Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

Lawrence smiled at me as we met at the dance floor. I smiled back.


He asked me pushing his hair out of his eyes. I looked up at him and nodded. He smiled at me reassuringly again. We both turned to Ashley who looked at us with a smile on her face. That looked creepy because Ashley rarely smiled genuinely.

Lawrence and I headed towards her and Lawrence raised his eye brows asking what did we have to do.

"Ok belle you will be walking down the stairs in your yellow dress. As we don't have the dress or the stage just start by delicately placing your hand in the beasts. Beast you look in her eyes and kiss her hand"

Ashley started ranting. I looked up at her a question in my mind.

"Ashley you do know that Lawrence will be the beast at that time. How would he look if he was kissing my hand"

I asked Ashley causing her to glare at me. But considering the number of murmurs that spread across the room I felt like maybe that wasn't too bad.

"Its a furry kiss just do it if you know whats good for you"

Ashley said after plastering the fake smile on her face again.

I sighed and started the rehersal of the first part. I walked forward and placed my hand in Lawrence's hand. I thought it was delicate enough and thankfully Ashley didn't say anything.

Lawrence looked up into my eyes as his lips brushed my hand. I swear if it wasn't for John I would have melted under his intense stare but I didn't feel much because i was probably all ready in love with another.

Once he kissed my hand he stood straight up. I was about to let go and look at Ashley for further directions when he pulled me closer to him and whispered something in my ear:

"Lets show her why we were chosen to play the main leads of the show"

He whispered and started moving. I was not that good at ballroom dancing but for some reason Lawrence was absolutely amazing. If I put a step out of the line he woukd follow the step making it look as if I did it on purpose.

Once he noticed I was more at ease he twirled me around and did many other dance steps during our dance. After 2 minutes we stopped.

The whole dance studio stood up and started applauding us. I mean its not everyday you fo a perfect rehersal without even practising first. I smiled at Lawrence who was looking at me just as he had been the entire dance.

I quickly looked towards Ashley expecting her to look angry but she was clapping for us too. Who was she and what had she done to Ashley?

Our drama teacher was absolutely exhilarated. She kept on repeating how she couldn't wait for us to do the same thing infront of an audience.

"That was amazing Lawrence and y/n there is definitely one thing missing you know it would be perfect if the beast would kiss belle right now but thats too hard so we'll add another ballroom dancing scene just to add the kiss too. We could make the ending like that..."

Ashley kept droning on and on but the only thing my mind could hear and then hear again was the word KISS.

How was I supposed to kiss Lawrence? My first kiss was John and I wanted him to be the only one to kiss. And other than that how would he react when he hears about it. I knew that i had to tell him and if he doesnt find out from me and finds out the day I kiss Lawrence he would be sooo angry.

I rubbed my hands together in anticipation and headed towards my friends. Turns out Ashley had told us to call it a day(thank god) i told them to walk home together and then went to to grab our things.

"I am sure John won't mind he knows you're head over heels for him"

Angie said as we walked towards our homes.

"It doesn't matter about that if Rachel kisses a dude who is even as good looking as old Laurie I would be furious at Rachel even though I know she loves me"

Liam said causing my anxiety to rise.

"What if Rachel told you it would happen what would your reaction be?"

I asked tentatively.

"I don't really know. Payton?"

Liam sighed and turned to the othe boy walking with us.

"I really don't know I think it depends. But personally I would hate it"

Payton said sighing as well. I looked down. Now that i had gotten the role I loved it. But I knew I cared more about John and I would happily let go of the role if it meant that John was going to stay. I sighed.

"Hey talk to him. Who knows maybe he doesn't care or he understands."

Angie said side hugging me. Rachel alao nodded in agreement hugging me from the other side. I smiled at them wearily.

We had split up as our way home was different. I walked in silence. Still contemplating on my next move i enterd my house.

After greeting my family I headed to my room and took out my phone. It was the weekend tomorrow so I planned to do this as early as possible.

Y: Can we meet up tomorrow?

I waited earnestly for his reply. Thankfully it came soon.

J: Sure where tho?

Y: Anywhere you want

J: Is everything alright you rarely let me pick?

Y: Don't lie

J: I am not lying but okay lets meet at the Timmy's near your house.

Y: Sure at what time?

J: Y/n are you seriously okay? You know I can easily decipher when you're worried or upset.

Y: I'm fine.

J: I'll come over now if you want me to

Y: i'm fine trust me just meet me at Timmy's at 10 ok?

J: Sure but should I call you or something? Plzz tell me if somethings wrong you know I am there for you

Y: I know I'll see you tomorrow and I'll tell you everything.

J: Promise?

Y: Pinky Promise😊

J: Okay...then see you tomorrow.

I closed my phone and layed on my bed. Well this is going to be a long and restless night.

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