Chapter 46

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The next morning I got up to my phone silently vibrating. I checked the screen to see a call from my group with my school friends. Silently, I headed outside the cabin and picked up the call. "Hey girl have you already forgotten about us while you're out there skiing with your boyfriend?" I heard my best friend Angie's voice. A light blush crept on my cheeks. "Oh shut up I can never forget you guys. You've known me since the time I didn't wear anything but pink" I lightly chuckled. "Oh yeah that was a bad phase" My other best friend Liam said. "Sometimes I forget you've known each other for so long I mean you literally got to know me in sophomore year" Payton protested. "It's ok Pay they've known me since 8th grade" Liam's girlfriend, Rachel said. "Hmm yup then I fell in love with you and look at us now" Liam said with a smile. "Yeah love you you guys remember the time I was jealous of Y/n?" Rachel said. "Yeah God it took me ages to convince you that Liam didn't like me" I smiled at the memory. "Weird years" Angie agreed with me. Then we all went silent remembering the old days.
"Sooo how are you and Johnny?" Rachel finally asked. "Well other than the fact that I might be confessing my feelings to him today, there's nothing" I shrugged. "DID YOU SAY CONFESS YOUR FEELINGS!!!!" Angie screamed. "Yeah.." I said a bit amused at her expected reaction. "Wow" Liam and Payton said together. "Yeah but I have no idea how to do it?" I said thoughtfully. "Wait before we answer that question first do tell us what changed your mind?" Rachel asked curiously. So then I told them the whole story from the start till the end. "Wow" Payton and Liam said at the end. "Will you guys stop saying wow like that" I groaned. "Well you see we don't approve of whatever happened last night" Liam said looking at Payton for some kind of approval. Luckily for him Payton nodded his head. "What weren't you guys the ones who used to say you and John are meant to be blah blah blah" I said amused. "Yeah well talking about it was ok but well this... you finally telling him you like him I don't think that's ok" Payton said. "Oh shut up" Angie said. "Yeah guys she is at privilege to date anyone and I think the best option is John" Rachel said thoughtfully. "Hmm" Was all the boys replied. "Soo does everyone agree that we kick the boys out of the call its girl talk time." Angie said smirking at the boys. "Oh definitely" Rachel and I agreed. "Hey we want to know how you're going to 'confess your felling's to lover boy'" Liam pouted. "Aww he looks adorable can we let them stay?" Rachel said. "Nope Rachel no exception for your boyfriend either Ta ta boys" Angie said and kicked them out of the call.
"Soo what do you have in mind?" Rachel asked me. "Oh I don't know tell him that I like him and that we're finally allowed to be together....ok that sounded wayy better in my head" I said. Both my friends giggled. We discussed different methods of telling John about my feelings and then finally agreed on one. "Y/n/n are you still in your pajamas why did I just notice that?" Angie said. "Hey last night was a hectic night" I protested. "Aren't you freezing?" Rachel asked me. "Now that you mention it" I said wrapping my arms around myself. "Y/N WHERE ARE YOU??" I heard Maddie calling for me. "I'M HERE" I shouted back. "God come inside you must be freezing" Maddie said coming closer to me. "Uh yeah just give me a minute" I smiled at her and indicated to the phone she nodded understandingly. "But come in quickly your pj's aren't made for sitting in deep snow" She said and headed back to the cabin. "Well you guys heard it I gotta go" I said to my friends. "Hmm do tell us what happens" They said together. "You guys do remember I'm coming home tomorrow morning" I asked my friends. "Oh yeah" Angie trialed off. "Oh god...Anywho byeeeee" I said waving. "Byeeee" they both said and we ended the call. I got up and started heading towards my cabin.
I was a little away from my cabin when I saw John coming out of his. "Y/n/n you must be freezing are you crazy?" He said his eyes widening. "Umm no I'm just going...umm yeah just going inside" I stammered. "Really I haven't seen anyone as stupid as you" John shook his head and smiled. "Yeah that's me stupid as a teapot" I said. " know what just go inside before you catch a cold" He said and went off shaking his head. I was about to open my cabin door when I heard him. "Soo you want anything from the café" He said scratching the back of his neck. "I could really use a hot chocolate" I smiled at him. "You could" He smiled and went towards the café.
"Hi guys" I said closing the door. "Hii you done talking to your friends?" Maddie asked me. "Yup" I nodded my head. "So wanna go ice skating today" Lauren asked me. "Yeah sure" I said. I headed over to change but Darian stopped me. "Make sure you both come home before 5:00" Darian said. "Why?" I asked her confused. Looking at Lauren I noticed she was also confused. "Oh as it's the our last day we decided to go to this party they have in the evening" Darian said. "In the ski resort" Lauren asked. "No a little away from it" Darian replied. "Okie we'll be back soon" I said and headed to change in to my outfit for skating. While we were skating I thought about the fact how John acted with me. I mean it was how we usually acted. Did he give up on an us already. Well of course he did I told him to? Uggh well this party seems like a good opportunity to talk to him. Yeah that's what I'll do talk to him at the dance. The rest of the day Lauren and I spent in skating then eating then skating then eating. Well it was good day I wonder what type of night will it be??

