Chapter 40

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For all those who haven't seen Vail ski resort here is an extremely long video for your reference:):)

We all stood in shock......
"Vail Ski Resort?" I finally broke the silence. "Yes aren't you guys excited?" My mom asked us excitedly. "Of course" We all said together. Then the freaking out part came. Lauren and I started squealing and jumping up and down. "Ok good they're excited" I heard Aunt Meredith sigh with relief. "Why were we the only ones who didn't know?" Lauren asked indicating to John and I. "Because the surprise was for you guys" My brother said as if this was the most obvious thing ever. "We had planned on letting John know but he was never home when Lauren wasn't home so we couldn't find the time to tell him." Maddie said. "So the surprise was for you two only" Darian said smiling at us. "When are we going?" I asked my eyes shining with excitement. "Oh day after tomorrow" My dad said. Lauren and I looked at each other and started discussing what we were taking. Part of me was glad that everyone had forgotten about the awkward moment that took place before.
So that is how I ended up at the airport heading to Vail. The Orlando's were of course with us. Lauren and I were talking about how excited we were to go skiing, snowboarding and ice skating. Finally after a long wait we boarded our plane. Lauren and I of course got to sit together. The parents sat together. John and my brother sat together while Maddie and Darian sat together. You know what's the worst thing about the fact that you're brother is sitting behind you on a plane?? Let me tell you.....its probably the fact that throughout the ride he constantly kicks your seat. Yup i think we all know how annoying that is. So after I couldn't bear my brother kicking my seat anymore I turned around facing him. "What is problem?" I hissed at him. "Nothing why'd you ask?" He said acting all innocent making me more angry. "Ugggh I will murder you in your sleep" I said gritting my teeth. "Oh noo I'm soo scared" My brother acted. " I HATE YOU" I said and narrowed my eyes. Then after looking at him angrily for sometime I huffed and sat back on my seat. "You alright?" Lauren asked me. " I hate him he's soo annoying" I said crossing my arms. "Its okay I can feel your pain" Lauren said looking at me. I smiled at her. Then there was silence...probably cuz we all went to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the flight feeling sore, after stretching a little I decided to go for a little walk. I know its not easy to go on a walk on a plane cuz its too cramped but there was some empty space at the back of the plane with enough space to walk. (hope you get what I mean) As I was standing there I heard a voice behind me "Hi you alright".
I turned around and saw (No its not who you think it is) a boy with blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen. "Umm yeah of course why would you think I wasn't alright" I rambled. He chuckled at my rambling causing me to crack a smile too. " Oh no reason you know there's something its called..umm..yeah manners" He said snapping his fingers at the end. This made me burst into laughter. "Ok so to prove that I also have manners...Hi I am fine what about you?" I asked him. I am fine thank you" He said smiling at me. So where are you heading?" He asked me. " Oh you know to a ski resort" I said. " Oh really! Which one?" He asked me a bit surprised. " If you actually expect that I'd tell that to a complete stranger you're wrong" I said with a smile. "Hmm fair about I tell you then you can tell me?" He said with a smile too. "Hmm you tell me and I can think about it" I said looking at him. "Ok first things first my name is Sam and I am from North California and I am heading to Vail Ski resort" He said in a flow. "Oooo really cuz I am also heading to Vail Ski resort" I said surprised. But instead of showing any kind of reaction he just looked at me as if I had to say something...Oh wait I had to say something else. "My name is Y/n and I am from Toronto" I completed. "Hmm Canadian...well nice to meet you Y/n" He said shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you too Sam" I smiled at him.
We continued talking for a few minutes when I heard someone behind me. I turned around to come face to face with John. "Oh hi John" I smiled at him. "Hi are you alright and who is HE?" John asked as soon as he saw Sam. "Oh John this Sam my new friend and Sam this is John one of my best friend" I introduced both of them to each other. "Hopefully I can become one of your best friends soon too?" Sam said playfully. "I'll think about it" I smiled. "Come on Y/n/n we're going" John said and grabbed my arm and pulled me away. "John what.......I didn't even say bye" I said pouting. "You shouldn't have said Hi in the first place" John said glaring at me. "Why?" I asked confused and scared because John wasn't often angry at me like this but when he was he looked scary. "Because he's a stranger Y/n a stranger" He said emphasizing on the word stranger. "But he didn't do anything wrong and it was not like I was telling him all about my personal life we were just chatting" I protested. "You don't chat with strangers" HE said with gritted teeth. We had reached our seat by now so I snatched my arm out of John's grip and went to sit back on my seat with an angry huff.

So what do you think about jealous Johnny??

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