Chapter 13

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I headed back into the house and saw my mom standing in the kitchen making dinner. I decided to join her and tell her everything that happened. "Oh so you were with Johnny, Lauren called and asked where you were and I said you were with friends because I wasn't sure if my guess was correct and you were with John or not" My mom said after hearing everything. "Oh it's a good thing you didn't tell Lauren I was with John" I sighed with relief. "Why?" My mom asked confused. "Well she seems to think that there's something going on between me and Johnny" I shrugged. "So what if there was something going on between you both and Lauren found out she'd be happy for you both right?" My mom said. "Wrong she'll be furious she made me promise not to even catch feelings for him so let me ever date him pffft you know he's off limits" I said. "Hmm that's not very Lauren-like" My mom said. "Yeah but in a way I see why she wants that imagine if John and I do date then break up automatically I'd also be distant from Lauren even though she did nothing" I said to my mom. "Yeah but what if John never breaks your heart and you guys stay together forever" she smiled. "MOM" I protested as we both burst into laughter. "Well anyway it's quite clear to me that Johns off limits so why would I even take a chance" I said to which my mom shrugged. I then got off the kitchen counter I was sitting on and after giving my mom a kiss on the cheek I headed to my room. I opened my phone to see a text from John:

J: You know I really had fun today

Y: I know

J: Hmm thanks again for the "special memory"

Y: No problem

Y: Anytime

J: Anyways you might have fun tonight

Y: Why?


Y: Don't leave me hanging

Y: Aghhhh

I closed my phone agitated I really hate when people leave you hanging on text I mean once you started something end it at least. I jumped on my bed about to open Tiktok and scroll through it when suddenly my phone dinged again. I saw I had received a text from Lauren now.

L: Hey mind if I come over for a sleepover?

Y: Do I ever?

L: So that's a yes?

Y: Of course

Y: When are you coming?

L: I'm on my way

Y: Okie can't wait for you

I quickly ran downstairs to tell my mom. It was a school night but Lauren and I are used to having sleepovers on school nights and then going to school together. So my mom told me to tell my dad that he had to drop two kids tomorrow. He was also used to this so he agreed. Then I started waiting for Lauren. Part of me was scared that she might have found out about John and I together but that other part of me felt that even if she did say anything we could deal with it it's not like I was on a date with John we were just hanging out. While I was thinking about this the doorbell rang. I quickly leapt up and went to open the door. "Lauren" I said hugging her. "Y/n" She said hugging me. "Ok let's go get my night bag I completely forgot about it" Lauren said after we broke the hug. So we both headed outside to get her night bag. I saw John sitting in the car doing something on his phone while occasionally running a hand through his hair. "What are you doing here?" I asked him as Lauren took out her night bag. "Hmm?" He replied absent mindedly. "Hello I asked you what you were doing here." I said slightly amused. "Oh I just came to drop Lauren off" He said finally looking up from his phone. "And then he's off to some party with his friends" Lauren said coming and standing next to me with her night bag in her hand. "Well have fun" I said fist bumping with him and started heading to the front door with Lauren. Before entering I looked behind me to see John looking at me with a small smile on his face. I lightly waved to him and he waved back then I entered my house.

Lauren and I after dinner just talked then we agreed to a movie marathon of harry potter. So we both settled down and started watching 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone'. In the middle of our marathon I received a text from John

J: You having fun?

Y: yup u?

J: ehhh I'm heading home

Y: Didn't have fun at the party?

J: It was okay. Anywho you go have fun

Y: Goodnight

J: Same to you

I closed my phone to see Lauren asleep so I slowly closed the movies and snuggled in my blanket falling asleep in a few seconds too.......

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