Chapter 37

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The next day I woke up and saw that Lauren was still sleeping. Slowly I got out of bed and then crept towards her. "GOOD MORNING" I shouted and pulled the blanket off her. "Y/N!!!!!!!" She groggily replied to my enthusiastic wake up call. "Come on Lauren its such a glorious day we should go outside have coffee walk around the park" I said moving my hands around for emphasis. "I know we're going to do nothing among those things you said cuz you're going to go home right after breakfast" Lauren said getting up and rubbing her eyes. "I know but at least you're awake now" I said looking at her with amusement. "Umm Y/n what's that on your neck?" She asked me pointing towards the locket John gave me. I hadn't taken it off last night before going to sleep because I was too tired. John and I might have sat together longer then expected. "Oh umm John gave me this for Christmas" I said awkwardly. "Hmm" Lauren said eyeing me suspiciously. "Let me show you the best part" I said and showed her the picture inside it. "Oooo nice picture" She smiled. I closed the locket and let it hang back around my neck. "Umm you're not angry at me right?" I asked her playing with the locket. "Huh why would I be angry?" She asked confused. "Oh you know that how John gave me this locket..." I said hesitantly. "Of course not I mean if there was a picture of you and John in there that would be suspicious but its not I'm not that kind of friend who even stops her friend to get Christmas presents from other friends" She said all this is one breath. "Now that made sense but at the same time did not make sense" I said laughing a little. "I know but it's not my fault I'm sleepy" she groaned and fell back on her bed. I laughed and headed to get dressed and take a shower. Once I was ready I looked over at Lauren to see her still in bed. "Lauren get up" I said shaking her. "I'm up" She said and slowly got out of bed. I should be groggy like her considering the fact that i slept at 1:00 and she fell asleep way earlier. Shaking my head I headed outside. I had heard voices so I new that some one was awake.
"Good morning" I said as I entered the room. I noticed only Maddie and Darian were awake. "Good morning" They both said together. I sat down next to them and poured myself a glass of milk. "Cool locket. Who gave it to you?" Darian asked me. I could have sworn she smirked but then when I tried to look at her to be clear the smirk had disappeared. "Umm your brother gave it to me" I said. "Which brother?" Maddison asked me. "How many brothers do you have?" I asked her looking at her weirdly. "Oh you" She said laughing awkwardly. "Exactly" I said and took a sip from my glass. "When did he give it to you?" Darian asked me. Ok I was weirded out now. Why were they asking so much questions? "Last night" I shrugged. "Last night when last night?" Darian asked me. "Ummm" I said and I was glad to hear some one come in so I quickly turned to them and said a cheery good morning. "Some one sounds happy today" I heard John. Oh no well it couldn't be anyone else could it? it had to be John. "Yeah I was..." I was saying when Darian interrupted me. "......telling us when our brother gave you that locket" she said now clearly smirking. I looked towards John who's eyes also widened but when he looked at me he subtly winked at me. I knew what it it meant. It meant let me deal with it. "Yeah I left the present on Lauren's bedside table glad you found it y/n/n" He said looking at me. "Yeah thank you I loved it" I also said playing along. "So why did you say last night?" Maddison raised her eyebrows. "Because I found it at night I mean he meant for me to find it in the morning but I woke up at night and found it" I said hoping it wasn't too clear that I was rambling. But one subtle thumbs up from John was enough. "Hmm just so you know that I know everything going on around the house" Darian said trying to be creepy but failed and then burst into laughter. Confused on whether I was supposed to laugh or not I remained silent. John came and sat down next to me with a smile. The smile that could light up the whole world, the smile that.........get it together Y/n you don't say stuff like that. "Y/n you can have breakfast here you know?" Maddison asked me. "Huh oh of course I'll make my self something" I smiled.
whenever I was at the Orlando's house I always used to make my own breakfast it was just something that I really didn't mind. So I got up and headed towards the counter after grabbing the bread and peanut butter. I took out a butter knife and then went to the other cupboard to look for a plate after popping the toast in the toaster. When I came back with the plate in my hand I noticed that the butter knife wasn't there any more. "John where.." I was about to say when I noticed that he had taken it and was about to but butter on his toast from it. "JOHN!!! That's mine" I said and headed over to grab it from him causing him to back away. As I reached over to grab it I realized how close we were but I didn't take a step back it was as if someone had glued me to ground. I stared into his green eyes quite oblivious to the fact that he was staring back in mine too. He had been holding the knife above his head before but as we stared at each other his hand dropped down and wrapped itself around my waist pulling me a tiny bit closer. I don't know if I was leaning in or he was but some one was leaning in. Just as we were a few inches away from each other I heard Lauren shout "Y/n where are you" As if lightning had struck us both we jumped apart. Blushing furiously, I looked at John who also seemed to be a little pink. "Y/n you alright?" Lauren asked me. "Yeah definitely I said letting my hair fall around me to hide the blush. "Y/n here your knife" John said quietly handing me the knife "Thank you" i muttered and went back towards my own toast. Lauren came next to me and started making her own breakfast.
The entire time Lauren was talking to me but I didn't register any of it the only thing in my mind was the scene that just took place, replaying over and over in my head........  

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