Chapter 26

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 For the next few weeks I avoided the Orlando's household. I mean it really wasn't on purpose....ok maybe it was but it wasn't my fault that every time I was busy Lauren called and asked if we could hangout. Yes I agree that I didn't ask her myself if she wanted to hangout but I never even made up an excuse okay I hope you get what I mean. MAYBE I AM A LITTLE GUILTY. But lets leave that shall we? Senior year was coming up so I had to a lot of shopping that was mostly my excuse.....WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME IT ISN"T AN EXCUSE is it? AGHHH Y/N LEAVE IT AND TELL THE STORY. Ok well back to the story sorry but I really have been on the verge of freaking out anytime.
Today my brother and I decided to spend the entire day together. I got ready. after taking a shower. Then I headed downstairs to ask my brother what we were doing. I looked all around for him but couldn't find him. "Hey mom have you see y/b/n?" I asked my mom who was sitting in the living room sewing something. "Umm yeah he just went out he'll be back soon" She said smiling at me. With a sigh I sat down on a sofa and started scrolling through TikTok while waiting for my brother to come back. When suddenly I got a call from Lauren. OH NO Freaking out mode: ON. "Umm hey Lauren what's up?" I asked as I picked up the call. "Are you avoiding me?" She asked me without even saying hi. "No...why would you think that?" I stammered. "You don't seem to want to hang out with me anymore" she frowned. "I am sorry if you felt that way but I'm not avoiding you" I kind of lied. "Ok then we hang out today right now" she said. "Umm I'm soo sorry Lauren but y/b/n and I planned..." I was saying when suddenly my brother came in. "I am soo sorry Y/n but I have this meeting with some one and its really important so can we put hold to this day and do it some time else sorry again" He said and left the room after kissing my forehead.
"Well looks like you are free.." Lauren said with an amused look on her face. "Umm yeah I am" I said mentally face palming myself. "Soo you're gonna come over?" She asked looking at me suspiciously. Not really having any other choice I said yes. "Yes finally come here as soon as you can" She said excitedly and ended the call. I let out a sigh of frustration. "Y/b/n That was really mean" I said running after my brother. "I already said sorry and look now you get to hang out with Lauren" He said before leaving the house. "And that's exactly what I don't want" I mumbled before heading to my room. After grabbing my phone, I headed towards the front door and from there after yelling a goodbye to my mom I started my journey to Laurens house.
When I reached at her front door I raised my hand to knock but the stopped. What if John opens the door? I thought Oh no what if John opens the door I started freaking out. Ok Y/n just be calm if he opens the door just say hi to him and move on I took a breath and was about to knock again when suddenly another thought ran through my head How am I supposed to say Hi Should I say hello or hi or just hey or good morning. Oh no how am I supposed to greet him. I was about to turn back and leave because I knew I couldn't do it the door opened. "Y/n/n?" I heard Maddison. "Oh hi I came to meet Lauren and was knocking but no one opened the door" I stammered shoot did I just lie? "Umm well next time knock harder I don't think anyone heard you" she smiled and let me come in.
Whew at least stage one was done. John didn't open the door. Now all I had to do was avoid him in the house. I silently looked around the house and didn't spot John in the living room. Silently I tiptoed towards the stairs. "Hi Y/n May I ask what are you doing?" I heard Aunt Meredith from behind me. "Uhh I was....uhh....playing spy yeah I was pretending to be a spy...oh no you got me now I'm dead" I said making up the lamest story possible. "Ok go ahead" Aunt Meredith said with an amused look on her face. I sighed but continued to walk silently. Once I reached the stairs I quickly ran up them and then hid behind a cupboard looking to see if John was anywhere near. When I didn't see him I tiptoed towards Lauren's room and quickly went inside and closed the door behind and let out a sigh of relief..
"Y/n!! You're here...wait is everything alright?" Lauren asked me. "Yeah fine just keep the door closed" I said sitting down next to her. "Well I was really bored today John isn't even here so I couldn't go and annoy him thus I called you" She said coming and sitting next to me. "Wait Jon isn't home?" I asked her. "Yeah he went to hangout with his friends for the whole day but why do you care?" She said looking at me suspiciously. "I don't just asking" I said shrugging like I didn't care from the outside but inside I was ecstatic. I couldn't believe John wasn't home meaning I could move around the house freely. But Lauren being my best friend was not fooled by my not care attitude and knew I was happy about something. Either she knows me too well or my huge smile gave me away. "Y/n is everything alright you seem happy?" She asked. "I'm always happy and especially today because I'm hanging out with you...wait that was cheesy forget I said that" I said smiling at her. "Ok so what should we do?" She asked.
After that we were together for 4 hours. Then I decided that before my bad luck comes in and John comes back home I should get going. "Ok I need to going" I said to Lauren. "Okie stay safe" she said hugging me and I headed out of her rom. I ran down the stairs skipping one or two in between. "You seem to be in a hurry" Darian commented as I reached downstairs with a thud. "Yeah just umm need to reach home quickly" I said and after saying goodbye I quickly ran towards my own home.
Well that was good a day where I didn't run into John I don't know how long could I keep this going....  

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