Chapter 17

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When we reached at my house I found that my dad was asleep so was my brother and my mom was barely awake waiting for me. After assuring her that I was at home she went to bed too then Angie and I headed upstairs to my room and changed into our pajamas. Then we both went to sit on my bed. "So what happened?" Angie asked me after we settled down. "I don't know" I whispered playing with my hair. "Come on y/n/n" She said comfortingly. And that was my cue. Everything came pouring out, what happened during intermission what happened just before we came back. I felt my throat tighten again as I was speaking. "tell me Angie why do I care like what the heck is wrong with me why am I upset that he said I was like a little sister to him" I asked Angie once I was done with telling her everything. "Well probably after what happened during intermission you excepted the fact that yes I do have a crush on him and maybe a part of you even believed that he liked you that way too so in a way I think this was you finally feeling denial I mean if he said this to you on a normal day you would have ignored it but today lets say you were triggered and him family zoning you hurt you" Angie went on in a flow. "Umm I'm not sure I understand" I said. "Well in a summary you do have a crush on John" She said sighing. "Maybe" I said playing with my fingers. "Ok look don't kill yourself who knows maybe its all for the good lets have some fun now" She smiled. "yeah boys are a waste of time" I said and we both hugged. Just then my phone dinged. I saw a message from John without opening it I read it:
J: Hey you alright Lauren said something about you leaving in a hurry is everything alright?
Just then another text came:
J: Y/n/n come on I'm getting worried
"Who is it?" Angie asked me. "Umm John" I told her giving her my phone. "WTH why would he be worried about you?" Angie exclaimed. "Because he's like my big brother and big brothers care about little sisters Angie" I said rolling my eyes and grabbing my phone from Angie. When I opened my phone I noticed two more texts from John. I reckoned I should answer them because he won't leave me otherwise
J: Y/N Y/M/N Y/L!!
J: Why won't you answer???
Y: I am fine
Y: Why the temper?
J: Thank God you replied
Y: Anyways I'm busy
J: Oh ok sure
J: Bye
Y: Bye
I closed my phone and looked up just to see Angie also get up. I had already noticed she was reading my texts and I didn't mind it actually helped me now I won't have to tell her everything :):). "You know what I think" Angie said pacing around the room. "What?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "I think he wanted to talk to you" She simply said. "Why would he want to talk to me about what?" I asked still confused. "Well not necessarily about something just randomly maybe about the match and you know" She said sitting in front of me "Hmm why do you say that?" I asked. "I just feel like that let me tell you one thing y/n you and Johnny are never coming under the category of brother and sister" She said shrugging. "I think he's fallen for you and maybe you can...." She wanted to say but I interrupted her. "I can keep to myself and follow the promise I kept with Lauren and stay away from all this and also I'm going to L.A in a few weeks so I can just you know ignore what happened and just spend time with him like before" I smiled. "Well not saying you're wrong but I still ship (Johnny and your ship name) all the way. I laughed and hit her with a pillow which then turned into a whole pillow fight. Then after we got tired we both decided to go to sleep.
While trying to sleep a flashback went through my mind about the first time I met John
My 13 year old self was sitting in Laurens room on her bed. I had been friends with Lauren for over a month now but this was the first time I got to hang out with her at her house. I looked around the room admiring it while swinging my legs backward and forward. My two ponytails on sides were also swinging. I was humming absentmindedly. Lauren was downstairs her mother had called her to do something so she told me to make myself comfortable and had left to help her mom. "Who are you?" I suddenly heard a voice of a boy. "Huh?" was all that came out of my mouth at that time. "Do I know you" The boy asked slowly. "Umm I'm Laurens friend, Y/n" I said softly. "Ohh I'm Lauren older brother, John" He said leaning against the doorway. "Oh umm nice to meet you" i smiled awkwardly not knowing what exactly to say. "hmm" was all the response I got. At first I thought that he was a kind of brat believe me never could i have imagined I would be friends with him in the future. Just then Lauren came back. "Oh you've met my brother?" She asked me and I nodded my head. "Well John you can leave now" Lauren said looking at John who was still leaning against the doorway and staring at me. "Y/n" He said "huh?" I asked scared again on what he will say. "Your hair looks nice" He said before leaving. I admit I might have blushed a little. "Don't pay a lot of attention to him" Lauren said rolling her eyes. I smiled at her and touched my hair.
End of Flashback
I smiled at the thought of that memory. My 13 year old self was soo happy that day. I remember I used to try and make two ponytails every time Lauren called me over to hangout with me. I smiled again and the snuggled in my blanket trying to go to sleep......
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