Chapter 29

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It has been 1 month since John and Charlotte started dating and she has been annoying me since then. So I have started avoiding going over to their place because every time I go there she would start mocking me or whispering things in my ears. Its annoying ok? I mean I can't endure this for more longer so I told Lauren if she wants to hang out with me we will hang out at MY house. When she asked why. I replied by saying that it was Charlotte free and I promise she laughed. So meaning maybe she's also annoyed with her. Also Maddison also said that it would be better if I, Y/n, would date John because I'm less annoying. Ok someone tell me if that is a compliment or not? I don't think it is. John and I haven't talked since our last interaction. And personally I really don't know what we would talk about because ever since he started dating Charlotte I can't look at him in the eye. Now maybe its because of the kiss or maybe it's just because we have drifted apart. But anyway that's the story till now.
Today after school I had planned on getting Christmas gifts for my friends as Christmas was nearing. I love the mall during Christmas time so I dressed up warm and headed to my favorite mall. All around people were laughing and some kids were crying too but the main noise was of laughter and cheery talking. I walked in a clothes store to get a scarf for my mom. I continued shopping for all my family and then I started looking for gifts for my friends. I put on my air pods and while browsing for items I played my Christmas playlist. I love shopping alone!!!!!!!!! While I was humming to 'Last Christmas' I felt my phone ding. I saw I had a text from my brother:
B: Where are you??
Y: At the mall why?
B: Oh no reason I was worried that's all
Y: R U serious?
B: :):):)
I rolled my eyes and continued my shopping. After I was done with most of my shopping and I couldn't possibly carry anything else I decided to go to the food court and grab something to drink. I ordered (Your favorite drink) and was heading over to a table to sit in peace and drink it when suddenly I saw the evil snake with her boyfriend and their friends. I quickly lowered my head and started walking faster but I ran out of luck and the snake spotted me. "Hey Y/n!!" She shouted to me. I hunched my shoulders and started walking more quickly. "I called you Y/n!!! Or wait is there another Y/n here?" She shouted sarcastically. "What is wrong with you?" I said turning towards her quickly. "Oh I just wanted to say hello to a friend of MY boyfriend" She said smiling sickly while Johnny was standing awkwardly with her. All the friends were also standing looking between us. "You are sick all you want to do is annoy me what is your goddam problem?" I kind of shouted at her. Ok I was annoyed with her and her antics. I mean why can't she leave me alone. "Annoy you why would I do that?" She faked innocence. "You make me sick I repeat sick I don't even know what John even saw in you because everyone knows that underneath that pretty princess look a snake lives. And all your friends trust me they even just hang out with you because their probably scared of So now you know who you really are leave me alone because I don't ever want to talk to a snake." I ranted on walking closer to her. "Shut up" She hissed at me. "Oh look at that the snake knows how to play her role" I said sarcastically and turned around and started walking away from the group who were all looking at me surprised. The snake was staring at me angrily while John had an admiring look at his face but when we had made eye contact it slid off and his face turned expressionless.
"Well you can say all you want but you're jealous of my looks and my boyfriend" She shouted at my retreating back. Ok now she crossed the limits. SO I turned around on spot. "I don't get jealous of snakes and plus to me YOUR boyfriend is just my best friends brother and says who I think you are jealous of me that's why you flaunt around me so much" I smirked. When I saw her mouth fly open a feeling of victory creeped up on me. "Well then Adios amigos" I said and walked away from the group my head held high.
Even though I put on a brave front I was shaking from inside. This was the first time I had gone off on someone. I usually kept my emotions to myself but Charlotte forced me to break. When I reached home I was feeling really guilty so I took out my phone and after taking a deep breath I opened a chat I hadn't opened in ages
Y: Hey I am sorry for going off could you also say sorry to your friends from me?
J: Wow long time no talk and sure it's ok personally I think they all were happy that you put Charlotte in her place
Y: Thank you
I didn't want to talk to him so I just shut my phone and lay on my bed surrounded by the bags from the stores I had just shopped from. I quickly hid them all and then went downstairs and spent time with my family for the rest of the day.......

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