Chapter 36

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A/n: This is what John gave you

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A/n: This is what John gave you. Just imagine yourself instead of Jules :):):)

Lauren and I spent the whole day outside. First as you know we decided to go have something sweet. Then once we had that we decided to go to the mall. We spent hours at the mall just mostly window shopping. Then we decided to see a movie which we both loved. It was playing in a near by cinema so we decided there was no harm. We reached back to the Orlando's at 5:00. "Mom we're back" Lauren said as soon as we reached back. I hung my scarf on the coat peg behind the door. "How was your outing" Aunt Meredith asked us once we entered the living room. "It wasn't an outing but it was fun" Lauren said. "yeah we hadn't done anything like this in months so it was fun" I said smiling at Aunt Meredith. I had already given them all the presents I had bought for them and they had also given me the presents they gave me. After that Lauren and I started a live video for fans. After we closed the live we just talked about random things. But then Lauren asked me something that shocked me a little bit. "Y/n/n you don't have feelings for John do you?" She asked and it looked like she was dreading my answer. "Why would you think that?" I said trying to sound calm. "Because I noticed how you stayed away from him the entire time he was dating Charlotte but as soon as he breaks up with her you start being friends with him again. why?" She asked me again. "Umm that wasn't because John was dating someone that was because I didn't like Charlotte so I mean every time she was around I distanced myself from them" I said partly telling the truth. "So what about the time when Charlotte wasn't there?" She asked. "What is wrong all of a sudden? I mean you know I promised you that nothing will happen between me and John so then why are you so inquisitive" I asked her. To be honest part of me was annoyed about her asking me all this. I mean wasn't she the one who told be NOTHING should go on between John and I. So then did she really think I would break her trust. "Look I know it might be annoying but I........I'm. Just scared. I mean if you do have feelings for him it might be only a matter of time before you start secretly dating him then what will I do?" She said and she seriously looked upset. "Hey look don't worry I'm not the one who breaks promises ok. John and I are just friends" I smiled at her. She smiled back at me and then we both hugged.
I was tossing and turning in bed. Lauren and I went to sleep a bit earlier than usual because we both were really tired from walking everywhere. But as soon as Lauren turned off the lamp I was wide awake. I might have gone to sleep in the middle cuz an hour had passed too quickly but you know it was that type of sleep in which you think you were awake but you were actually asleep. After not being to able to sleep for another 20 minutes I got up. Sometimes when I couldn't sleep in the Orlando's house I used to quietly go outside and sit on the stairs in front of their house. So I slipped on some slippers and headed outside again. I sat for sometime just gazing at the stars above and enjoying the silence when I heard some movement behind me. I quickly turned around to see who it was.
It was John. "I knew you'd be here" He said and came and sat down next to me. "For all you could know I could be asleep." I said smiling a little. "Yeah but I took a chance cuz I still haven't given you the Christmas gift I bought you" He said pulling out a box from I really don't know where. "Here Open it" He said handing it to me. "Thank you" I said pulling on the ribbon surrounding the box. "You haven't even opened it yet and you're already saying thank you" He said and even without looking at him I knew he was smiling. I playfully rolled my eyes and turned to open the box. Inside it was a beautiful locket. It was gold and shined in the dark night. "John it's beautiful" I said holding it up in the moonlight to have a better look at it. "The best parts inside it" John said and carefully opened the locket. Inside was a picture of all of us. It was one of my favorite pictures. "John it's absolutely beautiful, wonderful and every other good adjective in the world" I said hugging him tightly. I noticed he was laughing cuz his chest was slightly moving up and down. "You remember the time you told me you'd like to have a necklace to wear all the time?" He asked me and a flashback went through my mind.

"So why do you wear that bracelet all the time" John asked me. "Well I've always wanted to have a piece of jewelry that meant a lot to me and that I would wear it all the time I think I tried to make this bracelet like that but it doesn't really hold any meaning its by the end of the day just a bracelet" I said playing with the bracelet. "So you want someone to special to give you a bracelet so it holds some meaning in your heart" He asked me raising his eyebrows. "I know it sounds stupid but every since I watched 'Sofia the First' when I was young I wanted to have a special piece of jewelry" I shrugged. "But didn't Sofia have an amulet?" He asked me. "Yeah a necklace of any type would definitely be my first choice but if not that I settle for a bracelet" I said smiling at him. "Hmm" He said and turned his face towards the front thinking about something.

"You remembered that?" I asked him surprised. "Of course" he smiled. I hugged him again. "Thank you" I whispered. "Anytime" he whispered back. We stayed like that for sometime probably because I didn't want to let go. But then I realized what he might be thinking so I let go. "Need a hand putting it on" John asked me I think he noticed I couldn't get the clasp. "Yeah I suck and closing clasps and necklaces" I said handing the locket to him. He put it around my neck. While doing the clasp every time his hand touched my neck a million butterflies were suddenly awakened in my stomach. Finally it was done. "Thanks again I really do think it is beautiful" I said sitting back the way I was. "Yeah I think you made that quite clear" he smiled. I smiled back at him. Then we sat there sometime. While sitting there snow began to fall. I carefully leaned my head towards his shoulder. As I put my head on his shoulder he placed his head on my head. It was a good thing that it was dark and he couldn't see the pink tinge appearing on my cheeks. But I was glad he didn't feel weird that I had put my head on his shoulder.
Little did we know that inside Darian was watching the whole exchange through her bedroom window.......

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