Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

Its been a week since John and I went on our little snack date. Everybody had gotten their roles and Laurie or Lawrence had gotten the role of the beast. So we started spending more and more time together so that we could have more chemistry according to our drama teacher.

I got out of bed tired out. Last night Angie, Rachel and I spent the night talking about different things and arguing on who's boyfriend is the best. Yeah thats what we do when one of us calls each other in the middle of the night.

Dragging myself out of bed I headed towards the bathroom to freshen up. My outfit today was pretty casual. We had our first dance practice today so I decided to wear something comfy. I wore black tights with a light pink hoodie on top which said "Live life and dance" it seemed approriate.

I had a good breakfast and then headed to school. Once I reached school I headed straight to my locker and took out my books. As i reached to close the locker door my phone dinged.

J: You at school?

Y: hmmm why?

J: No reason just wanted to text you so used that as an excuse

Y: And why did you want to text me?

J: Because I miss you.

Y: Awww I miss you too

J: 😁😁😁

J: okay fine you can go to class now.

J: Dont be late

Y: Okay dont worry I am fine

I sighed and shook my head. He always texts at the weirdest time and asks the weirdest questions just to talk or text me.

After I met up with my friends I headed to class and the boring part if the day started.

Once all the classes were done all the theatre kids headed towards our school theatre. Liam and I were arguing about who was the best object in Beauty and the Beast. He argued that Chip was the best while I said Mrs. Potts was the best. Rachel, Payton and Angie were discussing on what a bad choreographer Ashley would be.

As soon as we were ready to start the rehersal I took out my phone to text John that I would be busy for the next few hours. He starts worrying at once if I don't answer after an hour max.

Y: I am in dance rehersal so won't be texting for some time.

I closed my phone and went to stand in the allocated place. We were starting with the Be our Guest choreography.

Ashley was the harshest cheographer i had ever known. I had worked with a couple of professional ones before but none of them reached the harshness level of Ashley. If someone made even the slightest mistake she would be on them like a pack of wolves. Thankfully this dance number didnt require me doing much work so I was safe till now. I hadn't yet faced the wrath of Ashley.

After we were done with Be oir guest for the day it was almost sunset. Okay maybe thats a little exaggerated but I swear in a few hours the sun would would start to say goodbye.

I took a deep breath as Liam joined me. He was tired out from all the dancing.

"You feeling alright?"

I asked concerned for him. Instead of replying he simply nodded. He was too out of breath to say yes. I patted his back as Rachel came up to him. She was also tired but knowing their relationship I knew she would hide her tiredness just to make sure he was okay.

Smiling at the two I looked at my other two friends. Angie was patting Paytons back and was saying something that I couldn't hear.

After Ashley noticed how tired the backup dancers were she decided on working on the ballroom dance with Beauty and the Beast.

I sighed with relief. At least Ashley had a heart. I knew I would have gone crazy if she made my friends dance again. I mean they were tired out.

So now it was time for Lawrence and I to learn our dance.

Hopefully Ashley doesn't chew us out too much.

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