Did you think I'd end the chapter like this:):):) of course not:):)
P.S Do tell me what you think of this I love reading your comments:):):) plus it motivates me.

Right now I was sitting in my dress and putting on final touches of my makeup. I hadn't planned on going full out so I was wearing a pink dress with pink heels. Lauren was going in a blue dress with black shoes. "Ooo look at you both all dolled up" Aunt Meredith said coming into our cabin. We both smiled and looked at each other. "You look beautiful as usual" Lauren commented. "You look gorgeous as usual" I smiled back. Once I was ready I headed towards my family's cabin. "Hey dork" I said ruffling my brothers hair. "Hey to you too" he said looking at his phone. Rolling my eyes I said hi to my parents. "You look beautiful darling" My mom said kissing my cheek. "Yeah John would be real impressed." my brother commented. Shoot I forgot my whole family saw the kiss. "Yeah about that.." I started. "None of us are upset Y/n" My mom said hugging me. I looked at my brother knowing he might make a fuss. "I mean it could be worse" He shrugged. "Thank you y/b/n" I said hugging him tightly. "Mind you if he breaks your heart I'll break him aaand I'll have to talk to him" My brother said. "And there he is the annoying brother is back" I said playfully hitting his shoulder. "So I'm guessing Lauren talked to you" My dad asked me. "Oh um yeah" I said turning red. My father also saw the kiss stupid John did he have to kiss me in the open.
Once everyone was ready we all headed to the party. Well it was more of a....what can I say.....bonfire. I mean there was a huge fire in the middle there were refreshments around us and it was outdoor....I don't know what to call it. Well everyone headed their own way while Lauren and I were just looking around. "So did you do it yet?" Lauren asked me. "Do what?" I asked her. "You know talk to John" She said. "Umm no" I said. "Come on go do it I won't deny that I am hella excited that you're getting a boyfriend, even if it is my brother" She said and pushed me where John was standing. This was going to be awkward...
"Hey" I said softly to the green eyed boy in front of me. "Hi everything alright Y/n/n?" He asked me. "Yeah can we talk?" I asked him tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Ok now you're making me confused" He said raising his eyebrow. "Yeah just come with me" I said grabbing his hand and taking him to a more private corner. "Soo you know what I said yesterday?" I asked him. "Umm yeah?" He said looking confused. "Well I take it back" I said and then realized how stupid that sounds. "umm" John said. "Ok that sounded so lame I had all this plan that I had planned with my friends of how to tell you that I liked you and that Lauren talked to me and said that I should follow my heart so then I decided to tell you and then well now look at me here I obviously just ruined everything you probably don't even like me anymore and..." I was saying when I was cut of my a pair of lips. It was a quick kiss but that still didn't stop the butterflies in my stomach to go crazy. "...and you kissed me" I said still in shock. "That was mainly to shut you up and let me speak now" He said with a playful smile then he grabbed my hands. "Are you sure that you like me? Because I know I do. I've liked you since the day I saw you sitting in Lauren's room with two pigtails and swinging your legs. I was just scared that you didn't share the same feeling and well you know your friendship also means a lot to me soo yeah that's my part" He said. Guess we both were hella awkward. "So do we wanna do it and risk our friendship and everything?" I asked him. "What do you want?" He asked me. "I want this" I said and leaned in to kiss him. He kissed back. He grabbed me by my waist to pull me closer while slowly my hand went around his neck. My heart fluttered and I could feel sparks flying. After a few seconds we finally broke the kiss and connected our foreheads with each other. He smiled at me and I giggled.
"Guess the wait is over?" He said. "Guess it's over" I smiled at him and our lips connected again.

Ok I am not too good at writing stuff like this but guess it finally happened now the real drama will start so keep reading:):):) and do tell me what you expect from this story:)

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