Chapter 48

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"Y/N!!! If you don't get a move on we're all going to be late" I heard my brother shout. "Say's the guy who was lounging on his phone for the past hour" I shouted back. If you don't understand what's going on well we're about to leave for Toronto and right now well we're basically blaming being late on each other. To be honest we were just being frantic for no reason I just saw Lauren and they were still packing some little things. "Y/N are you alright there?" I heard my mom ask. "Yup totally fine" I said dragging my suitcase with a lot of difficulty. "Here let me help" I heard someone say and picked up my suitcase with ease. "Hey I am strong enough to do that on my own" I said to John as he walked towards the rest of our suitcases. "Yeah yeah of course you did" He laughed and ruffled my hair as he set down the suitcase. I glared at him playfully and then headed to find my best friend. "Your brother is annoying" I said as I fell on the bed which was near where she was closing her suitcase. "Hey I wasn't the one to have a crush on him," She said back in a teasing tone. "Hey you don't choose who you like" I said back to her. "Yeah but John come on Y/N they're soo many boys better than him." She said picking up her suitcase. "Yeah Lauren but Hayden I mean they're soo many better guys than him too" I said in the same tone as her. "Oh shut up" She said and headed outside. I followed her.

We had just reached the airport and luckily on time. John and I were walking right at the back of the group, mainly talking about the trip. "Soo what did Sam want to say?" John suddenly asked. "Oh nothing much just wanted to make sure if we'll stay in touch or not" I said fiddling with my hair. "Are you?" John simply asked. "Huh?" I said confused. "Are you going to stay in contact?" He asked. "I don't know," I said looking at him. "Hmm" Was all he said. After that we just walked silently.

"I'm guessing you and John would like to sit together." Aunt Meredith said to me as we boarded the plane. "I don't mind really..." I said not wanting to make a huge fuss. Well at the end we sat on the three seats one. So it was Lauren, then me in the middle and then John. So not to make things too awkward and weird I paid more attention to Lauren. Nut when she finally fell asleep I turned to John.

"Somebody's silent" I said nudging him playfully. "Yeah just thinking" He said snapping out of a daze. "About what?" I asked curiously. "You know about stuff I've said to different people and how much I regret it." He said. "You think about things like this a lot." I said. "Yeah when I don't have much to do I think about these types of things." He said looking at me. "Does it help?" I asked. "Huh?" He said. "Does it help when you think about stuff like that do you forgive yourself for saying something mean or rude to someone" I elaborated. "Not always" He sighed. "Hmm you know I do that too sometimes it just makes me feel worse like there's so many things I've done to people that I can't take back half of those people are people who I don't even talk to anymore. But what I've learnt from all of it is it's bad for you to dwell on your past mistakes, I mean yes you should think about them but in a way that today I did it now I'll try to never do it again...If you get what I mean" I said in one breath. "Yeah you're right" He sighed and smiled at me.

Knowing it was okay, I leaned my head on his shoulder. He smiled and then leaned his head on my head. "What are you thinking about now?" I whispered. "I'm thinking how did I become the luckiest guy alive" He whispered back. Blushing and smiling to the maximum I felt my eyes drooping and in a minute I fell asleep feeling the most comfortable one can feel on a plane ride.

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