Chapter 9

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As soon as I reached home I did a group call with all my school friends. Meaning Angie, Liam and Rachel. "Heyyy how was your date?" Angie asked me as soon as she picked up the call. "Yeah We're all curious" Liam said while Rachel nodded her head. "Guys I am telling you it wasn't a date it was more like a hangout" I said thoughtfully. "Well anyways what happened on the 'I think it wasn't a date'" Rachel said. I told them everything that happened. "Hmm he didn't even give a hint that he liked you" Angie said thoughtfully. And I shook my head. "Well just saying you are one lucky girl" Angie said. "Why??" I asked. "Obviously because you have two guys to choose from both equally handsome and dreamy" Rachel said. "Hey!!" Liam said offended and I burst into laughter. "Two guys?? meaning??" I asked Rachel. "Well one date and you already forgot about your crush on Johnny" Rachel said. We had told her about my supposedly crush on John too. "You know I'm still unsure if I even have a crush on him" I thought out loud. "Look girl I agree I think you and Payton would be cute but you and Johnny are adorable" Angie squealed. I shook my head as Rachel and Angie started agreeing with each other on how cute and adorable I am with Johnny. "So who's it gonna be Y/n?" Liam asked me. "Hey like you always tell me Liam that go with the flow that's what I'm going to do go with the flow and whatever life throws at me I'll catch it....... wait did that make sense?" I asked my friends "No but when do you make sense?" Liam said jokingly. All my friends burst into laughter and I admit even I cracked a small smile. "Its Lauren's birthday tomorrow" I said once they all stopped laughing. "OOOO so you'll see your lover boy" Angie said. "I tried to change the topic so plzz stick with it" I whined. "Awww wittle y/n doesn't want to talk bout Johnny cuz she gets butterflies" Rachel said in a baby voice. Well that's how we talked for a few hours and at the end I got soo annoyed that I just left the call. Even though I was fuming at them I knew I'd forget about it in less than a day because after all they are my best friends.
Today was Lauren's birthday and I planned on going to their house after school. I changed into my outfit and headed to school. "Heyy" I heard Angie as I was looking in my locker for my books. "Hey" I replied. "You're not upset about yester day are you?" I heard Liam. "trust me if i was that fragile that yesterdays teasing would break me I would be a broken mess right now" I said closing my locker door and slinging my arm around Angie as we head for class.
After school I head for the Orlando's house. Maddie opened the door for me. "Hiii how are you?" I said cheerfully. "Well someone's if a chirpy mood, I'm fine how are you?" She asked. "As you said chirpy mood" I smiled as I entered the house. "Lauren happy birthday" I said hugging her and giving her the gift I bought for her. "Oh my gosh this is beautiful thank you soo much" Lauren said putting it on. "LAUREN" We heard Aunt Meredith call for Lauren. Smiling I headed in the living room and saw John sitting on the sofa I went and sat next to him "Hey" I said. "Hi how are you feeling happy now?" he asked. "Yeah thanks to you" I said smiling. "They'll be back before you know it" he said still not buying the fact that I was alright. "Hmmm" I said swinging my legs back and forth. "So what did you get Lauren she seemed excited?" He asked me. "Oh just a necklace" I said. Just as i said this Lauren came in "What going on here?" she asked suspiciously. "Nothing just talking" i said brightly. "Or am I not allowed to that too?" John said and got up and left. Lauren also huffed and left leaving me veryyy confused.
"Hey y/n/n do you know where John went?" Maddie asked me after a minute of me being veryyyy confused. "Umm noo but can you tell me if Lauren and John fought on something today?" I asked. "Wait you also feel that way?" Maddie said. "I don't feel that way I know they did because they just fought again in front of me." I said. "there has to be a good reason behind this which we need to find out" Maddie said to me. "We will be doing nothing of that sort" We heard Darian saying. "Why not?" Maddie said. "because its there problem all we need is to make this a good day for Lauren" Darian said. "How can it be a good day for Lauren when her only brother is angry with her" Maddie said and I nodded. "Look its none of our concern come on Maddison we need to look for John while y/n/n you go bring Lauren back" Darian said and I got up and headed to Lauren's room
"Can I come in?" I asked Lauren who was sitting on her bed staring at the walls. "yeah sure" she said attempting to smile but failed. "I don't know what happened between you and John but you know I'm there for you and today is your day don't let anyone ruin that for you" I said hugging her. "Thanks and I know but you know its just a petty squabble" She said. "And you know he loves you so he'll be okay soon" I assured her. And she smiled. After that I led her back to the living room where we all sat down. After a few minutes Darian and John also came back in. I looked at John raising my eyebrows asking if he was okay and he in looks assured me that he was. I spent the whole day there and then came back home tired out.

There's going to be a long time skip after this :):):)

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