Chapter 28

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It was finally the weekend and today I planned to go over to the Orlando's I knew that I had to talk to Johnny about those weird texts he sent me. I mean does he believe we're a couple He can't we never talked about it I think its time we made everything clear between us. So in the morning I got ready I wore something pretty but casual as I did want to make an impression but didn't want to make it obvious that I was making an impression. Get what I mean? Well after having breakfast and asking my family I headed towards the Orlando's house.
When I rang the bell and then waited for it to open. When it opened I got a huge shock. None of the Orlando's opened the door but someone else opened the door. A girl in her late teens, she had long luscious blonde hair which reached till her below her shoulders and ended with perfect curls. Her face was the image of perfection same could be said about everything else. Ok why am I looking at her when I could be asking her who she is? "Umm hi can I come in?" I asked thinking it would be rude to ask who are you. "Sure" She said giving me way and a kind of smile the mean girl of our school gives to me. "Umm ok" I said and entered I was about to head towards Lauren's room but suddenly I heard the weird girl say "Stop". I turned around to see her standing her arms crossed and a smirk on her face. "Umm what?" I asked looking at her a bit scared with her expression. "I know who you are" she simply said. "OK" I said looking at her. "Do you know who I am?" She asked. "Sorry" I said not knowing who in the wide world she was. "Well I am Charlotte" She said. I nodded. "Nice to meet you" I said and was about to head towards my best friends room again when Charlotte came in front of me. I raised my eyebrows in question about why was she blocking my way. "You didn't let me complete my introduction......I am Charlotte John's girlfriend" She said with the meanest smirk ever. WHAT GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!
"Umm ok so why do I care?" I said acting like I didn't give a damn but I cared I cared a lot wasn't it only a 3 weeks before John and I had kissed I repeat John and I I I I I I not John and some random Charlotte girl. "Well you know on Monday you talked to John" The evil princess said walking around me. "Yeah and how do you know because if you've been reading his texts John wouldn't be too happy" I said putting on my strong game. "Oh no you remember texting him well looks like you were hallucinating because I was texting you not John" She smirked. Yes!!!!! I could finally breath I mean I was happy those weird texts weren't from John but I was still upset about the fact that he had a girlfriend. "Aaaand I want to tell you to stay away from him you weirdo" She snarled at me her pretty face looking quite ugly for a moment. "For your kind information I don't have feelings for 'your John' I am good far far away from him.." I was about to go on when I heard someone call out my name.
"Y/n?" I heard John and turned around a shocked look came on my face and my mouth flew open. "Johnnikins" Charlotte suddenly squealed and jumped on John and kissed him full on the lips. Eggh. I shuddered forgetting I did the same a few weeks ago. John pushed her away to get a good look at me but I didn't want that so I quickly ran towards Lauren's room and slammed the door shut leaning against it. "Ok y/n this is the second time you are doing this is everything alright?" Lauren asked me raising her eyebrow. "Uhuh just met John's girlfriend and experienced them doing CPR on each other" I shrugged sitting next to Lauren. "You mean like kissing?" Lauren asked me with an amused look an her face. "Yeah" I nodded and grabbed my phone and tapped the search bar. "How to un see something? Seriously Y/n that's what you searched" Lauren said cracking up. "Oh I'm sorry but you didn't see what I saw. I mean he's like a brother to me and I would hate if my brother would be kissing someone" I said still scrolling through google. Ok maybe that wasn't the real reason but it was still a reason I could tell Lauren.
Well Lauren and I hung out for the rest of the day and then I headed home and as soon as I reached home I texted all my friends the news.
Y: Guess what Johnny got a girlfriend her name is Charlotte and she's gorgeous wayy gorgeous then me :(:(
At once I started getting sympathetic messages
A: Ooof wow that's just twisted I hate that guy!!!!!!!!
R: I agree with Angie he used you and then legit did this to you!!!!!!!!!
L: You're beautiful too don't worry John just doesn't realize it don't kill your self
R Ahem Ahem Liam
L: I was just calming her down I still love you and you are the prettiest girl I know
R: Awww Thank you
P: Do you want me to murder him? Cuz I can if you want >_< >_<
Y: Thank you guys for your support and there's no need to kill him Payton.
Even though I didn't show it but the texts helped me a great deal and I spent the rest of the day easily

But far away Charlotte or the evil queen was planning something more dreadful for our gorgeous star......................

Hey I chose the name Charlotte because it just was the first name that popped in my head I am sorry if your name is Charlotte if it is then you are not definitely as mean as her but wayyyy more gorgeous than her :):):)

Also I am sorry for not uploading for too long but now I am back so I uploaded all the prewritten chapters just to make up for the days I skipped :):):)

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