Chapter 27

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Today was the first day of senior year. I woke up early because I didn't want to be late for the first day of school and also Lauren and I promised to talk before our first day, at senior year for me and at college for her. So after I got ready I called Lauren. We both calmed each other down in our own ways. After talking for some time we ended the call and I headed to my school. Liam was about to turn 18 soon so he promised us that he would drive us to school once he did turn 18. I was excited for that.
When I reached school I headed to my locker to find Angie and Payton standing near Angie's locker. Payton had his back to me so I decided to scare him. "Boo" I said in his ear and when I looked at his expression I burst into laughter. Angie joined in after some time. "Y/n/n you need to act more mature you're in senior year now" Payton said grumpily to which I stuck out my tongue at him. "That is also counted as immature" he said pointing at me. Angie was still laughing. Just then Liam came. "What are you guys laughing about?" He asked opening his locker. "Y/n's being immature so I am teaching her how to be mature" Payton said after doing the bro thing with Liam. "Hey Payton don't you dare do that we like the immature Y/n" Liam protested and I smirked and Payton and hugged Liam. Just then Rachel also came. "Rach" I squealed and also hugged her. "So seniors are we?" Rachel said after kissing Liam on the cheek. We all nodded. "It feels so grand" I said happily. "So what's your first class?" Angie asked us all. After comparing timetables we found out that all the girls had the class together. We all headed to the first class today. Nothing exciting happened until the lesson before recess (while writing this why did the remember the recess app:):):)plz tell me I am not the only one).
It was history class the MOST boring class in the entire school. I was half asleep and when I looked around I noticed Rachel who was sitting next to me was also half asleep. As I was lolling around in my sleep I heard my phone ding. Our school has a do not use phone during class policy like every school but our history teacher, Mr. Hudgens reminded me of Professor Binns from Harry Potter he never notices what students are doing and even if he does he just ignores it. So I took out my phone and was surprised to see a text from Johnny. We still hadn't talked after the kiss so I found it kind of odd but opened the message nonetheless.
J: Hey
Wow that's it hey?
J: Was missing you so decided to text you
WOW now this is weird did he forget everything the kiss and stuff. But I still replied like the kiss never happened and John just texted me.
Y: Aww the little boy can't live without me :):)
J: Yup
Ok this was weird normally John would say something like Haha or would make a joke about me missing him too but yup was the last thing he would say.
Y: Umm you ok?
J: Yeah just thinking of you
OK I was officially freaking out now Did the kiss affect his brain or something and if it did why is he telling me this now?
Y: I have class right now but we need to talk about this after wards
J: Sure love you
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA This has to be drunk John no wait he didn't drink. I admit my stomach did fill with butterflies when he said this but instead of saying something I just sent a blushing emoji. Awkwardly I closed my phone to see Rachel looking at me. Not that I minded the fact that she was looking at my texts we were this close that I wasn't angry but I still blushed. She raised her eyebrows in asking what this was about when I just shrugged her off.
During lunch Rachel started the topic of the texts again and after a lot of persuading I finally showed the texts to my friends. "These are weird" Liam frowned. "They are does he think you guys are dating?" Payton asked me. "Of course not this is the first interaction we've had since the kiss" I said. "This is creepy stalker weird do you think he's obsessed with you or something?" Angie asked me her head on Payton's shoulder. "Ummm I don't know but I sure do hate it" I said. They all looked at me as waiting for me to continue. "Well I like John cuz he's humorous and witty. Also he's extremely laid back and also soo caring this John the one that texted me seems clingy and weird like Angie said stalker weird" I elaborated. We kept on discussing he texts and deep down a part of me knew this was not John but who was it then?
After school ended I was really happy. Trust me senior year is hard. "I'm freeeeee" I sang skipping in front of my friends. "Y/n that's also immature do I really have to teach you how to be mature the entire year?" Payton asked me. "Well if you want to teach some one something they will never want to learn go ahead" I said pretending to think. All my friends burst into laughter.
At home I read all the texts John sent again. Agreeing with myself I knew this was n0t John now who was it that's what I need to find out over the weekend.....  

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