Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

Here we go. Currently I am on my way to Tim Hortons or like John likes to call it Timmy's. I reached there and peeked inside wanting to see if John was already there but I couldn't see him. Slowly I entered inside. I was about to sit down on a table to wait for a John when I heard someone shout out my name.

I turned around as quick as lightning only to see Lawrence wavung at me with a cup of coffee in his hand. Shoot he was the last person I wanted to see. Burying my fears I walked up to him with a fresh smile on my face.

"Hey what are you doing here?"

I asked him as soon as i was near enough.

"I live around here. Didn't you know?"

He said looking at me.

"I had no idea"

I said shaking my head.

"Well wanna join me your coffee's on me"

He said looking towards the order station and then at me.

I was about to say that i was already waiting for someone when I heard a voice behind me.

"Sorry but she's already here with someone"

I turned around to see John standing behind me with a frown on his face.

"I'm sorry Lawrence"

I said turning to Lawrence.

"No problem some other time then"

He said still smiling but something was off about this smile. It seemed forced.


I just replied not knowing what to really say.

"Plus call me Laurie"

He said winking at me and then walked away waving at me. Not knowing what else to do I waved back.

Then I turned back to John who was still glaring at the place Laurie was just standing.

"You do know I wasn't having coffee with him?"

I asked John. Who just nodded and interlocked our fingers and the we bofh walked to order something to eat.

John was silent the entire time till we were seated which wasn't like him at all. Once we were seated I started the conversation:

"Is everything alright?"

I asked looking at him.

"Who was that?"

He asked me almost as soon as the words left my mouth.

"He's with me in theater"

I said dreading telling him more about Laurie.

"Hmmm well what did you want to talk about?"

He said calming down a little.

"Ummm.....i......nothing just wanted to see you"

I said fiddling with my fingers. He grabbed my hands lightly and smiled at me. The same warm smile he always smiled.

"I just got jealous that you were talking to such a good looking man you know you can tell me anything"

He said brushing his fingers on top of mine.

"I am quitting my role as Belle"

I blurted out making an impulsive decison.


He said loudly.

"But why?"

He asked me looking at me.

"I just don't feel like doing it you know?"

I shrugged.

"Don't lie tell me the truth"

He said frowning a little.

"You'll find out someday"

I said shrugging again. He was about to say something but I said something before him:

"Don't ask me lets just have fun and forget everything that just happened. Plzz just be you and I'll be me"

I said looking at him with pleading eyes. He nodded knowing I didn't want to talk right now.

"You do have a lot of explaining to do though"

He said and I just nodded.


Okay guys I know that this isn't the best but I really didn't know how to write a fight on a stupid kiss in a play but at the same it didn't seem right to not make John care. I don't know I was just confused so I ended it. I knoww this is probably what no one expected but well thats just how it is....

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