Chapter 24

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I went and sat next to him. "Oh my God you scared me to death Y/n" He said jumping a little. "Nah I can feel your heart beat" I said putting a hand up to where his heart his. Then I blushed thinking what I did. "Umm so tell me what's wrong?" I asked him looking in front of me. "What do you mean?' He asked. "Well your family thinks you are blowing of steam and I agree just don't know about what." I told him. "Nothing in particular" He just shrugged. "John Don't lie to me" I frowned. "What do you mean?" He asked me. "I don't know how but I always know when you're lying" I said still not looking at him. "Tell me yourself y/n/n was I upset before?" He asked me. I shook my head. "Then why would you think I am now?" he asked. "Oh it's definitely not the fact that your mouth looks like an upside down smile" I said to him on which he chuckled.
"Plz do tell me don't I always tell you when I am upset?" I frowned at him. "Ok fine it's about my song" He said quickly a little too quickly. "John don't make me angry and truly tell me why are you upset?" I said biting my lip. That's when his face hardened. "Umm John you alright?" I asked him carefully. "Y/n who do you have a crush on?" He asked me. Huh what the heck why was he asking me this does that mean he likes me?? Noo that's impossible but then why? But then suddenly a flashback ran through my mind. The night he told me he was like an older brother to me. So I don't know what came over me but I decided to be spiteful to him all of a sudden. "Why is it because my 'older brother' needs to know about everyone I have a crush on" I said spitefully. When I noticed that his face fell I felt guilty. "I'm sorry I didn't mean.." I was saying but was cut off by a pair of lips.
Maybe time stopped when his lips met mine, but the flutter only intensified. My heart pounded in my chest as my knees got weaker. I could only focus on how soft he felt against my mouth, how addictively he invaded all my senses. I never wanted this moment of bliss to end. But there was still a feeling of guilt buried within me. I knew I had to stop at some point but I couldn't get myself to. Now that it had finally happened I knew this was what I wanted. But as soon as I realized what was actually happening I pulled away. I looked into his eyes and realized that he also felt like I did. But this was wrong, very wrong if Lauren ever found out about this I was dead.
So I stood up "John... no one should know about this" I quickly stammered and ran towards my Uber ride. "Y/n" I heard John call me from behind but I ignored and kept on running. I quickly opened the door and told the driver to start going towards my house. I was shivering with fright and excitement a little of both. As soon as I reached home I quickly got out of the car and headed to the front door. Let's see who was the one person I did not want to meet? Three guesses correct LAUREN and guess who was standing outside my door? three guesses correct again LAUREN!.
"Umm what are you doing here?" I asked still shaking. "Well you left your bag at my place so I thought I'd come and return it" she said looking a me and by the way she was looking at me I knew she knew something was up. "Are you alright?" She asked me. "Yup perfect there was definitely no kissing....uh i mean missing...I mean I didn't notice that I left my lips.. I mean my bag at your brothers...I mean your house." I stammered and mentally face palmed myself for making it so obvious. "Well there's something definitely wrong with you" She said. "I told you I am fine just a little tired so maybe if I rest I'll be better so thank you for the bag see you again soon bye" I said pushing her out of the gate and sighing with relief once she was gone.
Then I quickly ran in my room and first of all I texted Angie.
A: why what's wrong?
A:You WHAT??
Y: I mean he kissed me first BUT WHO CARES THE THING IS THAT WE KISSED!!!!
A: OK i am coming right now
Y: Bring Liam with you
A: Okie we're on our way
With that I closed my phone and waited for my friends to arrive......

So it finally happened but I really need a few more ideas what to do next sooo plzz help me out a little

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