Chapter 16

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 My mind was racing with thoughts about what was going to happen from the subtle hints from my friends I gathered this much that maybe Payton was about to ask me out. But I couldn't say yes. I mean I obviously had feelings for John and that thing we shared earlier had to mean something didn't it? But then Johns off limits. so I mean it would be the only way of having a boyfriend but was I ready for a boyfriend? A lot of boys have asked me out and I always said no I really don't know why but I have maybe cuz I've never been ready for a boyfriend unless it was Johnny, NO Y/N NO Johns completely off limits, but he obviously has some feelings for me too does he no of course he doesn't. But then Payton do I like him yeah I do but having him as a boyfriend I don't think so I maybe see him more as a friend despite the fact that my friends ship us all the time I just don't feel that way maybe AHHHH i hate this what do I do?
"Ahem" I heard Payton which made me snap back into the reality. "Umm what did umm you want to umm talk about?" I asked nervously rocking back and forward on my feet. "Look I really don't know how to say this but you see these days I've been feeling like I really really like someone" He said. "Umm really who?" I asked scared Before he could say I closed my eyes waiting for the moment to come. "Angie" He said simply. My eyes flew open and relief flooded in my veins causing me to laugh. I laughed uncontrollably and then feeling guilty that Payton might think I'm laughing on his crush on Angie I stopped. "Soo you think its funny" He asked. "No silly just had some tension on me and you telling me this just relieved it" I said then realized it still might sound weird. "This is soo cool since when have you liked her I'm sure she'll be soo happy" I said smiling at Payton. "You think?" He asked still unsure. "I know" I confirmed. "Then why did you laugh?" he asked clearly confused. "Well you see I was nervous you might be asking me out so when I heard you weren't lets just say the relief turned into happiness and the happiness turned into laughter" I said blushing a little. "Oh gosh why would I steal you from Johnny?" Payton said in a joking manner. "Shut up" I said playfully punching him. "What is going on between you and Johnny anyways?" He asked out of the blue. "I really don't know Payton I don't want to know either" I sighed. "Why?" He asked. "I don't want to encounter the reality of me betraying Lauren" I sighed again. "Hey you never know maybe like Lee allowed Noah and Elle to date in the Kissing Booth maybe Lauren might too" He shrugged. "Hmm that's a movie this is reality" I said looking at him. "Hey whatever happens I'll be by your side even if it means knocking Johnny out cold" He said hugging me while I burst into laughter. "Thank you" I smiled at him.
After that we both headed back to see there was a full on party going on. I think the school expected to win so they were going to throw them selves a victory party but they didn't win which made the party useless so they just invited us too. As soon as I saw my 3 friends I ran to them. "So what happened?" Angie asked. "Meaning?" I asked pretending to sound confused. "Did he ask you out?" Lauren asked. "WHAAT that's what you thought he wanted to talk about you're crazyy he umm just umm wanted to give me my bracelet back yeah exactly" I lied. "Oh" they all said together. So I have a flaw I find it really hard to keep something inside me I need to tell someone whenever someone tells me something exciting. Ok trust me I can keep a secret and serious stuff go through my ears and then get lost. But excited things like this I just need to tell someone.
So I made an excuse to my friends to go to drink something and headed to the punch table where I had spotted John. "hey you" I said "Hey what's up?" He asked me. "Can I rant about something" I asked him. "Sure go ahead" He said taking a sip from his cup. So I told him everything. "Hmm nice so he didn't ask you out?" He asked tentatively. "why do you care?" I asked. "Well I'm like your older brother you know you're like Lauren and I don't let Lauren date anyone obviously I feel the same about you" He smiled and after patting my shoulder like a 50 year old man he headed over to his friends who were calling him.
Ok I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt. I quickly ran to the restrooms trying to calm down. As I was looking in the mirror a sob escaped my mouth. "Y/n? You alright?" I heard Angie coming in. "Tell me something Angie Why do I care about him family zoning me when I family zone him 24/7?" I asked her. "Who Payton?" She asked me and when I shook my head a look of realization dawned on her face.
And then lets say she made me say goodbye to everyone and we both headed  to my house.....  

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