well what he wants to talk to you about" Angie said to me smirking slightly. "WHAT?" I said annoyed a little bit. "Y/n think what does a guy have to say to girl alone?" Lauren said. "I don't know" I said while all three of them started smirking. Ok maybe I was lying I did had a bit of an idea what was going on but still for assurance I looked helplessly at john who looked confused but with a glint of jealousy and anger in his eyes. No Y/n you're only imagining it you want him to feel jealous and angry doesn't mean he is jealous and angry. I quickly shook my head and focused on the match which was just starting
The end of the match came and our school won. i looked smugly at John who just shrugged ion response then after congratulating Liam I headed with Payton to the area where we met earlier.
The knot in my stomach getting tighter...............

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