Chapter 21

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When I woke up I quickly got dressed up. Then I headed downstairs and my family and I had a quick breakfast and we were off to the airport. As I entered the airport I started having a giddy feeling no I'm not afraid of planes but I think I'm nervous of going back to Toronto. Will my friends still accept me? That's the question that was ringing in my mind. I looked around and spotted my brother I wen towards him and tapped his shoulder. "What's wrong Y/n?" He asked me. "Umm can you tell me why I'm this nervous?" I asked him tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. "Well lets see are you nervous to meet Johnny or are you nervous to meet Johnny?" He said pretending to think. "y/b/n!!! That was mean" I pouted. "Ehh no it wasn't" He smirked. "Yes it was" i protested. "No it wasn't" he retaliated. "Was" "Was not" "Was" "Was not" "Will you you two stop bickering like 2 year olds" My mom said turning towards us. I just stuck my tongue out at my brother and stalked off towards my father. But I have to admit he did make me less nervous.
Then we got on the plane. At first like all siblings my brother and I had a fight on who sits on the window seat. Spoiler alert: I won. Then when the food came we also had a fight on that don't even ask me why but the huge age difference we had definitely did not stop us from fighting (just so you know your brother in this story is 10 years older than you) But at the end he was still my brother and he loved me(I mean who doesn't) and he let my place my head on his shoulder so I got easily sleep. I woke up in the middle feeling really cold. "what's wrong why is it so cold" I asked my brother clutching the edges of my shirt. "I really don't know why but take the blanket around you" My brother whispered to me. I took the blanket around me and then squirmed around trying to find a comfortable position. I felt my brother tap my shoulder. "What?" I asked him groggily. He indicated towards his shoulder. Smiling slightly I put my head on his shoulder and went to sleep again.
I woke up a few minutes before landing. I stretched and asked my brother how much time is left. "Just a few minutes" He replied. So to kill time I decided to scroll through some games on the tablet in front of me. When we got off the plane and were in the airport I suddenly started feeling excited. So when I'm excited I can't sit still so instead of walking I started skipping. "Oooo so now you're excited to see Johnny" My brother whispered as he walked by me. "Y/B/N!!!!" I shouted and ran after him till we reached the baggage place. There my mom stopped us both. "If you both don't behave yourself you both will be grounded" She scolded us. I crossed my arms while this time my brother stuck out his tongue at me. I gritted my teeth in annoyance. But my mood lifted again when I saw the baggage's. I loved the way they moved and how everyone picked up their on bag it was soo cool.
After getting our baggage we headed towards the exit of the airport when my dad remembered something he had to do so he left with my brother leaving my mom and I waiting for them. I was sitting on our bags trolley swinging my legs when I felt that I should get up and walk a little. I walked a little way and started staring out of the window seeing the huge planes. While looking I felt a pair of hands snake through my waist. I gasped out in surprise and was about to scream when the pair of hands lifted me up and twirled me around. Then the hands put me down I quickly turned around to see who it was I already had an idea but when I saw John standing there a huge smile spread on my face and I hugged him tightly. I was soo happy that he remembered the time I was coming back and came to see me. "I missed you soo much" I whispered as we hugged my hands wrapped around his neck while his were wrapped around my waist. "I missed you too" He breathed as he broke the hug. thats when we made eye contact. Both of us remembering the last time we were in the airport. My first instant was to kiss him but then I heard Lauren scream my name and I turned around. "Lauren" I shouted hugging her tightly. "I missed you soo much" i said in a loud voice unlike the whisper with Johnny. "Me too" She said breaking the hug. I put my hand around both my friends "Tell me the truth did you guys miss me?" I asked. "Of course" They both said in union. "Did you remember me everyday" I asked them comically raising my eyebrows. They both burst into laughter.
After a little waiting, Dad finally came back I persuaded my family to let Johnny and Lauren drop and they agreed. "So how was your trip?" Lauren asked me. "It was awesome. Hayden and I got really close" I said happily but this was my mistake. "hmm really?" Lauren asked me. Oh shoot I forgot Lauren had a crush on him now she might think there's something between us I mentally face palmed myself. "uhh yeah we were best friends" I said wanting to drop a slight hint to her cuz I couldn't say anything else in front of John. "Must be nice" She deadpanned me. I just awkwardly scratched the back of my neck. The rest of the ride John talked to me and Lauren just ignored me. But when they were about to drop me off Lauren spoke up "Mom wanted you to come over to our house tomorrow" she said as if she didn't want me to. My face fell as I heard Johnny say "Wait weren't you the one who asked mom she just agreed" He asked Lauren. "Ok bye Y/n!!" Lauren fake smiled at me and ordered John to drive away waving me weirdly. John gave me a look and drove off with a goodbye. I slumped my shoulders and let out a sigh
No problem Y/n you'll fix everything tomorrow.......

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