Chapter 22

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I woke up the next morning. My first plan was to go meet all my school friends and then go to Lauren's house on 'Aunt Meredith's' invitation'. So I dressed up and ran downstairs as usual had a hurried breakfast then on my way to titbits grabbed a strawberry and cream Frappuccino. Once I reached Titbits I noticed all my 4 friends already waiting for me. Liam and Rachel were as usual holding hands and ANGIE AND PAYTON WERE ALSO HOLDING HANDS!!!!!!!!!. "What the heck? Since when?" I asked running towards my friends. "Umm what happened to the good old fashioned way of saying hey?" Liam asked me confused. "THEM WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME THAT!!" I almost shouted pointing towards Angie and Payton's hands. "OH it happened a few days ago we thought we'd surprise you" Angie smiled. "OMG I am sooo happy for you" I said hugging Angie and then hugging Payton. "Hey since when does Payton get the second hug" Liam protested. I laughed and hugged him too. "Hey Y/n" I heard Rachel from behind. "Hey" I said hugging her too. "So what do we have planned today?" I asked looking around at my friends. "Umm we planned on going to an amusement park" Rachel said. "Yayyyy I can't wait even though I might be fifth wheeling the entire time" I said looking at my friends. "No you won't I am staying by your side Payton can live without me for a day" Angie said coming to my side. "So can Liam" Rachel said coming to my other side. I burst into laughter at the look on the boys faces. Well we headed to the park and had the time of our life as usual. Then after we had sat on every ride in the park We headed to have some cotton candy. It was kind of our thing now to have lots of cotton candy at the same time. My friends told me that they hadn't had cotton candy since i was gone and neither had I so we ate lots of it. "You know now I come to think of it the third one wasn't really good for me" I groaned holding my stomach. "Sameee" Angie and Rachel said together. "And to think I have a commitment with some one else I don't think I would be able to go to them now" I said slumping on the bench we were sitting on. "Is this commitment with a green eyed boy who also happens to be your friends brother" Liam said smirking at me. "You know I don't even have the energy to protest" I said. "Come on its not that bad" Payton said standing up. "For you maybe but I feel really sick" Angie said while Rachel and I nodded.
After finally lazing around for half an hour I thought I should start heading to the Orlando's house. I reached there in 15 minutes and rang the door bell. I was feeling a little better. John opened the door. "Oh my god where did the sun rise from today how did the laziest person in the Orlando family opened he door today?" I asked him teasingly. "Oh because there's no one home except me" He smiled. "Where is everyone?" I asked coming in. "Went to some store to do shopping how am I supposed to know?" He shrugged going up to his room. "They are your family" I said following him. "Yup and they can take care of themselves" he said sitting on chair in his room. "Hmm" I said jumping on his bed and lying down. "You alright?" He asked me. "Yeah just don't say the word cotton candy" I said. "Why?' He asked clearly confused. Then I told everything he burst into laughter. "HEY!!" I protested. "You're such a child" He said shaking his head. "Oh really Mr. I am old" I said sitting up to have a better view of him while speaking to him. In reply he just shrugged. AGhh I hate when people do that. But I was distracted when I saw him typing something on his computer. "What are you doing?" I asked getting up and heading near his computer. "Just writing my new song" he said typing too fast for me to catch up so instead I started looking at the screen.
"OOO this seems nice sing it for me" I said looking at John excitedly. "Umm the...sing....umm...its not ready yet" He said scratching the back of his neck. "Oh I'm no record dealer or whatever you call those people just sing a part of it" I said excitedly sitting in front of him on his bed. "Ok" he said softly and grabbed his guitar and looked at me like he was asking permission if he could play or not so I just gave him a reassuring nod. Then he started I always loved the way he used to play guitar and the melody he was playing was quite soothing. After a while of just playing the guitar he started singing. He was an awesome singer I always tell him he's underrated but he always tells me that he's glad that he's even till here and that he shouldn't think like that. And this was one of the things I admired in Johnny Orlando. I smiled while he was singing. The lyrics he was singing were so sweet. I started swaying with the music. Then he stopped. "Oh my god how do you write such good songs" I said clapping for him. "Umm it matters most about your inspiration if your inspiration is good then songs just come in your mind easily." he said putting his guitar and coming to sit next to me on his bed. "Oooo whos Johnnyosings inspiration?" I said falling backward on his bed. "Hahahha" He sarcastically laughed after also falling backward just like me. "Come on you can tell me" I said poking him on his shoulder. "Well its someone but she definitely doesn't like me back so she's lets say just an inspiration" he sighed. "Hey keep a positive mindset and maybe one day the two of you will be together" I said pushing the nagging feeling behind. "And by the way does this inspiration have a name?" I asked Johnny. "Yeah Ollie" He said his face breaking into a smile. "Your dog is your inspiration" I said smiling too. "Yup" He said chuckling. "well John then I do know one thing your inspiration can't live without you" And we both burst into laughter.
As we were laughing we heard the Orlando's coming back.....
The next few chapters will be quite exciting but I really need some good ideas so do give some in the comments:):)

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