Chapter 18

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Finally the day has arrived the day I was going to L.A for the shooting of Coop and Cami: Ask The world. I was really sad on leaving my friends but I was excited to meet my friends in L.A like Charli D'Amelio, Chase Hudson, Hayden Summerall, Jules Leblanc and many others. I was going to be home schooled for my Junior year in L.A. So I had spent a lot of time with my school friends. I knew I would miss them a lot because they are the only people who I trust completely and can tell them anything. I was upset these days and they always cheered me up again by saying that we'd meet again and spent senior year together. I knew I might see the the Orlando's there because they usually come and go in L.A due to John's work. But still Lauren and I had a whole day together we called it 'The Y/n and Lauren Day'. We had a lot of fun going to malls and stuff we literally spent the whole day together.
Well now the day was here the day was going to L.A. So our whole house was locked up suitcases packed and I now also felt sad about leaving my house.
First I headed to Titbits where I met Angie, Liam, Rachel and Payton. I quickly hugged them all "I'm gonna miss you all soo much" I said sadly. "We're going to miss you more" Angie said and we all got in a group hug. "Well I can't wait for senior year" Liam smiled. "We'll all be together again and have the best year of our life" Rachel also said. "And then there's senior prom to look forward to" Payton added. "Ooo I want senior year to come already" I said excitedly. "Nope it can't right now cuz right now you need to go and be a star" Angie said and I smiled hugging her again. And after a good goodbye to the rest I left.
My mom told me that we were going to stay at the Orlando's till dad was ready. Dad had some last minute stuff to do in his office. So my brother, my mom and I headed to the Orlando's house. "So are you guys going to come to L.A once in a while?" I asked the Orlando's once we were seated in the living room. "Yeah we have to because o John" Darian said. We spent an hour or two at the Orlando's when my dad called and said that he was coming to pick us up. So we got up and said good bye to everyone that's when I noticed John wasn't here. "wait where is John?" I asked his family. "We don't know he left somewhere in the morning and still hasn't come back." Aunt Meredith told me. "Oh how do I say good bye to him?" I asked worried. "Well tell us what you wanted to say to him we'll say it" Maddie provided an idea. "Yeah I guess that's the best we can do...... Tell him I'll miss him a lot ok?" I said looking at them all. "Sure" Lauren smiled. Well after that I said goodbye to the rest of the family and then headed out with mom and y/b/n to the car and then off to the airport.
I was about to enter the airport when I heard someone call out "Y/N!!" Instinctively I turned around to see John running towards me from the parking lot. A huge smile spread on my face and when he reached close enough we both crashed into a hug. "Too tight John" I said with difficulty because he was actually crushing me. "Oh sorry" He said loosening the hug. "Did you really think you could leave without saying goodbye" He said through my hair. "No but we were getting late so I just told your family to tell you that I'll miss you a lot" I said my head in the crook of his neck. "I'll miss you more" he said breaking the hug and started looking at me in the eyes and I looked back getting lost in his green eyes. Slowly we started to lean in to each other our lips brushing against each other. Just as our lips brushed each other I heard my brother call me "y/n where are you?" He called out. As quick as a flash I turned around and was glad to see he was no where near but I still turned beetroot red and when I looked back at John he was also really red and was scratching the back of his neck. Quickly I grabbed him in a short hug and said goodbye and then ran to my family. Ok that was awkward but lets just say maybe its a good luck charm for me going to L.A
With that thought I headed in the airport........

So I am not going to put the whole time spent in L.A only a few chapters will be about that

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