Chapter 47

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The next day I woke up with a bubbly feeling in my stomach. After remembering the events of last night I was still feeling giddy. Today was the last day well technically we were about to head to the airport in a few hours so I guess you wouldn't call it a last day.....Honestly I don't know what to call it you can call it whatever you want. I stretched and lightly pushed Lauren so that she too would wake up. She moved so that her back would be facing me. "Laur you've got to wake up or else you'll be late" I said getting out of bed. "Hmmhmm" Was all the reply I got. Shaking my head I looked around to see if the rest of my cabin mates had woken up or not. Maddie was packing last minute stuff while I think Darian was freshening up. I decided to head to my family's cabin knowing they would be awake.

"Morning fam" I said as soon as I entered the cabin. "Someone's happy" My mom said crossing her arms and smiling at me. I smiled at her. "Soo why are you asking?" I said putting down some items I was carrying. "Hmm a little birdie told me something" She said picking the things and putting them in the suitcase. "WHAT???" I asked. "OH you know.." She whispered. "Who told you?" I asked. John and I both had agreed not to tell anyone until well we reached Toronto. "Guess someone was too excited" She smiled and went back to packing. I smiled softly. "Too when did you plan on telling us?" My brother asked. "You..never" I smiled knowing this would annoy him. "Oh shut up" He said. "Your little boyfriend would have told the whole world before you could even say John" He then smiled. "Oh shut up" I said waving him off. "Y/n/n could you bring something small to eat for everyone?" My mom said. "Everyone as in our family or..." I trailed off. "Just for the fam sorry Y/n" My brother said ruffling my hair. I stuck my tongue at him and headed outside.

I was walking to the cafe near our house when I heard a voice. "HEY" I turned around and my face broke into a smile. I stood waiting for him to reach me. As soon as he reached me he planted a small kiss on my lips and then wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we both started walking towards the cafe together. "So where's a pretty girl like you heading?" He asked me. "Oh my god that was too cheesy" I said laughing a little. "But you still liked it" He said bopping my nose. "God" I said shaking my head. To be honest I had never seen this side of John and maybe part of me liked it. Note the maybe. Just joking. "Race you" suddenly I heard John and snapped out of my thoughts. Laughing I ran after him. I mean even if we had kissed a few time I still would never let him win.

After the race and buying food for both our families. We started heading back to our cabins. But guess who we met on your way back!!!. Yup we met Sam. Ok I hope John kept his temper in check. "Hey Y/n" I heard Sam. After squeezing John's hand comfortingly I smiled at Sam and greeted him too. "Umm not the right time?" He asked looking at John then at me. "No you wanted to talk about something?" I asked still smiling. "Well you guys talk I got to go" John said and after planting a small kiss on my lips (and I think all of us knew why he did that) he left.

"Oh Umm I didn't know you guys were together" Sam said scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah I still can't believe it" I said smiling in the direction where John had just left. "Anywho what did you want to talk about?" I said turning my head and quickly looking at Sam. "Oh I thought as today was your last day maybe you know we could keep in touch" He said smiling. "Yeah I'd like that" I smiled. "Well I've got to go but you have my number." He smiled and started heading to his cabin waving. I waved back and then headed to my own cabin.

Sorry for the short chapter!!!! but here you go...

Thank you for 2K readers

Also make sure to go Pre-save Daydream!!

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