Chapter 53

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Of course it could never happen that John drove me straight home. I mean no matter how hard I tried to convince him that I was really tired and wanted to sleep he kept using the excuse that " Sorry but now you're here with me I can't just drop you off home. I mean am I your boyfriend or driver?" So here I was still stuck in John's car and thinking about why did I get such a stubborn boyfriend?

"What are you thinking about?' I heard John ask me snapping out of my thoughts. "How to murder you?" I said shrugging playfully. Even though I acted like I was looking out of the window, from the corner of my eyes I was looking at him. I wanted to see his reaction. What did you expect huh? A surprised face? Or maybe even a scoff of disbelief but nooo my boyfriend is completely different all he did was smile. Not even a sarcastic smile. A calm smile, which probably says "God how did I get such an adorable girlfriend?" "I mean it!" I said at once turning towards him. Now he laughed. "What?" I asked slightly pouting. "If you wanted to murder me why date me?" He asked looking at me and then turning his eyes back on the road. I just squinted at him with my eyes half closed. "I know you're looking at me with what you call your death stare but I find it quite cute" He said smiling again. Ugggghh there I go blushing again. Will I ever get used to him complimenting me?

"We're here" John said putting his car on park. "OMG!!" I said as soon as I looked out of the window to see where we were. "Yup are you still angry at me?" He asked turning his whole body towards me. "No" I smiled brightly at him and quickly scrambled to get out of the car. Just in case you're wondering he had brought me to my favorite ice cream place. The outlet closest to my house was also very far so I rarely went to it so it was always a treat to go there.

"Get out lets go" I said opening the door of the drivers seat as John was still inside and just staring at me. "I'm coming" He smiled and got out but before I could run towards the door he grabbed my hand and interlocked his fingers with mine. For a second, I just stared at our hands and then smiled at him and started swinging his arm and walking towards the ice cream parlor.

Once we had bought our ice creams we sat on a bench near the parlor. "Wanna try mine?" John said sticking his cone towards me. I took a bite out of it. "Mmmm mines better though" I said looking at him and giving him a bite out of my ice cream. "Nah mines way better" He said looking at me. "Hmm you just don't have good taste." I said swinging my legs. In reply he just burst into laughter. "Stop smiling and laughing at everything I say!" I said smiling a little and shoving his shoulder playfully. This caused him to laugh even more. I just stared at him and rolled my eyes. After he stopped laughing, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. "Fine you win you're ice creams better than mine" he said kissing the top of my head. "Ugghhh don't get ice cream in my hair" I said smiling. "Oh my gosh Y/N!! Why did I get such a whiny girlfriend?" He said smiling widely too. "Because you like a whiny girl" I said smiling cheekily at him. "Very funny" He said getting up as we had finished our ice creams. "Now we go home?" I asked as I dusted my hands together after getting up. "Not your home, my home" He said walking towards his car. "Why???" I whined. Okay maybe I was an annoying girlfriend. "Because Lauren wants to hang out with you" He said opening the car door for me. "What a gentleman" I said ruffling his hair before sitting inside. "Owww you messed up my hair" He said causing me to burst into laughter.

A/N: I'm soooo sorry for not updating for soo long... I mean junior year is least tougher than I expected. But right now I'm at the school library and its quite peaceful so I wrote a chapter. Sorry its so short but I have a class in 5 minutes so didn't have time to write more. Oh well bye for mow. See you in the next chapter, which hopefully will be up tomorrow. (Hopefully)

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