Chapter 30

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 It was snowing and when it snows it makes Christmas special. I headed outside and closed my eyes spreading my arms while feeling the snowflakes brush gently past me. It was then I felt two arms wrap around me. I turned around to see John. I smiled and hugged him properly. "Hey Merry Christmas" I said to him between the hug. "Hmm I love you too" He said in between my hair. "John I said Merry Christmas not I love you" I giggle softly and we pulled away. "Can't I say I love you to my girlfriend when I want to?" He pouted causing me to giggle again. "Ok ok fine you can" I said brushing snow off his hair. Suddenly he pushed me in the snow. "JOHN" I protested and stood up only to receive a snowball on my face. "Oh its on" I said and started ambushing John with snowballs. "Ok ok I call quits" he said laughing and also knowing I would never leave him till he called quits. "You know you can be stubborn" He said brushing snow of his clothes. "Yeah but you still love me riiiigggghhhhttt?" I said extending the 'right'. "Hmmm Do I?" He asked coming closer to me. "Is that even something to think about?" I said as he put his hands on my shoulder. "I'll let you decide" He said and leaned in. I copied his action and we were about to kiss when I heard someone call out my name.
With a start I woke up. Wait WOKE UP!!!!!!!!. Nooooo it was a dream ugggghhh why couldn't it be real!!! "Y/N ARE YOU UP?" Y/b/n screamed in my ear. "Yes don't you have eyes?" I said rubbing my eyes. "Good I made your favorite breakfast" He said leaving the room. I quickly got up still groggy and still thinking about the dream. While brushing my teeth I sighed wishing I would have spent my Christmas this way instead of having to see CHARLOTTE and John together. Today was the last day of school before the Christmas holidays. I headed downstairs as soon I dressed up. My brother had made his specialty he called it waffles and berries. I loved it it was one of my favorite dishes. After a good breakfast I kissed my family goodbye and rushed to school.
"Uggh I hate good dreams" I said to Angie and Liam while slamming my locker door shut and leaning on it. "Ok that's the first time I've heard that" Liam chuckled. "huh?" I asked clearly confused. "Well you know people usually say I hate nightmares I mean who hates good dreams" He explained. "Well I do because when you have a good dream you start dwelling on it and you want the reality to change but that's not possible its like the dream gives you false hope" I sighed. "Am I hearing Y/n talk like that!!!!! Oh my god little immature Y/n is growing up since when have you started talk like that?" Payton came in just as I stopped and said this ruffling my hair. "Ever since she dreamt about music boy" Angie said. "Music boy?" All of us questioned her. "Johnny" She simply said rolling her eyes. "Why music boy?" I said. "Oooooo Y/n dreamed about Johnny" We heard Rachel come in and everyone nodded. Just then the bell rang. All of us started heading to class. "Angie wait why music boy?" I called out running after her. While both the girls rolled their eyes laughing at me.
When I reached home my mom handed me and invitation for a huge party that was being held near Christmas. It was taking place in the town hall (just imagine there is a town hall near by). Everyone was invited it wasn't like a special celebrity party but still Johnny was performing. Personally I didn't want to go but as I was decided to put the invitation some where I wouldn't find it again in years I received a text from Lauren and from my friends group. I first opened Lauren's:
L: You're gonna come to the Christmas party that's being held in the town hall??
Y: I was thinking not to why?
L: You know John's performing
Y: Andddd??
L: Ok since when have you started ignoring John's performances??
L: I mean you always come to them
Y: You're right I'll be there :):)
L: Should I tell you a secret?
Y: Hmm
L: I don't actually care ig you come to John's performance or not. Just wanted to make sure you would be there so we could have fun :):)
Y: As if I didn't know that already :):)
Y: Byee
After that I opened my friends group:
A: Did you guys get the news?????
Y: You guys our coming too????
R: Yup and we're gonna see you're boyfriend sing too!!!
A: Ok ok forget about it cuz girls we need to go shopping for dresses for the party
R: Oooooooo yeah how about tomorrow??
Y: Sounds good
A: Meet you there after school
A: P.S no boys allowed
P: As if we wanted to come
L: Double that
After that I closed my phone and sighed. Well looks like I'll be going on the party. 

The next day my friends and I went to the mall to buy dresses for the party. As the party was on Christmas Eve, Angie insisted that we buy dresses that match the winter theme. So after a lot of searching we found the perfect dresses. I found a light blue dress knee lenght dress, the top was covered in sequins along with silver heels. We came home after wards and started working on many make up techniques. We chose a light blue eyeshadow colour for me merged with a little silver with mascara and pink lipgloss. And the hairdo they chose for me was open hair but a part of it was braided in a bow (hope you get the idea). Maybe I was a little excited about this party now.

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