Chapter 8

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I reached home and acted upon my instincts. I called Lauren. "Hey is everything alright?" She said as soon as she picked up the call. "Ummm yeah of course I mean I think at least that everything is alright I mean I am alright and so is my family ok maybe I am not alright you know I feel like maybe I just called you for nothing you know....." I was saying when I got cut off by Lauren. "Ok you're rambling what's wrong?" She said. "Ok maybe I am in a fix I think I just got myself into a date" I said scared of Lauren's reaction. "WHAT!!!!! So what's the problem that's really good news" She said clearly happy for me. "Yeah for you I am freaking out right now" I said in a state of anxiety "Now you are being stupid just wear something cute and go have fun imagine you're hanging out with a friend rather then going on a date." She explained. This might be weird but would you help me choose what to wear" I said meekly. "What are best friends for?" Lauren said laughing. After a lot of decisions, we decided on a white top with a light pink leather jacket and underneath plain blue jeans. I kept my hair open and curled them a little bit. "So how do I look?" I asked Lauren twirling around. "Gorgeous as usual" She commented. Just as she said that I heard a voice " Why are you dressed up?" Maddie asked. "She's going on a D-A-T-E" Lauren said. "A date?" Darian asked from behind as Lauren slapped her forehead. "Why what's wrong in saying date?" Maddie asked. "Then Y/n becomes nervous" Lauren said. "It's not that bad Lauren" I protested while Maddie and Darian just laughed. "Well you look nice anyway" Maddie said and Darian agreed. After talking to Lauren for sometime I reckoned I should get going as I was almost late for the meeting at Titbits.

I reached there a few minutes late and spotted Payton standing at the door. "Sorry I'm late" I said as soon as I got near him. "Hmm no biggie I just reached here a minute ago" He said smiling at me. I just smiled back trying to act natural. "So I decided we could go to an amusement park you game?" He asked me. "Am I?" I said enthusiastically I love amusement parks their just soo much fun. "Well seeing you like the idea lets go" He said and started heading towards the nearest amusement park.
We reached there and I believe my eyes were shining as Payton said "So you're excited?" He asked. "I think I made that quite clear before that I love amusement parks" I said to him my eyes still shining. He laughed at my excitement. We entered the park and I started looking everywhere wondering where we would go first. "That ride seems interesting" Payton pointed to a dangerous looking ride. "Let's go" I said. "Are you sure it seems dangerous?" He said looking at me. "Yeah didn't you just say that we should go on that one and anyway the dangerous the better" I said with a mischievous glint in my eyes. "Well you're the first girl who's actually said that so I bet we're going to have fun." he smiled and we headed to the ride. After that ride we took alot of other awesome rides and at the end he suggested we go to the horror house. "Scared yet?" He asked. "In your dreams" I said smiling. We entered the horror house. Trust me I wasn't scared but whenever something jumped at me my instinct was to hold on to Payton. So when we came outside he was laughing." So Y/n you were scared after all cuz the number of times you held on to me was...................wait I lost count after the 10th" He said all in good humor. "I wasn't scared I just instinctively did it" I pouted while he continued to laugh. "Well how about some cotton candy to cheer you up" He said pointing to a cart nearby. "Sure" I said smiling once again. "last one there is a rotten egg" He shouted and started running. "Hey unfair you got a head start" I said and ran after him.
After the cotton candy we decided to call it a day " I had fun" I said as I walked next to him. "hmm me too you're more fun to hangout with then most people" he said and i just nodded not knowing what to say. After that we reached Titbits and from there our ways parted with a goodbye.......

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