Chapter 34

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It was Christmas Day and I woke up with a smile on my face. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to open up all my presents. Even though I was 16 I still am always excited to open my presents. "Good morning mom dad and Merry Christmas" I said kissing them both on the cheek. "You know I hate the way you ignore me" My brother protested. "Is someone speaking mom because if they are tell them I can't hear them over the sound of how awesome I am" I said looking towards mom whose face broke out in a smile. "Well now I just regret getting you a present" My brother grumbled. I stuck my tongue at him and then reached under our Christmas tree, that my brother and I decorated together, to open the first present. "Thank you mom this is beautiful" I said unwrapping a beautiful top. After opening all my gifts I waited for my parents to open the gifts I gave them. They opened them too and thanked me for them. "So you didn't even buy me a gift" my brother squinted at me. "Was I supposed to?" I said thoughtfully. "Ok now I am actually upset" he said crossing his arms like a 6 year old. "Just kidding y/b/n how am I supposed to forget the 100th best brother in the world" i smiled and grabbed his gift from where I had hidden it. "100th? Who is the first? Johnny?" He asked me opening his gift. "Well he definitely a better brother to Lauren then you are to me" I joked. I got my brother a cool chain he wanted plus a mug that said #1 brother in the world. "Hmm this mug speaks something else" he said looking at the mug. I laughed and he joined in too after some time. "ok kids now go get ready so we could have a cool Christmas breakfast, got it?" My dad said smiling. "Got what dad?" My brother asked innocently even though I am sure he knew what dad was talking about. "I just said COOL Christmas dinner get it cuz it's ok fine" he said and headed to his room to also get dressed. My brother and I looked at each other and burst into laughter. Then we both headed upstairs. I quickly took a shower and got dressed then headed down stairs to help with making breakfast.
"One fluffy pancake coming up" I said flipping a pancake causing it to land on my brothers plate. "Another pancake coming up" I said and another pancake landed on the first pancake on my brothers plate. "Another pancake..." I was about to say when I got interrupted. "Are you going to announce every single pancake that comes on my plate" My brother rolled his eyes. "Hey I like the food I make to feel the importance of being made by me." I said. My brother rolled his eyes again. After a 'cool' family breakfast we all sat in the living room and talked for some times. Spending time with my family is always a very fun experience I get to know a lot about to them. After sitting with my family for a few hours I headed to where my school had planned a charity event for the orphanage in our town.
"Hey Y/n Merry Christmas" Lauren greeted me. She had just called me as I was on my way to the charity event. "Merry Christmas Lauren Sorry I won't be able to make it to your house today" I greeted her back. "Why?" She asked confused. "I have to go to this charity event our school planned and then I have to go to our family dinner" I told her. "Oh it's ok we'll exchange our gifts tomorrow" she smiled. "I'm good with that" I smiled. We both talked the entire time till I reached the place where the event was being held. "Ok I have reached my destination talk to you tomorrow" I said and after she said her good bye we both ended the call.
"I'm here" I said to my friends as soon as I spotted them. "Thank god you are her Y/n I need help at my stall" Angie said. "Already the event didn't even start yet" I said raising my eyebrows. "Yeah but I need help setting up our stall" She smiled innocently. "YOU DIDN"T SET IT UP YET!!! Oh no this is bad come quickly we need to set everything up in...10 minutes" I said and ran towards our stall. Our school had arranged an event in which every student had a different stall to run. Most students of our grade couldn't come due to travelling to families or other emergencies so the few students who were willing to help had pitched in. Angie and I were the only one among our friend group who was there. Liam and Payton were out of town while Rachel was busy during the event timing and couldn't make it. So as the food stall was the easiest to manage according to the organizer of the event so she gave it to us. "Whew that was tiring work" Angie said wiping her forehead. "Tiring?? All you did was set the cupcakes. I did the rest" I said dusting off my hands. "Hey organizing the cupcakes was huge work" Angie protested while I playfully rolled my eyes. Just then Mrs. Douglass came and told us all that she was about to let the people in. Excitedly, I looked at Angie and we both shared a smile. Honestly I couldn't wait to start selling all the delicious food I had in front of me.
"That would be $15" I smiled at a lady who just bought something from our stall. "I think we are definitely making the most money" Angie said to me. "Hmm we are selling food after all" I smiled at her. We both burst into laughter. While laughing I spotted some one I knew. "Angie look over there is that who I think it is?" I asked as my eyes widened. "Yeah that's...." she said and then we both said "Johnny" together. "What is he doing here?" I said hiding behind Angie. "Maybe he's looking for youuu" Angie smirked. "Maybe but there's only one problem in that theory. HE DOESN"T KNOW WHERE I AM RIGHT NOW" I said loudly. "Y/n?" I heard John behind me. Oops guess I was a bit too loud. "Ummm hi" I said meekly turning around. "What are you doing here?" He asked me surprised. "Umm you know selling want a cupcake?" I said and was about to grab a cupcake when he reached out and grabbed my wrist I turned around and blushed beetroot red as I looked at him holding my wrist. "I'm good you know mom makes a huge Christmas breakfast for us I couldn't even eat anything if my life depended on it. Plus I expected a sarcastic reply when I asked you that question" He said smiling . His smile how do I explain it? "Y/n you still with me?" I heard John say. "Yeah" I said dreamily and then suddenly snapped back into reality. "John there are customers waiting I should probably go and cater them." I said. "Ok Merry Christmas by the way" He said pulling me in a hug. "Merry Christmas" I said between the hug. "Your present is waiting at my house" He said through my hair and then broke the hug after waving to me he left. I went back to dealing with the customers with a smile on my face.
But only Angie knew, and she planned to keep this a secret for now, that all this happened under the mistletoe

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