Chapter 43

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The next morning after we all had woken up and gotten dressed we headed to the ski slopes. "You scared?" John said smirking at me. We both were walking together. "In your dreams" I said sticking my tongue out. "Have you umm met Sam again yet?" John said after laughing a bit. "Why do you care?" I asked a little annoyed. "Umm just asking can't I ask my friend if she's seeing the boy she likes" He said casually. "I don't like him" I said crossing my arms. "Don't lie to me" John said frowning a little. "I promise I umm kinda like someone else" I said shyly. "Oh" John simply said and then went quiet. After a few moments of silence he spoke again. "So who do you like?" He asked nervously. "A boy" I said simply not knowing what to say to that. I couldn't say you that would be weird. "Oh really thanks for clearing that up" He said sarcastically. "What else am I supposed to say?" I pouted. "Umm if this 'boy' has a name you can tell that for starters" He said. "His name ummm I am not sure what he is called?" I said looking at him nervously. "So you just like him from afar?? How can you like someone without even knowing their name" He said clearly annoyed that I wasn't giving him a straight answer. "I didn't say that" I said trying to throw off the topic. "Then give me a straight answer WHO IS THE GUY YOU LIKE?" He said irritably. "I umm his name is..." I was about to say but was interrupted. "You guys talking about Y/n's crush" I heard Lauren and quickly turned to my left to see her walking by my side. Whew saved by Lauren. "Yeah and apparently this mystery man doesn't have a name" John said looking at Lauren as if asking her to help him with his mission. "He has to have a name" Lauren said to me. "Yeah but I don't want to tell it to you guys" I whined. "But we wanna know" They both mimicked my voice and whined. "Ok fine just the first letter" John says knowing I won't give in. "Hmm fine I'll tell you some letters and one of them is the first initial of him name ok?" I asked them if the agreed. "Hmm sure" Lauren said and John nodded in agreement. "OK here are the letters: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y annnd Z." I said this all in one breath. "Oh thanks Y/n/n now I'm definitely going to know his first initial" John said sarcastically. "Well you got what you asked for" I shrugged and without giving them both a second glance I hurried forward to my brother and started walking by his side from the corner of my eye I noticed they weren't really happy with me.
Once we reached the lift that took us to the top of the mountain I begged my brother to let me come with him. I mean I seriously did not want to be interrogated about my crush from my crush that's just plain awkward. But like all older brothers he just stuck his tongue out at me and asked Maddie to come with him. Lucky for me Lauren and Darian were together. Notice the sarcasm. Guess I was stuck with John. "You coming or are we going to have to wait here forever?" I heard Johns voice. I turned around and noticed someone behind John and got an idea. "Look you go on I'll meet you up there and then we'll have that race we planned earlier" I said smiling at him. "Umm okay?" He said clearly confused. I waved at him and quickly walked to the person I had spotted earlier. "Hey you" I said smiling at the blonde I was standing in front of. "Hey didn't think I'd see you here" Sam laughed. "Well yeah we're going up to ski are you coming there to we could you know go up there together" I said a bit nervously. "Hmm who are you trying to avoid?" He asked me amused. "Umm John and Lauren" I finally gave in. "Why? I thought Lauren was your best friend" He asked me. "Yeah but both of them are on a case trying to find out who I have a crush on" I exhaled. "Hmm do you have a crush on anyone?" He said as we started walking towards the lifts. "Umm to be honest I'm not sure maybe yes maybe no" I said then looked at him. "But please you don't start on that I just escaped the others" I said and he nodded with a smile.
Sam and I talked about random stuff all the way to the top. Then once we reached to the top he looked at me. His bright blue eyes piercing through my e/c ones. "So you wanna race down?" He asked me. "Hmm depends what will I get if I win?" I asked him. "Something from the café, my treat" He smiled. "Hmm then its debatable." I said thoughtfully. "What will I get though?" Sam asked me. "The pleasure of winning" I smiled at him. "Hmm fine works for me. what about you?" He asked me. "Fine I'm in see you at the bottom loser" I said smirking at him. That's when the race started. And I know I know I had to do this with John but I forgot and trust me that was the worst decision in my life.
