Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning and was about to put the my assignment in my bag when i noticed something. With my name someone had also written 'John'. Laughing, I quickly took a picture of it and then erased it. I sent the picture to John and underneath it wrote seriously. To which the reply came "Hey I deserve some credit". I smiled at his reply and sent a rolling eye emoji. To which he replied with a "I know you love me" to which i replied "In your dreams and closed my phone cuz I was getting late for school.
I went downstairs for breakfast and after a good breakfast i started heading to school. As soon as I reached school I saw Angie standing with her locker. "BOO" I shouted scaring her a little. "y/n/n don't do that again I was in the middle of thinking something" She said crossing her arms. "Where's Liam?" I asked her. "How am I supposed to know do i live with him" She said. "Well someone got off the wrong side of the bed" I laughed. "Well did you do your assignment?" Angie asked me. "Yup I did it with John" I said opening my locker. "Well girl you're definitely getting a F now" She said. "You know he's a senior right?" I said looking at her. "Yup but then do you really think that you would have paid attention to what he did?" She said raising her eyebrows. I just looked at her with half my eyes closed. "Hey fellas what's up?" We heard Liam. "I'm good but can't say the same about Angie here" I said. And now it was Angie's turn to look at me with half her eyes closed. "Anywho I need some advice from you guys later ok?" I said. "At your service as always" Liam said bowing at me. I rolled my eyes and started heading to my first class as the bell had rung.

Well after 4 tiring classes it was finally lunch break. I quickly headed to the table where me and friend usually sit. "Heyy guys" I said and sat down. "Soo what did you want to talk about?" Angie said opening her lunch. "Guys I really think I might have a crush on someone" I said looking at my hands. "OMG whoooo" Angie whisper shouted. "Ummmmm" I said. "Does he have green eyes and happens to be your best friends brother?" Liam said casually eating his sandwich. "huh how did you know?" I said worried that maybe I was too easy too read. "WHATTTT I WAS RIGHT???" Liam said shocked. "Ummmm sadly yes" I said biting my lip. "OMG OMG OMG" Angie started screaming. "When will you tell him?" Angie said. "You really think I would go up to him and say Mr. Orlando I think I like you?" I said sarcastically and shared a high-five with Liam who burst into laughter. "Yeah thats off the list" He said. "Another thing is that Lauren told me to not like him I think I should just forget about him" I said slumping in my seat. "It's okay you'll find someone" Angie said patting my back.

When school ended I was about to go home with my friends when a boy with brown hair and eyes came in front of me. "Hey" I said. "Umm Hi You're Y/n right?" He asked scratching the back of his neck. "Hmm You're Payton right?" I said. "Yeah I was ummm wondering if you were free in the evening umm and I thought maybe we could hangout?" He said. "Yeah sure would 5:00 work?" I asked him. "Hmm Yup well I could meet you outside the diner 'titbits' do you know about it?" He asked. "Yup I'll see you then" I smiled. He smiled back and left. "Someone moves on fast" Angie said. "Meaning?" I said. "That dude just asked you on a date Y/n/n" Rachel said. She was also walking with us. "Whaaaa?" I said shocked.

I am sorry for being that clueless but what was I supposed to do.........................

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