Chapter 25

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As soon as both my friends ran into my room I stood up. "We came as quickly as we could" Angie said as soon as she entered my room. "I don't even know what's going on?" Liam stated. "She kissed Johnny" Angie simply said. "You what!! Johnny Orlando?" Liam asked. "No Johnny Depp" Angie said rolling her eyes. "Wait where did you even get the guts to kiss him I mean knowing you, you can't possibly do something..." He wanted to say but a glare from Angie shut him up. "Umm John kissed me but I kissed back" I said while fidgeting with my fingers. "Ok then what happened?" Angie asked me. "Well then I got up told him not to tell anyone about what happened and then ran away Yeah he did call me but I ignored him and ran" I said looking down. "OMG I just remembered this was your first kiss" Angie squealed. "Hey I bet that slipped out of her mind" Liam laughed at me. "Yeah.. I forgot" I said blushing. They both burst into laughter. "Hey stop laughing and tell me what am I supposed to do" I protested. "what do you mean?" Liam asked. "I mean it clearly shows that it didn't mean anything to you" Angie said. "Uhh no but would it be wrong if I said that it was the best thing that ever happened to me" I said looking down at my feet.
"So you enjoyed it too?" Angie asked me excitedly and when i nodded she started jumping around my room screaming like a banshee. I just shook my head while Liam rolled his eyes. "But what is wrong I mean I remember when Rachel and I kissed for the first time I knew she was the one for me and voila look know we're dating" He said slinging his arm around my shoulder. "The problem is Lauren you know how she is" I sighed. "Hmm" Liam said thoughtfully. "EEEK so when are you telling him that you loooove.....what oh ok" Angie started saying but shut up once she saw the look that Liam gave her. "Well you did tell John not to tell anyone well trust him and boom go on with your life act like it never happened" Liam said. "but what if he wants to talk about it" I asked looking at both of them. "Then just tell him it was a one time thing and to forget about it" Angie said. I shook my head. I couldn't talk about it but I didn't want him to think that I was upset about it. "And what if he tells me he likes me?" I asked hoping they'd give me some advice in which I could talk to him about it without letting Lauren know. "Well then you just run away from him without answering" Liam shrugged. "Ok" I said knowing they'd never say what I wanted them to say.
"So now that you have cheered up should we call Payton and Rachel they were worried about you too" Angie said taking out her phone. "Sure we'll go and have milkshakes too afterwards" I said standing up and setting my hair in the mirror. So Angie called them both and they both came frantically running into my room. "OMG Y/n are you alright I have been soo worried" Rachel came and hugged me tightly. "Umm worried what did you guys tell her before coming?" I asked my two best friends. "They told us Y/n was in trouble and she needed us" Payton said also looking worried. "Soo what do you think it was?" Angie asked them. "Umm she was expelled or she broke her leg" Rachel said. "Or her mom kicked her out of the house what was it??" Payton asked.
"Aghh it was only a kiss" I said a bit amused on what my friends were thinking. "A KISS THATS IT WE...what a kiss with who" Payton said at once. "OMG your first kiss who is the lucky guy" Rachel also asked excitedly. "Johnny" I mumbled incoherently. "What didn't catch that" Payton said. "It was Johnny" I said a blush forming on my cheeks. "Ooooo (Johnny and your ship name) ship is finally sailing" Rachel squealed. "Well how was it?" She asked me after squealing for some time. "The best thing that ever happened to me" I said staring dreamily remembering the feel of his lips on mine. "Hey hey we're still here" Liam and Payton said together. "And?" Angie asked them raising an eyebrow. "We don't like hearing our little sister raving about some boy kissing her" Liam said ruffling my hair. "Double that" Payton said slinging an arm around my shoulder. I smiled. "Thank you guys for always being there for me" I said giving them all a group hug.
"Now let's go and celebrate Y/n's first kiss with milkshakes" Angie said and all my friends started heading out of my room. "WAIT" I stopped them. "What if I run into Johnny there how will I face him I can't even talk to him I probably be a nervous wreck when I see him..." As I was going on and on my friends grabbed my arms and dragged me out. We went and had milkshakes and just talked randomly about stuff one time or another my friends used to mention the kiss but other than that it was just a normal day.
When I reached home I was quite calmer them before. After dinner I lay in my bed and once again reminisced on the kiss. With a smile on my face I went to sleep. Little did I know that someone else was also thinking about the same moment wit a smile on his face......  

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