Chapter 42

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The next morning I got up and noticed everyone was asleep. Quietly I got out of bed and went to freshen up and take a shower. After I was dressed and ready I decided to go outside and see what everyone else was up to. As soon as I closed the door and turned around I came face to face with the most breathtaking view ever. I loved snow (sorry if you don't like snow) so this was practically heaven for me. I stared at the view surrounding me for a few minutes when I heard someone. "Hey didn't expect to see you here". I turned around and saw Sam standing beside me grinning. "Hmm so now you're going to tell me that the cabin next to us is yours" I said with a ghost of a smile. "Hmm do you want me to say that?" He asked me still smiling. "Well depends" I said smiling too. "If you want to hear it then I am your neighbor and if you don't want to hear it then I am definitely not your neighbor." He said. "You know that doesn't make sense at all" I said rolling my eyes playfully. "I know" He said putting his hands in his pockets and then started rocking on his heels. "So.. I'm really sorry for leaving you like that John can be a pain" I said apologizing for the past. "Oh no problem I had already forgotten about that" He said still rocking. I smiled at him. "So what are your plans for today?' He asked me. "We decided on going skating today cuz I think the elders are still tired from the flight last night." I said. "So you know how to skate?" He asked me. "I'm Canadian what do you expect" I said jokingly. He burst into laughter and I joined him after a while. Just then I heard a door close behind me. I expected that it was someone else so I didn't pay much attention. I guess Sam did because his eyes turned that way. "Looks like the pain is heading this way.." He whispered to me all in good nature...I think. Well I hope if John was really coming this way there wouldn't be any drama.
"Hey Y/n" I heard John. But something was off. He sounded too excited like I just got to meet Santa excited. Turning around I saw that something wasn't only wrong with his speaking style there was a huge smile plastered on his face and I don't know if it was because I knew him so well or because it was too clear but the smile was pretty fake looking. He then came forward and grabbed me in he tightest hug possible. "Hey John" I barely chocked out because his grip was too hard. "You look really pretty today" he said after letting go of me. On a normal day I would totally blush at this remark but that over jolly fake voice just wasn't John. "Thank you" I said looking down. "Uhum ok I think I should go my mom might be wondering where I have been" Sam said and then turned to me. "Hopefully I'll be able to set eyes on your beauty again" He said winking at me. "Hmm maybe" I said but I was still blushing on the compliment. WAIT I didn't blush on John's compliment but I blushed on Sam's. Does that mean I was finally over John? I waved at Sam as he left and then turned to John. He was glaring at Sam. If looks could kill Sam would have dropped dead any second. "Uhum Is everything alright?" I asked John. "Of course what would be wrong?" He said. I was glad that his voice was back to normal at least. "You look really pretty today since when have you started saying that to me out of the blue?" I asked him my arms crossed. "When you look pretty I always compliment you its hard not to" He shrugged. Ok by he heat surrounding my face I knew I was beetroot red right now. Maybe I wasn't over John after all and trust me part of me was glad about that. "Oh shut up" I said playfully pushing his shoulder and then heading towards my family's cabin.
"Is everything alright?" My brother asked me as soon as I entered. "Yes why do you ask?" I asked him raising an eyebrow. "Oh because I think you just met Johnny" He said walking towards me. "And how did you come to that conclusion?" I asked him. "OH your cheeks say it all little sis" He said pinching both my cheeks. "Ow You brat" I shouted and reached to pull his hair but he dodged me and ran towards mom knowing I wouldn't be able to do any harm to him if he was near mom. "You guys act your ages. And I thought that kids with this much age gap would be easier to take care of" My mom sighed. At the end I just stuck my tongue out at him.
After everyone was awake and ready to go we all started heading to the skating rink. Lauren and I were really excited. Lauren was an ok skater so was I so we both were really excited. When we reached there as quick as a flash we all were on the rink. After I got used to my skates...people would say I was flying.....but I would say I was just skating. John was I think the best skater among us and I am not saying that because I had a crush on him I was saying that because I was.....because it was the truth. Well we had a heavenly time and planned that we will definitely come back again. We were a bit sore so we headed back to our cabins. While we were walking John caught up with me. "So Sam is here too?" He asked acting casual but missing. "Hmm" i just said. "So are you gonna talk to him again like will you see him again?" He asked a bit nervously. "I don't know why?" I asked him the curiosity got the better of me. "No reason just thought umm nothing you know" He shook his head and started walking ahead of me. Really confused I kept on trudging towards my cabin.
After we had freshened up we all headed out for kind of lunch plus dinner. Because we were too early for lunch and too early for dinner. After a merry meal, We all headed towards a bonfire set in front of our cabins. We all sat there and talked and laughed for a long time. Then one by one people started heading to bed. At the end only the kids were left. Meaning: Maddie, Darian, John, Lauren, Y/b/n and me. I don't know how but we all agreed to play truth and dare. "First up is Darian" Maddie said. "Truth or Dare?" My brother asked her. "Umm Dare" She said with a smirk. "Let anyone of us post a story on your Instagram account" Lauren said with a smirk. "OH NO you're all daredevils" She protested. But after a lot of persuasions she finally gave in and said y/b/n. Well after my brother posted quite an embarrassing story on Darian's phone we moved on. "Next we have: Maddie" I said as the bottle landed on her. "Truth or dare?" I asked her. "Ummm truth?" She said nervously "What is the one secret you have kept from your parents?" Darian asked her. "Well I used to sneak out to go to parties a lot. I still don't think mom or dad know" She said laughing a bit. "Ok next is: John" Darian said and turned to him. "We're asking a truth from you" Lauren said. "No way I take dare" he protested. "Well then I dare you to tell us the truth" Lauren said smugly. "That's cheating" He said. "No it's not soo who is your secret crush?" Lauren asked him. I could swear that his eyes looked at me for a fraction of a second. Weirdly Maddie and Darian were also looking at me and smirking. "No one after all that Charlotte fiasco I've decided not to have a crush on anyone right now" He just shrugged. "John we need the truth" Darian egged him on. "That is the truth" He said. "It's not but fine we'll let you off this time" Maddie sighed.
After a few more rounds we decided to call it a day and went back to our cabins......

Here you go a comparatively long chapter........

Thank you for 1.6k reads means a lot:):)

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