Chapter 33

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After sitting together for a while I finally decided to head back inside. "Ok I'm ready" I said standing up. I looked down at the stain and sat down again. "Ok maybe I 'm not" I sighed. "How about I drive you home and you could change into something else? If we be quick we could still have enough time to enjoy the party" John suggested an idea. "You think that's possible" I said smiling widely at him. "Of course" He chuckled and stood up. He then extended his hand for me to grab on to it and stand. I quickly grabbed it and stood up then we both ran towards the car. We ran a bit slow because I was wearing heels but we still ran as fast as we can. Once we reached John's car we both quickly sat on the seats and John started the car. He speeded through the streets. "John plzzzz slow down a little" I said clutching my seat belt. "The faster the better" He said and raced through. "no plzz slowly you know I hate to ride in too fast cars" I whined. "Ok ok" He sighed and slowed down a little. "Thank you" I smile at him.
"Wait!!!" I kind of shouted. "What!!" John said slamming his foot on the brake pedal. "Ohh sorry didn't want to stop you just remembered something" I said sheepishly. "God Y/n you don't do that to a driver." He said and started driving again. "I need a light blue dress do you think I have a light blue dress I can wear cuz I don't want to do all my make up again" I said looking at John. "How about you wear the dress you wore to Hayden's birthday that was light blue" John said his eyes on the road. "Yeah I could but isn't that a little too casual?" I asked. "You looked really nice in it and I think that's all that matters" he said. He said it quite normally but those words had quite an affect on me because I started blushing and a huge smile spread on my face. "Ok we're here now quickly run and come back I'll stay outside" John said and I quickly ran out of the car and into my house.
"Wow you're here early. "What happened to your dress?" My brother said as soon as I came in. "Don't worry I'm here to fix that actually change is the better word" I said and ran towards my room. "Who brought you here?" My brother asked me. "John" I simply said. "Ooooo so you guys are friends again" My brother smirked. "Just shut up he's waiting outside so I need to be quick" I said grabbing the dress I was changing into. "Oooo don't want your 'friend' to wait too long for you" My brother said but I ignored it and slammed my bedroom door shut and started getting ready. After changing I set my hair a little and was glad to see that waterproof mascara actually works there were a few smudges but a cleaned them up and it looked nice. After that I ran back outside as fast as my feet with heels could take me and by the time I reached for the door handle I was out of breath.
I stopped for a moment to look at John before entering the car. I hadn't noticed this before but he looked good today. Suddenly he looked up from his phone and smiled at me. I blushed thinking what he would think of me standing there staring at him. So I quickly opened the door and sat it the car. "Sooo what were you looking at?" He asked me starting the car. "My reflection I wanted to see if I looked as good as you....sorry I mean good enough for you.....what no sorry just if I looked good" I said blushing crimson. While John burst into laughter. "Anything on your mind? Cuz that's the only time you stutter that much" He asked me. "Ummm well fine I was just thinking you looked good today" I admitted with a sigh. "Thank you" he said turning a bit pink and yeah I also found that cute. God I was getting obsessed with this guy.
Throughout the ride we just joked and laughed about stupid stuff. Once we reached town hall I started getting nervous again. As we both stood in front of the stairs that led inside it I started fidgeting with my fingers. "Hey look at me" John said grabbing my hands and turning me towards him. "It'll be alright" He smiled. I gulped and nodded. He let go of one of my hand but kept a tight grip on my other hand and together we started climbing the stairs. "Thank you for everything" I said to him. "Anything for my best friend" He smiled nudging me. I smiled back glad that we both were finally back to normal except for the fact that I now had a major crush on him. Maybe the phrase 'distance grows the heart fonder' is true. Because we hadn't talked in ages but now we're back and we're stronger then ever.
When we entered I was glad that no one noticed except 4 teenagers who were frantically pacing around the room. Those four were of course my lovely friends. "Hey guys" I said as soon as I reached near them. "Oh my god we were so worried" They all said together as they grabbed me in a group hug. "I'm fine just a bit upset" I sighed. "Y/n/n I'm gonna go my fam must be looking for me" John said scratching the back of his neck. "Oh ok bye" I said and enveloped him in another hug. "Thank you again" I said my face hidden in the crook of his neck. "Anytime" He said through my hair and then broke the hug. After he left Rachel and Angie looked at me smirking. "What happened??" They both asked me. "Ok you two need to stop that" I said laughing. "tell us" They both spoke together again. "Nothing we're just friends" I shrugged and they groaned. The rest of the time I just enjoyed the party with my friends. Lauren also asked me if I was alright and I told her I was. Thank God she didn't get suspicious and start asking me weird questions about me and John.
Now all I have to do is wait for Christmas tomorrow................

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