"HA told you I'd win" I said as Sam came down next to me after a few seconds. "Hmm who taught you how to ski this well" He said out of breath. "Joh-JOHN" I shouted at the end. "Ok ok no need to shout at me like that" He said smiling. "No no you don't get it I forgot John" I said a wave of emotions going through me. "Huh?" He asked me clearly confused. "Oh no he's waiting for me and I forgot and...." I was about to say but broke down into tears. You know the time when you're confused and guilty and don't know what to do that's what I was feeling right now. Thus the tears. Same came close to me and wrapped his arms around me. But I felt like I didn't deserve the comfort. I had been a terrible friend. "Sam Thank you but I really need to go" I said getting out of his arms. "You want me to come with you?" He asked concern clearly peeking through his blue eyes. "No I'll be fine I hope he's not mad" I said wiping the corner of my eyes. "He won't be if he's your true friend I am sure" Sam smiled at me. "Thanks again Sam" I said and after giving him a quick hug I ran towards the lift again. This time I sat with some lady who told me all about her cats. Trust me Milton, Hercules Cara and Ramona were all really fascinating cats but now just wasn't the best time to talk about them with me. After a 10 minute long ride I finally reached the top and after a hurried but polite goodbye to the cat lady I started looking around for the red jacket John was wearing earlier. Once I spotted a flash of red I headed towards it. "JOHN" I shouted hoping he'd hear me. "Y/n" He said once he turned around but his voice was cold. "I am so sorry I forgot and..." I then shut up not knowing what to say. "And then you what?" He asked me coldly. I couldn't say I was racing with Sam that would make me sooo angry. "Umm I had something else to do?" I said hoping he wouldn't question further. "Hmm" was all he said when I heard someone call me. I turned around and spotted Sam running towards me with my skis in his hand. Oh shoot. "Here Y/n you forgot these down" He said handing them to me. "Umm thanks" I said awkwardly taking the skis back. "Well see you soon" He said after a glance at John. He left. I turned back to John. "I got all the information I need" He said and shoved his goggles on his face and started skiing down the slopes, clearly, with aggression. Now there I was standing alone on the slope not knowing where any of my family or friends were.
I headed down the slope slowly skiing and trying to rearrange my thoughts. It didn't help cuz clearly guilt is a very negative feeling and it was eating me up. I reached down the end and looked around hoping to spot the familiar red jacket but saw it nowhere. Instead I spotted a green jacket and headed towards that. "Hey Lauren" I said to my blonde best friend. " alright?" She said as soon as she saw me. "I don't know" I whispered not loud enough for anyone but me to hear. "Huh didn't get that" Lauren said. I pulled myself together and smiled at her. "Why would anything be wrong with me?" I asked her. "Umm you looked down" She said. "Yeah maybe because I lost all of you that's why" I said convincing her. "Hmm ok you up for some hot donuts?" she said to me excitedly. "DUH" I smiled and we both headed to the donut shop nearby.
At dinner John didn't even look me in the eye. I guess he was still upset but well I guess I hadn't given him a proper apology either. So after dinner I nervously headed towards him. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "John?" I asked nervously. "Hmm" was all the response I got. "Look I'm really sorry.." I was about to say when he interrupted me. "Save it maybe use when you upset someone who actually means something to you" He said. "What you mean something to..." I was saying but he already left. Well I hope he doesn't stay mad for too long I mean it's normal to forget something. Ugghhh please don't ruin this trip for me John.
Here's a little third person POV :):)
John walked away from Y/n. He was angry really angry but part of him had wanted to except that apology. He wanted to laugh and joke with Y/n like before they came on this trip. "It's all that stupid Sam's fault" He said under his breath kicking a rock. He entered his cabin and after taking of his jacket he turned to the window and spotted Y/n with his sister. She was laughing. But John knew something was wrong. Part of him felt like she deserved it but that as just a tiny part. A huge part of him wanted to go take her in his arms and comfort her that he wasn't mad at her. He shook those thoughts away and turned and flopped on his bed.

Sooo what do you guys think?? I wanted to break down this chapter into 2 parts but though because I haven't been updating much lately you guys could have a treat :):):)

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