Chapter 2

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Next morning I woke up to someone singing "Wonder" by Shawn Mendes. "Lauren the next time try throwing water on me when you want to wake up" I said groggily. "Hmmm remind me that the next time you come over for the night" She smiled at me. Shaking my head i got up and reached for my and went to take a shower. When i came out i noticed Lauren had left so i went downstairs and saw Aunt Meredith sitting on the couch and looking at something on her phone. "Oh hi y/n you look nice today" She smiled. 'Thank you, where's Lauren?" I smiled and said. "Oh she's gone with Maddison and Darian to get breakfast, would you do me a favor and please wake the boys up?" Aunt Meredith said to me. "Sure" I smiled and headed towards the boys room.

When i reached there i lightly knocked on the door when there was no answer i knocked a little louder when there was still no answer i reckoned they would be asleep so i slowly opened the door and went inside. I smiled when my eyes reached them they were still in their day clothes meaning they probably fell asleep while talking to each other. They looked so peaceful Oh why do people look so peaceful when they sleep? I really didn't want to wake them up but i had to do what the grown up said. So I slowly crept up to Johnny first "Psst John wake up" i whispered in his ear. To which he incoherently replied and snuggled even more in his blanket. Sighing i went over to Hayden and tried waking him up softly. Thankfully, he got up at once and looked around as if he didn't know where he was. I shook my head and looked at him with a look that said "dude now get up" so slowly he got up and rubbed his eyes and after patting me on the back he went to freshen up and take a shower. i looked at him amused and then turned to Johnny the harder case. First i tried the gentle awakening. "John your mom is telling you to get up" The reply i got this time was even worse he peeked at me with just one eye and then turned the other side. "JOHN VINCENT ORLANDO YOU WAKE UP THIS MOMENT OR I WILL BE YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE" I kind of shouted. To this he just pulled the blanket up his head. So then i took this to next level and started jumping up and down on his bed and started singing loudly. After doing this for a few minutes i was about to give up when i felt a hand clutch at my ankle and pulled it i fell on the bed with a scream" JOHNNNNNN" I screamed. "you could have hurt me" i said and crossed my arms across my chest. "What did he do now?" I heard Hayden. Well that was quick. Then i reencountered the whole story to Hayden he just burst into laughter and left the room without even helping me. "I hate you Hayden Summmerall" I mumbled to which i heard a muffled laugh. "John i know you're awake, so listen i am going downstairs to have the breakfast your sisters are bringing and i will make sure not to leave you any" i said and was about to get up when i noticed that he was sitting up in his bed. "You're too nice to do that" He said. "We'll see" i said with a smirk on my face and skipped out of the room knowing he was awake now.

When i reached down stairs i saw that that Lauren had returned. They had bought donuts. "MMM donuts" I said and quickly sat down and grabbed one. "So he's awake" Hayden asked me. "Yes but no thanks to you" i said sticking my tongue out. God i seem to do this a lot i should really control myself. After some time Johnny came downstairs smirking. "What's with the smirk?" Darian asked him. "Oh just remembered someone telling me that she won't leave me any breakfast but hey look at this there is breakfast" He said looking at me. "Hmmm i think you're still dreaming cuz there isn't any food on the table" I said acting shocked as he came to sit next to me and nudged me playfully when he heard what i said. I just playfully rolled my eyes at him.

I looked at Lauren and she had a frown on her face. I raised my eyebrows asking her what's up. She told me to come in her room. So i got up as soon as she did. "Where are you going?" John asked me. "Ummm to Laurens room" I said and ran before he could ask me something else.

"So what' up?" I asked Lauren jumping on her bed. "Look i know this might sound weird but i am just scared" Lauren said fidgeting with her hands. "You know that you can tell me anything" I said. "Well here goes nothing.........So you see i have been noticing you and John these days and I feel like you guys are getting closer which i swear doesn't bother me but i want you to know that i don't like it when my friends date my brother so if you have a crush on him plz just forget about it i know i am being a rotten friend and i should not say stuff like this because i can't control your feelings but........" She started rambling when i cut her off "You think i have a crush on John?" I asked her and when she nodded and said " Maddie and Darian also feel that you do" is when i burst into laughter. "Oh my gosh that's the funniest thing i have ever heard" I said laughing even harder. I saw that Lauren had breathed with relief. So i hugged her.

Little did i know that what would happen in the future..................

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