Chapter 20

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Today was my second last day in L.A. I had already said goodbye to all my other friends so today Hayden and I planned a full day together. We hadn't met since the last day of shooting Coop and Cami: Ask the World. So I woke up pretty excited. After taking a shower I got ready. Then I took a ride over to Hayden's house. His older brother Dylan opened the door. "Hi y/n" He said giving me way in. "Hi Dylan how are you?" I asked him coming in. "Fine you?" He asked. "Oh spectacular" I smiled. Just then I spotted Hayden's mom. "Hi Mrs. Summerall" I greeted her. "Hi Y/n darling how are you?" She asked me shaking my hand. "Fine" I smiled. "So what do you and Hayden have on the agenda today?" She asked me as I sat on a chair in front of her. "Don't know, we usually let life take us where ever we want to go" I shrugged. "Hayden's getting ready he'll be down in a few minutes." Dylan told me. "uh huh" I acknowledged and turned back to Mrs. Summerall. "So you let life take you where ever you go?" She asked clearly confused. "Yeah meaning we start walking and somehow reach somewhere exciting like and ice cream shop or a bakery" I said in a flow. "Ohh so you let your subconscious take you places" She said. "Yeah kind off" As soon as I said this I heard someone thundering down the stairs. "I'm here y/n/n I'm here" Hayden said as soon as he came into view.
"Yeah I think there are a few house a bit further away who didn't hear you come down the stairs" I said sarcastically while he playfully punched me in the arm. "Ow Mrs. Summerall your son is being very violent" I said rubbing my arm while Hayden rolled his eyes and Mrs. Summerall burst into laughter. After saying goodbye to the people present Hayden and I set off.
"So how was your last day at set" Hayden asked me as we were walking actually I was skipping "It was fun I wore this beautiful dress and then we went to drink milkshakes" I said. "You wore a beautiful dress to have milkshakes?" Hayden asked confused. "No I wore the dress for a scene then changed and went to have milkshakes. "So what was the dress for?" Hayden asked. "Oh for a school dance and I am not telling you more because then you won't watch it" I said. "I don't watch Disney shows anyway" He protested. "But you will watch this one for your friends sake" I said giving him my best puppy dog eyes. "Ummm" He said. "Hey I have an idea we'll watch it together!!" I said jumping up. "Yeah that's a good idea even though I still might not like it" He said. "It has me in it it has to be good" I said flipping my hair causing Hayden to burst into laughter. "Dude I was serious" I said pretending to be hurt. "Wait what oh sorry umm yeah of course" Hayden stammered scared he had hurt my feelings. Now it was my time to burst into laughter. "Oh my god your face........I was kidding you know" I said holding my sides while laughing. Hayden first made a face then joined me in laughing. After that we 'miraculously' reached an ice cream place. I ordered (your favorite ice cream flavor) while Hayden ordered Rocky Road. Then we both left the parlor and ate the ice cream while walking down the roads of L.A again.

I think we walked for another hour before reaching a cool park from where the view of the buildings was beautiful. "Ooooo Hayden lets go there" I said pointing to a few benches that faced the view of the buildings. "Sure" He said and we both walked over to the benches. After sitting down for some while I started a conversation "You know what this reminds me of?" I asked Hayden. "What?" He asked me. "One day I was a bit upset as my parents were gone on a vacation I planned I know it sounds stupid but I just missed them so John took me to this place it had the most breathtaking view you would ever see in Toronto. We stayed there for hours and just talked" I said remembering the moment and smiling. "Hmmm you miss him a lot right?" He asked me looking at me. "Yeah I miss the way he is always there for me I mean if I literally call him and say come over cuz I had a nightmare I think he might come over" I smiled slightly. "Yeah I think he would" Hayden said chuckling. After a few moments of silence Hayden spoke again "You know when I saw you waking him up I knew this was a special friendship who knows maybe one day you'll both be more than friends" He said nudging me. "Hayden its not like that" I protested. "Say all you want but I know what I know" He said with an air of superiority.
We both ended up sitting there for a long time. Then we headed to order some mixture of lunch and dinner. Because I had a really early flight we decided to leave early. Then we parted ways once we reached near our homes. Our houses were pretty close like maybe a 5 minute walk from each other.
Once I got into bed I started thinking about what Hayden had said 'You know when I saw you waking him up I knew this was a special friendship who knows maybe one day you'll both be more than friends' I smiled and snuggled into my blanket falling asleep dreaming sweet dreams....

Thank you for 300 reads!!!

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